Exam Study Tips for University & A-Level students - Revision Q&A with Cambridge students

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This is the final video in the 10k subscribers revision tips Q&A, with points aimed mostly at university students, or A-level/GCSE students who have content-heavy subjects. We start with me giving 4 tips for uni students, and then segue into the Q&A. As usual, everything's in the timestamps. Enjoy xx


01:17 - Tip #1 - Scope your subject
04:35 - Tip #2 - Essay plans are king
06:30 - Tip #3 - Past Papers are queen
07:13 - Tip #4 - Make friends with older students
11:30 - Interim Summary

12:26 - Q1 - How do you revise a year's work in a month?
12:41 - Q2 - How do you make a revision timetable?
13:36 - Q3 - How do you cope with the increased workload at uni?
15:54 - Q4 - How do you get through extra reading quickly?
18:38 - Q5 - What's your process for making notes after lectures?
19:58 - Q6 - What do you think of premade notes?
21:30 - Q7 - What is your favourite stationery?
22:54 - Q8 - Tips for revising while fasting?
24:01 - Closing Remarks

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First of all: you're awesome.
Second: I'd like to contribute a little bit to the information you offered us by leaving a little guide on how to study with active recall.
1) you need to get a proper book
1.1) before reading the chapter you need to ask yourself why you should read it and why you need the information. Also ask yourself what information you are looking for. Ask yourself a relevant question before.
1.2) you read the chapter and stop after every paragraph to close the book and revise what you've just read. (tips in "2")

1.3) check if you missed on something. If not write it down in a shorter way and also try to figure out a question one could ask you about that paragraph (of course several questions)
1.4) before you revise the next paragraph, revise the one before again. And then search for the connection of them!!

2) the way you revise the paragraph and its information you've just taken out of it, works best if you imagine yourself staying infront of a class/ group of friends, and you actually explain the information. (sort of a lecture)

And as Ali recommended before:
3) put your questions into anki :)
4) repeat with spaced repetition

Never forget that learning is always something that requires your whole body; stand up when revising, actually loudly explain things to yourself, awaken your emotions desire why asking yourself why you need to know this.
Last but not least: accept that some topics will always be harder than others. Just revise them a little more often and it will stick! :)

Do yourself a favor and start ASAP!


Ali: please don’t watch this whole video
Me: *watches whole video just because


"I absolutely love it when students year below me come and ask me for advice" "I like the fact that I can share my notes" Ali people aren't as kind as you lol, it's so important to make friends with those who share similar attitudes as you, I hope I can find them at university! I love how you're all helping each other than being selfish. Love this channel (oh I never comment on YouTube and I thought I would let you know how helpful your videos are)


I wish we could clone you Ali, you are such a blessing to everyone. Cheers!


Thank you so much for revising tips while fasting. Ramadan is near 😇


Just spending 15 mins watching this video and it's the best destressing activity, all day. Thank you guys!


Wow this is incredible I seriously wanted one of these since the last upload 😊💛 couldn’t get enough of these


I start Uni in 1 month. I'm so glad I found your videos. I was a Cornell note taker and now I'm using your methods. It's crazy they don't teach this in high school! Thank you for all these amazing tips.


These are great; really helping me through uni. My exams start right after Ramadan this year so thanks for adding those while fasting! Nice to know there are others being night owls! XD God bless and much love from Bangladesh. :)


1.Splitting concepts. Don’t be afraid, 60 lectures.
2.Don't memorize the lecture, focus on heading, key points, trying to recall it.
3.essay memorization... Oi topic


I start medical school in August and your videos have reduced my anxiety exponentially. Thanks for doing these


Since the time you mentioned uploading a video in the live stream. I just could not wait to watch this.
The only source of productive procrastination nowadays XD


Big thanks Ali. Your study tips are extremely helpful. They have changed my outlook on how I approach my work and I think I am managing it better.


OMG ! I cracked up at the un-edited ending !!!!


I really appreciate this 👏🏾👏🏾 watched the whole video no shame lol I did my revision 👌🏾 I'm gunna try do some stuff u suggested tomorrow inshallah 🙏🏾


At 6:41 your honesty had me cracking up laughing! We appreciate the work you put in Ali! Your revision techniques have changed my life


I find the whole video so helpful but I love how you didn't cut off the last part! I actively just sat here and waited for Paul to finally say it right hahahahah thanks so much for putting this together xx


Hey Ali, I’m a Med student in Cape Town and my bro who’s currently specializing in radiology told me about your channel and it really helped him prep for his exams. Thanks so much for all your content- the 70 excuses article you posted really changed my perspective on so much. Anyway, I told my boyfriend Shahan Shahid who’s studying med at Bart’s in London to watch your channel and turns out he’s mates with Omar and long story short if you’re ever planning on coming to Cape Town I’d love for you to give a talk at my school, UCT or next time I’m in London it would be amazing to just meet you for even 5 minutes. You’re really inspirational and thanks so much for the content :) .


Awesome video! Exams are literally at my doorstep so I haven't been on top of my notifications. I'm currently using past papers as my revision and learning; they truly are Queens haha. I'm improving so much, judging from the grades I get! I probably won't be able to watch your videos and comment as much for a month and a few weeks but I'll be back to digest it all again, dish out my quota of comments & likes, and plan for my next school year before holidays start! Can't wait to go to Uni though😣

Whilst I'm procrastinating now, a couple of O&A questions could be:

1) What is a philosophy you believe in and have applied to your life, and did it work and why? Or a quote that you abide by and stick to, in a somewhat religious manner? (Excluding Active recall & Space repetition and to do with life in general)

2) Are you religious? If not, why? So like do you believe in God or science and your opinions on all that (The question you said you were gonna answer on your live thingy) - And a random question that I thought of due to things I've heard people say: if you follow and believe in a religion, doesn't that make you religious because you'd follow the law or rules or whatever that comes with it so why in some instances, people say they're for example Christians but say they're not religious? What's the difference? (I know you can add philosophical spin to things so go ahead! That's the most interesting part!😂👌)

3) How to get out of friendships that aren't benefitting to you? So not necessarily toxic, but just not adding value your life or giving you anything useful for the future. Or is it worth having those sort of friendships too?

4) Is it necessary to have a dream? And/or what can push you to reach for the stars ( e.g A*) if you don't necessary have an end goal yet? So other than needing motivation, people usually have goals so they never seek other means of getting motivated.

5) Is having a relationship alongside studies or work or alongside the other rigors of life a good thing? / How to get out of the mindset that you need to be in a relationship? / Or how to get out of the mindset that you'll avoid ever being in a relationship because you assume it'll hinder your studies/ work in life? (That's me lol due to the absurdity of high school relationships and how people end up depressed and unable to work - makes me view relationships as pointless and a void full of short term happiness and long term sadness/ depression as an end result)

- It was hard to not link any question to school or University, considering my life pretty much revolves around school. Hopefully those questions gave you general ideas of discussion topics! Lovely video as always! And you're lucky your exams are done haha! 😢😁💖


*Student vlogger - Potential Paramedic Student*
Really loved this!!!
