Advice to My Younger Self 💌 | COLLAB

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What advice would you give to your younger self? I've teamed up with an EPIC group of girlbosses to bring you this video!
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If you decide to create a video for this TAG, tweet me your video @lavendaire so I can add your video to the playlist!
// F O L L O W
// R E S O U R C E S
Filmed & Edited by Aileen Xu
// M A I L B O X
Aileen Xu
PO Box 296
Brea, CA 92822
// A B O U T
I’m Aileen, a lifestyle blogger sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.
Lavendaire is my blog about personal growth + lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a life you love.
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video.
// WATCH MORE - Show these babes some love!
If you decide to create a video for this TAG, tweet me your video @lavendaire so I can add your video to the playlist!
// F O L L O W
// R E S O U R C E S
Filmed & Edited by Aileen Xu
// M A I L B O X
Aileen Xu
PO Box 296
Brea, CA 92822
// A B O U T
I’m Aileen, a lifestyle blogger sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.
Lavendaire is my blog about personal growth + lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a life you love.
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video.
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