Diabetes Drug Could Be Game Changer For Obesity And Weight Loss

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A diabetes drug called tirzepatide is showing promising results for patients looking to lose weight. NBC news medical contributor Dr. Natalie Azar joins TODAY to explain how it works and who is eligible.

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#Diabetes #WeightLoss #Health
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Before I started Mounjaro, weighed 393 and had been there for a few years. A1C at 10.8 and struggled with the usual Metformin and assorted other pills. January 6th was my first injection. September 29th and my A1C is now 5.9 and I am down to 268 and the leg I feared I would lose, is much much better. I definitely have almost no hunger and struggle getting enough protein. To me, outside of some small side effects, it saved my live. I can not begin to describe the excitement in my life.


Some people really struggle to lose weight so this may be a good thing.


I have type 2 diabetes. Last year there was a global shortage of Ozempic and I went six weeks without it, finally going back to the insulin injections I used to take twelve years ago. I went in for a routine eye test today and they told me that there were signs of diabetic damage to my eyes. I have to go back in three months to see if the eyes have healed or not.
Now I understand that obesity can be a serious problem, but I think the people facing blindness or amputation should have first call on this medication.


I have been on Mounjaro since December of 2023 at 269 lbs as a female who doesn’t over eat much and struggling with hypothyroidism too. Til this day I started from the 2.25 mg and it is April 2024 and my doctor started me on just started on 10mg. I have been down 23 lbs since my last months visit so I have been feeling more confident in how effective my A1C has gotten and the onus of some much needed weight loss. I haven’t been down 23 lbs since 2013. And went from a women’s pant size 22 to I can fit into an 18 (last time I fit into an 18 was in high school! I am almost 38!) This brought a huge smile to my face learning that it has been working. And many others taking it have also said it does a good job of helping. So the journey to a healthier me continues.


I take the 05 dose. Type 2 diabetic been on Ozempic for 3 months. I started at 280 as of 3 days ago I was 238... That's with a diet change, which the med did I believe, wasnt hungry hardley at all. Than after the first week I started the gym 3 days a week. After 6 weeks gym changed to 5 days about an hr a day. No more insulin now. My co pay was 20 buck with my works insurance


I lost 35 lbs in 2 mos. I have hope again. Will keep on going.


Thank you a lot for this video. This is very interesting and informative. Keep posting like those amazing videos, this is awesome.


They rushed her thru the interview in 90 secs but if she was talking about puppies or celeb gossip she'd have nene on for 10 mins lol. She could barely get the words out each response. 🤦🏾‍♂️


*You Did Not Choose To Be Classified As Diabetic, But You Can Choose To Fight Back Against Diabetes* 💪


My doctor put me on Mounjarno injection once a week and also 500 mg Metformin tablets twice a day due to my lab work coming back as pre diabetes at my 3 and 6 month appointment. He said he wanted to use it for weight loss to bring my numbers down. Today 10/20 was my second injection and I literally have no appetite at all. I have to force very small amounts of food down. I told him I as very happy and comfortable and confident as a plus size woman and sis t want to lose a drastic amount of weight. But I understand his concerns about my health due to my autoimmune disorders/severe chronic pain and my multiple herniated discs in my back and neck ..it’s an effort to also take pressure off my spine as well.


Crack down on the food processing people, and the overweight stuff will come to a halt.


Your generosity towards curing me from diabetes is incomparable, I was tested negative under 18 days, you are a blessing to humanity Dr Obaz.


Obesity creates other long term health issues For me diet and exercise only goes so far. I have been exercising and controlling my eating since March. I have lost maybe 8-10 lbs depending on which day I get on the scale. I recently inquired about this medication but as indicated it is not available in the USA as a weight loss injectable. It will be amazing when it is as the video compared the weight loss to gastric bypass surgery in terms of results.


It's the exact same cost as Ozempic. $25 per 3 month dosage ($100 bucks a year). My pharmacy receipt says I saved $3, 300 by using the $25 card that nearly anyone can get.


How to daibities diagnosis reversal medicine


The online save card / coupon doesn't work.


There now is a shortage on diabetics medicine for those that only want to lose weight


Raising insulin....the last thing an non- diabetic person needs.


I like how she left out the thyroid cancer risk....


It probably works but 9 times out 10 is more expensive than most people can afford to pay.
