How To Improve Your Personality | 9 Personality Enhancing Tips

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Personality is our typically pattern of thinking, feeling, acting, and communicating. It's what you do consistently across the board. Aaron Marino of alpha m. wants you to think of someone who you think has a magnetic personality.
What about their personality makes someone have a 'good personality'?
It's hard to nail down because there are so many aspects of a personality. Alpha M. has broken down personality into traits which each can be improved to improve personality overall.

1. Be a better listener - engage, put phone down, make eye contact

2. Become more interesting - engaging and actively seeking out education and information

3. Practice and adopt a more optimistic outlook on life - talk about positive things and look at things differently

4. Be encouraging and supportive to others - people raise you up with positive energy

5. Have integrity and treat people with respect

6. Don't talk about people, make fun of other people, and gossip

7. Don't be afraid to be yourself

8. Have the ability to laugh at yourself

9. Do things that you need to do daily to facilitate your confidence - if you like what you see looking back in the mirror and know you bring value to the world, this confidence will transition to everything in your life.
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1.Be a better listener
2.Become more interesting
3.Practice and adopt a more optimistic outlook on life
4.Be encouraging and supportive to others
5.Have integrity and treat people with respect
6.Don't talk bad about people and don't make fun of them
7.Don't be afraid to be yourself
8.Have the ability to laugh yourself
9.Do things that you need to do every day to faciliate and develop your confidence


Tip #10: Avoid a proud or arrogant attitude. Be confident but not arrogant. A sense of humility draws people in towards you.


Me trying to be optimistic

*falls down stairs*
Wow I got down those stairs fast! 😊😊


Without confidence people with great personalities don't get a chance to shine.
Don't think of improving your personality, just expressing it better.


I don't know who I am. I tend to act different around different people. I've been doing this for so long now that I don't even know what I want. Or who I am. Can you make a video on how somebody can figure out who they are?


I always feel like you're the big bro I never had! Keep up alpha!


My whole family is negative, i cant get rid of them... Theyre family.


1. Active listening.
2. Become more intresting.
3. Practice /adopt optimistic view of life.
4. Supporting/ encouraging to others "through possitive energy"
5. Integrity, treat with respect
6. Control Tongue (tazkiyah): Gossiping, being cruel/ mean/ mockiglngly.
7. Do not afraid, being yourself, at all times.
8. Ability to laugh at yourself (accept and benifit from self criticism)
9. Do daily things to facilitate and escalate your confidence.


Whenever I talk to people I hide my true personality. I wish I could show my true self to people but I'm worried to because I don't want to be badly judged :/


One trait that I didn't really see reflected in any you listed is making others feel important/cool. One guy I know who's got the largest network (of very cool/successful people) I know always takes the time to ask me what I'm working on, how I'm doing, etc. in a way that shows real interest. He also treats nearly everyone (including me; I see him once or twice a year these days) as if we're best buddies. Very interesting character, and I know with certainty that he worked very hard to develop that kind of personality.


haha when he says "ur gonna lose friends" I'm like damn all 0 of them. I'm lonely already


your videos are pretty helpful. I'm a socially awkward guy in that I can't carry a conversation and tend to mumble and stutter, but your videos on conversation starters and etiquette are helping me out even if its only a little.
I've gotten praises from my boss recently that I've been acting a lot more professional at my work when speaking to customers and been able to at least manage small talk with strangers without using "huh" and "um" when I can help it.

thank you for your tips and advice.


"Gossipers.. They Suck"😂😂 True that


Jesus, he makes people feel good just by watching him


Great video. I've changed my personality before from pessimistic and mean to others, to being nice and more outgoing. But, I'm always looking for more tips to become a better person. This channel is awesome!


00:42 the people who laugh often or make people laugh have such a magnetic personality it also heals broken soul which in turn builds original best, personality


Top9 personaltirs to have:
1.Being assertive
2.Being confident
3.Have a sense of humour
4.Have self despline&Self dedication
5, Have will power to work hard for your dreams to become reality
6.Never be shy&Lazy
7.Never be lonely&Ignorant
8.Have a Passion&Desire towards life
9.Be Ethuastic with love.


Dude... you forgot the most important thing... SMILE :)


1. Mind presence
2. Intellect
3. Optimism
4. Supportive
5. Integrity
6. Respect
7. Be yourself
8. Laugh at yourself
9. Responsible


This is how you know I’m at my breaking point to where I actually look up how to have a better personality.
