Circuit Training vs Set / Rest Training

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Circuit training is very popular with HIIT and Crossfit workouts these days, but traditional power lifting and body building workouts are also popular.
Both of these methods can be very effective, but the question is, which is most effective for your goals?
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I like to mix it up, some days do circuit some days do reps and sets, i think that helps keep a good balance


I did set for 2 years barely any gains, once I switched to circuit training I start to see muscle growth, chest, abs back etc etc, I did bench, back, shoulders press, triceps, biceps, abs 8x10 reps in one 2 minute round, I rested 1 minute and did it all over again for 8 more rounds.i got lean and build more muscle, I didn't lose weight but got way thinner and more muscular.


Thanks for the simple explanation of this common sense concept, that all of us seems to forget and nobody points out. Thanks again! Your simplicity is your strength.


This is a great explanation. One very good alternative with circuits rarely used is to set it up from the start for whatever endurance rounds / rests you desire and then progressively add weight to the bar only, while leaving the other variables static. This will make it far more muscular strength endurance for the specific endurance time frame you set up. Outstanding results for combat sports and equivalents.


Circuit is more for mental toughness, stamina and explosiveness.
Set and Reps training is more for raw power, putting as much force on the muscle.

Not saying that circuit training wont build muscke but it will compromise building muscle alittle.
Same thing for sets and reps in the terms of endurance and stamina


Thank you for being short, sweet and to the point.


POV: your gym teacher told you to watch this video and answer questions.


Tf I train calisthenics and I have been doing circuit workouts for 6 month without knowing the other training style but incredibly I gained 12 kg of muscle


I know this is an old video but thanks bro.
I went straight for circuit to start out with, but I was thinking about giving normal sets a go.


I started circuit training for the intent of building muscle 2 and a half weeks ago and i've progressed a lot; I went from a 45s plank to a 2 minute plank with a weighted backpack, 4 negative pull-ups to 6 negative pull-ups, 3 dips to 5 dips etc... The first noticeable change was my forearms, I have veins and muscle in my forearm that weren't their before, then came my shoulders, triceps and chest which have become a little more defined (maybe this is placebo?). I like circuit training because they don't have rest time between each set thus making the entire workout shorter. But I'm not really training for endurance and stamina, I'd much prefer mass, and according to your vid I should be doing the same exercise for multiple sets. But I'm confused because I am making progress in reps, but perhaps I'm not gaining as much muscle as I would if I was the same exercise for multiple sets? Your advice would be much appreciated :D Thanks.


Thank you looking for ages for a vid like this


Thoughts on Hannibal For King's "Around the world" routine ? Can we attribute his results as a testament to circuit training ?


Which is the best approach to combine them in order to obtain their benefits? A week of circuit training and the next one of set/rest for strength?


I'm not sure if this is a hybrid of the two but this is what I am doing right now. 6 days a week

Minute high knees
30 sec rest
10 squats
30 sec
10 push ups
30 sec
10 sit ups
Minute rest
5 clean and presses.
Rest 2 minutes then do it again 5 times.

Edit. I'm not saying this is the best way to do things I'm new to this style of life after being a fatfuk.


Hey Matt. I was wondering which is better to keep in my leg routine: hamstring bridges or calf raises. I want to gain calf size but I also want to work on bridges? I do Broad Jumps, pistol Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, hamstring bridges, and calf raises. I don't know if this is too much which is why I'm asking the question? Any help is appreciated. -Allan


Love it! I always wondered this myself. Or wondered why something wasn't getting better because I focused on the other principle. Need to incorporate more circuit type training for the volume.


I think that chain training incorporated set/rest routines build strength allowing for the circuit training approach to not only build endurance- but also add a higher rep/weight/tense threshold to your speed. Both go hand in hand. Great video, and very important information again.


Right to the point! You deserve more subs. Have a great day!


I want to be both explosive and be strong
What type of training would you suggest me


This was a "to the point" video.. I sub and liked .. btw keep it up 👍
