I QUIT Topical Minoxidil, and You Should Too..

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Oral minoxidil, though primarily known as a topical treatment for hair loss, has garnered attention for its potential benefits when taken orally. Here are some of the advantages:

Systemic Effect: Unlike topical minoxidil, which primarily targets hair follicles where it's applied, oral minoxidil circulates throughout the body via the bloodstream. This systemic effect means it can potentially stimulate hair growth not just on the scalp but also in other areas where hair loss occurs.

Convenience: Oral minoxidil is more convenient compared to topical solutions. Rather than needing to apply a foam or solution to the scalp daily, oral minoxidil typically requires just one dose per day.

Effectiveness: Studies suggest that oral minoxidil may be more effective than its topical counterpart for certain types of hair loss, particularly in cases where androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) is resistant to other treatments.

Broader Coverage: Since oral minoxidil is distributed systemically, it can potentially address hair loss across the entire scalp, rather than just in specific areas where topical minoxidil is applied.

Potential for Increased Hair Thickness: Oral minoxidil can not only stimulates hair regrowth but also increases the thickness and diameter of existing hair, resulting in a fuller appearance.

If you're considering transplant surgery I suggest you text or call my friend Steve Cook. Steve is a wealth of information, and the most knowledgable and honest person I've met in the hair restoration business.

Steve Cook: (Text Steve with photos of your hair before calling him)
Mobile phone: +1 (305) 416-8418

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Suddenly every one is marketing for oral minoxidil


Steve when you said I'm a survivor, you absolutely sent me over the moon, God willing we'll meet one day.❤


I stopped taking finasteride for a simple reason: I am a regular blood donor because of my rare blood type. The embargo period for finasteride is one month for blood donors. Finasteride has been shown to increase risk of birth defects among female blood recipients.


Obviously this is just one long advertisement for your brand of genetics. But that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. I agree with everything you say about the difficulty of compliance with topical minoxidil. I just think the safety data on oral minoxidil doesn’t look that good. And everyone who says otherwise, like you and Dr. Linkov, is trying to sell their own brand of oral minoxidil.


Mr.DiMuzio that was an awesome performance, i-love listening your show is kindly like a talk show. And you guys looks great as always.👍👍☁🌈💥👍👍👍👍


I'm 67 and finally losing my hairline and I could never use the topical stuff. My hair has been thinning for years but was not noticeable until a few years ago. I am now taking the formula and hope for the best. Sucks to get old but it sucks more to lose your hair. My grandfather on my mom's side was bald at 30. Somehow I managed to keep mine. I had a transplant in 1998 on the fontal hairline but that is now very thin. Seems like the technology has gotten much better.


Hello, we need a video about people who live in countries that do not provide oral minoxidil, and if they can use a topical minoxidil solution for that, such as drinking 2-4 drops of the solution, each 1 ml contains 50 mg minoxidil, and 1 ml equals 40 drops, so 2 drops = 2.5 mg, 4 drops equal 5 mg, and if we look at the topical ingredients of Minoxidil, we can see propylene glycol, ethanol and water, all these ingredients cannot harm us because they are already made up in our food and drinks, can we do that?


Could you please make a video about hair transplant addiction?


Another transplant? I thought you were pretty much done on donor hair. Would you consider doing a 4th FUT? or is the elasticity done and its pretty much FUE at this point?


I find it crazy that you actually have a lot of donor hair remaining for future treatments considering all the transplants you've had. I'm wanting to go in for my 6th transplant but i'm starting to get nervous with over harvesting. So far, I've already had about 10, 000 grafts over the course of 5 transplants.


Thanks bro I’m getting on oral too I like your channel


Hello, please notice me. I'm from the Philippines, and my Finasteride's brand is DIMA


Can you take the oral minoxidal while on dutasteride? Which is what im currently on .


I still have been hesitant to use minoxidil since starting with finasteride now 25y ago.

As I know I will hard to keep up the consistency

But about oral. For sure I think it works better but I am worried as many say it can be really dangerous.

When Kevin Man who is a very sceptical and data sirven guy tells that it worked amazing for him and yet he quit due to the risk then yes I am hesitant


i have dupa and have stabilized my loss with finasteride 5mg every day XD. topical minox is way to much of a hassle for me but oral is not avaible in my country ( belgium ) do you ship to belgium ?


Hedonic Adaptation/ The Hedonic Treadmill


Sure but with microneedling seems like better with topical. I do wonder if microneedling is even worth it with oral min and fin only


Did you experience hypertrichosis? That’s the only thing that’s stopping me from using oral min


If your hair keeps falling out after taking finasteride then dutasteride what’s next?


My wife's hair is thinning at 61 and I was wondering about a formula for women?
