Is once daily topical minoxidil enough to stop hair loss?

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2. Franz TJ. Percutaneous absorption of minoxidil in man. Arch Dermatol. 1985;121(2):203-206.
3. Olsen EA, Weiner MS, Delong ER, Pinnell SR. Topical minoxidil in early male pattern baldness. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1985;13(2, Part 1):185-192. doi:10.1016/S0190-9622(85)70157-0
4. Civatte J, Laux B, Simpson NB, Vickers CF. 2% topical minoxidil solution in male-pattern baldness: preliminary European results. Dermatologica. 1987;175 Suppl 2:42-49. doi:10.1159/000248902
5. Kreindler TG. Topical minoxidil in early androgenetic alopecia. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1987;16(3 Pt 2):718-724. doi:10.1016/s0190-9622(87)70093-0
6. Olsen EA, DeLong ER, Weiner MS. Long-term follow-up of men with male pattern baldness treated with topical minoxidil. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1987;16(3, Part 2):688-695. doi:10.1016/S0190-9622(87)70089-9
7. Eller MG, Szpunar GJ, Della-Coletta AA. Absorption of minoxidil after topical application: effect of frequency and site of application. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1989;45(4):396-402. doi:10.1038/clpt.1989.46
8. Ferry JJ, Shepard JH, Szpunar GJ. Relationship between contact time of applied dose and percutaneous absorption of minoxidil from a topical solution. J Pharm Sci. 1990;79(6):483-486. doi:10.1002/jps.2600790605
9. Anderson RJ, Kudlacek PE, Clemens DL. Sulfation of minoxidil by multiple human cytosolic sulfotransferases. Chem Biol Interact. 1998;109(1-3):53-67. doi:10.1016/s0009-2797(97)00120-8
10. Olsen EA, Dunlap FE, Funicella T, et al. A randomized clinical trial of 5% topical minoxidil versus 2% topical minoxidil and placebo in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2002;47(3):377-385. doi:10.1067/mjd.2002.124088
11. Blume-Peytavi U, Shapiro J, Messenger AG, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Once-Daily Minoxidil Foam 5% Versus Twice-Daily Minoxidil Solution 2% in Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Phase III, Randomized, Investigator-Blinded Study. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(7):883-889.
12. Gupta AK, Talukder M, Venkataraman M, Bamimore MA. Minoxidil: a comprehensive review. J Dermatolog Treat. 2022;33(4):1896-1906. doi:10.1080/09546634.2021.1945527
13. Suchonwanit P, Thammarucha S, Leerunyakul K. Minoxidil and its use in hair disorders: a review. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2019;13:2777-2786. doi:10.2147/DDDT.S214907
Рекомендации по теме

Kevin you fucking destroyed my life, yesterday I woke up literally turned into a Mantys after 2 days of finasteride and dutasteride the next day. DHT is literally the hormone that makes us human men, I'm looking for people who have also turned into a bug to make a forum and fight this damn drug of the devil. My life has been ruined, although I have to admit that mosquitoes suddenly look very appetizing.


FDA needs to approve Kevin for hair loss treatment.


There is a couple of doctors on “the hair loss show” and one of them was one of the few doctors that were involved in the research of minoxidil in the 90’s. He also suggests once a day is enough.


Thank you. This is good to hear. Only having to apply it once a day saves time and money.


Best Hair Loss content on youtube, nothing comes close.


There is also the channel “hairless talk show” which has one of the original doctors which was involved in the initial trials in 1992 (I think that’s the date). He also said that once per day is enough and twice is just overkill.

You should do a Podcast channel but then I’ve heard you say you don’t do this for the money so must have a really decent job anyway.

Thanks for all the information you provide. Much appreciated


You are like Baldcafe, but in a good way. Keep up the work!


Kevin, you are on a level of intelligence and articulation that I can only dream of. Probably the best impression of a human google I’ve ever seen. You’re killing it man. Hope to be more like you one day.


I’m glad you brought up your old video about turning foam minoxidil into liquid so that you get the best of both worlds.


Been on minoxidil for 11 years. Tried twice and once per day and I've seen no difference whatsoever.

Since then I only use minoxidil once a day at night and wash my hair in the morning not to get messy hair . It's easier this way and in terms of results it's just the same as when i used it twice a day anyway.

Thanks for the video Kevin ! 👍


I've been using Minoxidil twice a day for years, but a year ago I started using it just before i go to bed and i also didn't see any changes in my hair quality or count, so Kevin should be right about that I guess!


It's just interesting hearing someone talk so knowledgeably about a little corner of the internet/science I've studied privately


Kevin your channel is a breathing air, especially during seasonal hair loss just like no...Much love and keep up the fight against AGA <3


Dear Kevin, i dont know if you realize that you changed my Life, i Will never thank you enough.... I am have been on finasteride and minoxidil for over one year thanks to you and i have made huge progress fighting the GOOD FIGHT AGAINST THE SLAPHEAD COURSE!😅 You are the best hair loss youtuber to the point that It gest UNBELIEVABLE! you should be a Honorary professor at some University your knowledge Is Just mind blowing..THX KEV


Thanks again Kevin, useful and succinct as always. You are the MAN!


I'm commenting from Japan. I'm 25 years old.
I have been using oral minoxidil 0.25 and oral finasteride 0.5 (in divided doses) for about two years, with changing the dosage like 1mg→0.25→0.5. I do feel that my condition is improving (although I am depressed about the occasional hair shedding), and now the condition of my scalp is approximately NORWOOD 1 to 1.5. Therefore, since there is some skepticism about oral minoxidil, I am probably thinking of using finasteride only for the time being, but I would be happy to receive your opinion on whether it is dangerous.
The fact is that this culture has not yet spread in Japan, and there are many videos and Money oriented clinics that stir up anxiety.
Thank you so much, I really want to spread your videos in Japan.
You and this community really give me confidence to keep doing this.


kevin you are literally my sulfotransferase


This is who Patrick Bateman would become if he became obsessed with hair loss


Im glad you bash oral minoxidil. Look up Shane Warne Australian who died of a heart attack and was with Advanced Hair Studios.


the only probable advantage to doing it twice a day is that you are going over areas that might have been missed to ensure full scalp coverage.
