Frozen Shoulder Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

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For a frozen shoulder, signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within one to three years. Stretches and exercises can help speed up the recovery time.

The first stretches are called pendulums. For a frozen shoulder, using a small weight in your hand helps open up the shoulder joint. Use a chair or counter top for balance, and lean over so your arm hangs down towards the ground. Move your body, not your arm in circles so your arm swings around like a pendulum. You can also rock front to back and side to side. Start off with 10 of each and work your way up to a minute of each.

The next set of exercises will be passive range of motion (PROM), but it is sometimes active assisted rang of motion (AAROM) as well. Take a stick of some sort. Broom sticks work well. You can do some of the movement on your own, but really try to let the cane, broom, or stick do most of the movement. You are going to do all the movement with your good arm. The "bad" or injured arm is just going along for the ride!

First, hold the broom stick straight out in front of you with your good side. Place the other hand on the stick. Lift the stick with the good side slowly, and try to relax the other arm so it does not actively move. Take it as high as you comfortably can, and slowly come back down. Then, put your elbow by your side with your hand straight out at a 90 degree angle. Put the hand of the bad side on the end of the stick again. Keeping your elbow at your side, push outward slowly until you feel a stretch, and then bring it back in. Finally, put the hand of the bad side on the end of the broomstick. Slowly push the arm out to the side and up, and slowly come back down. Do all these 10 times.

Now you will do shoulder shrugs. Lift your shoulders up towards the ceiling, but try to keep your head and neck in one spot. Don’t bring your ears down towards your shoulders, lift your shoulders up. Do 10 of these. Now for shoulder circles. You can roll them clockwise, and then counter clockwise. This will stretch out the shoulder and neck muscles. Start with10 each way, and work your way up from there.

The last stretch is a shoulder flexion stretch using the ground for assistance. Get on the ground and sit on your feet in a child’s pose position. If you can’t get on the ground or your knees hurt too much to bend them, you can slide your arm on a table or countertop. You will slide your arm forward with your thumb facing upward towards the ceiling and lean your body forward until you feel a stretch. Hold it for 3-5 seconds, and start off with 10-15.

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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Frozen Shoulder Stretches & Exercises:

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Рекомендации по теме

If you're working through a frozen shoulder right now, I just wanted to tell you: don't despair, it does take a great deal of time but it'll go away eventually. Mine took about two years, but it may have healed quicker if I had done any of these exercises. But I was just in too much pain to do any exercise. But it did heal on its own eventually.


11/24/2023 My Orthopedic sent these exercises to me after diagnosing me with frozen shoulder. I have been doing them for 5 days, and there is a remarkable difference. Pain is so much better and mobility is much improved. Thank you so much for providing this. It is greatly appreciated. ❤


I came across your video 5 years ago when I developed a frozen shoulder. These exercises were way too painful so I didn't do them. Two months later my shoulder froze completely and then it took 6 months of intensive physical therapy to get better. Now I'm developing frozen shoulder for the other shoulder, so I'm back here. These exercises are much needed, sooner or later, when we can tolerate the pain, we got to do them to get better.


Thank you for your video. Your unselfish sharing of your knowledge helped me and my wife (74 and 70 years old, respectively) and many others suffering from frozen shoulder. Thank you so much doctor and God bless you.


I developed frozen shoulder after my arm was immobilized for 5 months following surgery. The physical therapist was directed by the surgeon to work on my elbow, wrist and hand. So I did Doctor Jo's shoulder exercises on my own. After performing these exercises every day for 3 months, I have complete range of motion again and no more pain. They really work!


Love the way this lady gets straight to the exercises and very simple words to understand...thanks Doc, really helps!


You are such a sweet soul♡ Thank you so much for your videos! When I had breast cancer surgery the lymph nodes under my arm were removed & that's when I got a frozen shoulder. I was so happy to see that you had a video for this! I'm forever grateful♡xoxo


-- You know what I find amazing about your videos? You have people from other countries who watch your videos and they don't have modern health care or people right here in the US who don't have medical insurance. I see people from all over the world commenting on your videos about how much you help them. I think that is amazing! You are a very kind person to use your education and experience to help others in this way.


This is my third day doing this and I already have less pain.


I didn't even do these as long as you said and I already feel better🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹I wanna cry


Dealing with this for over 11 months now. Very painful process indeed. But the pandelum exercise really bring so much relief each time i do it.


After having frozen shoulder for 4 months I've just completed all your exercises & I'll be doing them daily until I'm better.
Thank you very much Jo ❣️


Just recovering from a humerus fracture after a fall (2 months since the accident). I am using these exercises together with my physio's prescribed ones and I have found them extremely useful. I am finding the last one really tricky but I will persevere gently with it every day. Thank you for sharing them.


You are a gift to humanity. Thank you!!!


I appreciate the specific advice like the number of reps, move the whole body, and the range.


Best frozen shoulder video on YouTube! I sustained 2 fractures in my arm and the limb was immobilized. After 10 weeks, one of the fractures was angulated and was not healing, so it required internal fixation surgery, followed by more splinting. After this prolonged immobilization I developed adhesive capsulitis. These exercises - performed only to the point of tolerance - are gradually developing increased range of motion of my shoulder. (However I don't use a weight during the pendulum exercise, as I am restricted from load bearing.) I like the lightweight PVC pipe with a bend at the end rather than a heavier wooden dowel. I especially appreciate the instruction to only go as far as the stretch but not pain. Other videos show young healthy fit people taking the stretch to its limit. We frozen shoulder people can only go so far! I am performing these exercises daily until I start seeing an OT. Thanks again!


I just want to say thank you for helping me and so many others. You are an oasis for us!


Frozen shoulder, carpal tunel, body pain is a big problem to me.I'm looking for remedy and i found this video.Try to do this.thanks for sharing.


Back from GP.She is under the impression of frozen shoulders. So glad to try.Will update as required.


Dr. Jo you are great! Thought I had a rotor cuff tear and was preparing for the worst. Came across this video and starting doing these and things are feeling much better now. I'm making this part of my pre workout routine. Thanks again!!
