Advice to My Younger Self 💌 | COLLAB

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What advice would you give to your younger self? I've teamed up with an EPIC group of girlbosses to bring you this video!

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Filmed & Edited by Aileen Xu

// M A I L B O X

Aileen Xu
PO Box 296
Brea, CA 92822


// A B O U T

I’m Aileen, a lifestyle blogger sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.

Lavendaire is my blog about personal growth + lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a life you love.


Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video.
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My advice to my younger self is "Don't hesitate too much, because the good things go away easily!"😊


I would definitely tell myself to stop overthinking, to not cause my own problems (mainly by alienating myself), to not take everything so personally and that life is just what you make out of it. also that happiness is an attitude and its not just gonna show up at the door, specially if I keep shutting the door on its face.


I would tell myself: don't self harm. DON'T DO IT. You will regret it for life. Scars are going to remain visibly on your arm. And people will look at you, you will be embarrassed and you will hate yourself a lot more. Stay strong and keep fighting.
(Unfortunately it's too late)


I really needed this. I've been having a very tough day, even worse than normal, and this really helps. Thank you so much Aileen.


This was so beautiful Aileen! There are so many paths to success, this is such great advice! You are such a beautiful women, thanks again for this amazing collab x


I would tell myself to put the straightner down, stop trying to look like everyone else and learn love my naturally curly hair much sooner! Try new things despite what your friends think and cherish every moment 😊 there's a few others I'll keep for myself but thank you for this collab video amazing advice ❤️


Aileen! I am so happy you are encouraging your girls to learn about themselves and accept themselves! I am so happy to be a part of this collab with you. XO!


I'm only 13 but here's a note to my older self-

Dear Older me, I hope you stoped caring about what other people think of you. I know it's a bit hard getting trying to get people to listen, because they find you too soft or sensitive, to take command. but I know you will do wonders in this world. I hope you know that your goals are what you've been hoping for (hopefully). Another thing, please take risks and don't hesitate as much as you do now. I know this isn't big or anything, but I want you to know that you deserve every ounce of happiness. Oh yeah, surround yourself with positive people! They will greatly effect your life. People change people. ✨😊


Thank you. I can relate to all your advices... I tried so hard to make my parents happy for what they want me to be. Now, I found my voice through YouTube. I might have to do a video like this! Thank you again for this! 😍


i am not sure I could write a letter like that but I know something... a while back, i had an experience... in a deep meditation... i saw myself in the past, crying sitting on the floor at college.. i do remember that moment, i know what i was going through... and someone, i dont know who, talked to me (the projected me) and said something.. to what I answered... "No... let her... she has no idea how worth it it is what she is going through... she will see it at the end... let her be... is so worth it..." and I came back to myself... in the future... in awe... because i looked back and I was right... all those struggles and tears were so worth it... Ever since, I can get frustrated but deep in... I trust the Divine Order... I know every single experince is so worth it.


This honestly made me cry so hard. You're such an inspiration Aileen.
Thank you for reminding me of how far I've gone myself. My depression is healing, I'm a year and a half post my anorexia recovery, my anxiety has disappeared to 0, I'm one year clean, my doctor and I have decided to slowly decrease my meds until I'm off of them, my little cat is having babies! And... I haven't killed myself. Thank you for reminding me, I'm so proud of myself. I've finally reached happiness and joy. Thank you, Aileen. 💕


This made me emotional. I could partly recognize myself from this and i feel like i was guided to watch this video at this exact moment. I got so many answers to my questions. <3 Thank you thank you thank you !


I love this idea!! I would tell my younger self to not take things so seriously. That all the little tragedies will not seem so bad in a day, a week or a month from now. That the secret to contentment is to have a positive outlook and to not let others drag me down.


This was really cool! My advice to my young self would be; don't try to be like everyone else, some dreams are 'just around the riverbend' and you can't let other people stop you.


I just came here from MuchelleB's channel and I had no idea you went through the same things I went through in my junior year. I am about to turn 18 and will begin senior year of highschool and my ib exams are in November. With some other things factoring in, such as communication problems with my family as to what I want to do with my life, and with the academic challenges of ib making me feel like a failure when I was one of the most successful students the year before, I went through an awful period where depression and anxiety crippled me. I felt it was a weakness to ask for help and that I was a burden to everyone because I had lost all of my extroverted-ness, leadership skills and work ethic. In terms of relationships as well it was disappointment after disappointment for me and I came very close to suicide. All that motivated me, if I can even use that word, was my dreams. And the need to live a better, intentional life where I am self aware, happy and high achieving. This was supposed to be a casual video to watch for me as I folded my laundry, but this has me in tears. I felt like no one really went through a life crisis with ib and you have shown me otherwise. Even if you don't see this, I am incredibly relaxed after typing it out and would like to add that this terrible period of sadness and pain has caused me to understand how precious life is. How it only matters if you are happy and the only thing that matters is how you look at yourself. I am grateful that everything that happened to me has happened because I am a better person. I am much happier since I have learnt to be honest with myself and not be too hard on myself. Although at times I still get waves of sadness and inability to motivate myself, I no longer feel like a victim of circumstances. Thank you for this video.


I would tell my younger self; feel the fear and do it anyway, get out of my comfort zone; to completely trust my intuition; and traveling the world is the best experience ever!


Oh my gosh, so good. Advice to my younger self: You are not alone + it gets better!


Thank u so much for this video . Bc i was so much regret with my family right now . I dont know what is that . But its really hard to feel . Endless crying, overthinking . Thank u for your support as a teenager


As a small Youtuber I would love to do this video. it's so important to look back at what we were and where we are it's so inspiring 😍


I can totally relate to having all that pressure during high school and beyond, especially to "fit the mold" and prepare my self for a "suitable" profession. The difference for me is that it took me until graduate school (!) to realize the mental and emotional unsustainability of the path I'd been carving out for I feel like I have to start all over...
