KNOW THE TRUTH | Does Minoxidil Solution cause Hair Fall?- Dr. Deepak P Devakar | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Deepak P Devakar | Appointment booking number: 9916906661
Consultant Dermatologist and Cosmetologist | Dermasculpt Hair Transplant and Skin Clinic,Bengaluru
Minoxidil is recommend for hair loss and cause visible shedding of hair in the first 2 to 4 weeks of application. This is the expected thing to happen. This is known as telogen hairs and it is part of your normal cycle, where hair growth gets restricted and shedding happens and should have sated shedding in a visible. Way. If you continue you will not see further loss of hair. If you stop Minoxidil in future, you can see more shedding of hair. Minoxidil will postpone your loss of hair for many years.
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I experienced COVID that lasted a good 10 days. At first, I believed I was ok but I started to lose more hair than usual. Following some research, I've come to realize it’s from the strain my body had during that time period and also due to the shampoo I had been using. So I started doing yoga and meditation everyday and changed my shampoo and conditioner to littleextraa cooconion anti hair fall kit. And today I don't face any hair fall.
Thanks for this video! I'm feeling so much more at peace.


Use a wide-toothed neem comb to detangle the hair. Apply mixed lavender oil into your scalp for relaxation. Include spinach and lentils. Apply liitleextraaa cocoonian shampoo plus hair oil. This helped reduce my hair fall.


Sir I have been diagnosed with androgenic alopecia .
I have been using minoxidil 5% for more than seven months and i got a good result with it.
And during my visit with my dermatologist doctor as she so much more improvement in my hair growth she switched my minoxidil 5% to minoxidil 10% so I just want to know is this a good decision by my doctor


I did some tests.everything is normal so doctor recommended me to use minoxidil and biotin tablets ..I kept my hair 1inch long .It's been 2 weeks I am using minoxidil and I am facing a lot of hairfall and its crazy .


After 6 month I been using minoxidil, , I seen some improvements but my hair is still falling


Sir I’m started using minoxidil for past 3 weeks . I’m having baldness in the frontal part . After using minoxidil i got more hair fall all over the head... should I want to use minoxidil only in the baldness region?


After using for 12 months Minoxidil didn't work on me. So, doctor suggested me NIXODIL TONIC.. Is it effective?


I was very scared to see my hair loss after applying minoxidil but now there no confusion ... Thanks a lot


Sir, iam having sleeping disorder after appying minoxidil for 2 months. What can do. Please suggest.


I have been using minoxidil now for about a month nearly and I’m experiencing more hair loss then I ever did before and you can see my scalp I’m not sure if it’s just part of the process but we’ll see


First month on the treatment might seem like it’s not working and making the hair loss worse but it’s actually a good sign because it means the treatment is working. Hair loss is slow process you’ll lose your hair overtime slowly and you only notice it once it gets to a point of looking bad enough. I know this because when I started losing my hair I started looking back on older pictures of myself and I noticed it started 2 years ago. When I started the treatment with in 4 weeks I notice hair loss was happening quicker it kinda sucked but after 8 weeks I noticed my hair growing back after 12 weeks the hair got thicker after 16 weeks the hair practically almost filled in after 20 weeks 5 months the hair practically fixed its self. Now 24 weeks half a year I’d say my hair is at 70% not perfect but much better there’s still some thin areas but a much bigger improvement. I have been using minoxidil 5% and Finasteride 5mg and I take 0.25mg of that. The beginning stages sucked but my doctor said to keep going he gave me the encouragement to keep at it.


Thank You Sir For Your Valuable Advice.


I use minoxidil on my beard but my head is hair shedding brother


Tysm for clearing. In first days i loss too much hair I got tense, thnks for clarification


TI'm so confused now I have a lot of unhealthy hair fall thankyou for info 😊


Sir my dermatologist suggest minoxidil 5% for 3 months in teloginic effluvium case does it worth it can I use it for 3 months plz reply❤


This is a promotion video donot ask any questions here u have to contact doctor


Sir I have been using minoxidil for four months I didn't notice massive hairfall and my hair denisity has increased little bit but from last 2 weeks I m facing more and more hairfall and amin some areas hair shading has increased, is it normal?


I used minoxidil for 2 months and switched to rogan for 1 month and then suddenly stop both. My hair improved but now i have sever hair fall for around 1 month. What should i do


Hello iam now using minoxidil2% i have now changing this company (same content 2% only company change)any problem?
