Doctor Explains Hidden Tragedy Of Steve Jobs!

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This man had every resource available to him, but nothing couldn’t save him from his dogma.


I had breast cancer during covid. Some people told me about alternatives medicines. I refused and followed my oncologist treatments. I’m grateful to all the doctors and nurses. They were so supportive. I’m cancer free 😁


Had the same cancer. It was in my bile ducts.😅 Causing bile to back up in my system, jaundice, itching everywhere, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss. Luckily it was in stage 1. I did not need chemotherapy or radiation for treatment. Just a procedure called a Whipple. ( Look up playdough Whipple for a kid friendly version, no gore ).

Thank you Dr. Andrew Page from Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta Ga.

Survivor since March 31st 2021.


My mom did the same thing. Except she had inflammatory breast cancer. She refused surgery said they would “butcher” her. It was so traumatic to watch the cancer eat away at her body. We had to convince her and her husband to sign a DNR because the cancer had eaten away so much of her chest that compressions would’ve squished her. She died 15 months after her diagnosis and her “treatments”. The icing on the cake however was my father remarried and that wife had a small tumor on her bowls (easily resected and probably wouldn’t need chemo. ) she was convinced that doctors were evil and did all the homeopathic crap. She died this summer. Two wives dead in less than five years. Nothing is worse than false hope. Those hucksters took all their money, sold them treatments and laughed all the way to the bank. Gotta love it.


This happened to my mother as well. She was diagnosed with pre cancer, we have amazing insurance and could easily afford all the co payments that would come along. But she refused any type of traditional treatment and instead used homeotherapy to cure her growing cancer. It's now too late to even consider treating her cancer at all. I wished people would understand that refusing treatment like this also affects your family as well. God bless🙏
**Edit: thank you all for sharing your kind words and stories with me. My mother aged 47, died on march 5 peacefully in the hospital. We were able to convice her to consent to a hospital stay, knowing she was close to death and in imense pain. Her best friend Norma helped in convincing her. Even all the hurt she caused to her family and herself i still love her and miss her deeply. Fly high mom🕊**


My brother's cancer had metastisized both north and south already when it was discovered, but he responded to chemo unexpectedly efficiently with supplemental treatments, herbal and dietary. But mother got too optimistic and also paranoid, so she pulled him out of medical treatment when it was almost gone. It came back more aggressive, like the doctors said it would. The second time was worse than whatever the treatment ever did.


I find it really odd that a man so involved with tech didn’t believe science could cure him.


That’s insane that he actually caught it early enough too. Usually pancreatic cancer isn’t caught until it’s too late…


Worst thing about some of his "Alternative treatments" is that they most likely sped up the tumor growth.
It's a pretty well know fact in Oncology that Fructose speeds up tumor growth and Steve was drinking shit tons of fruit juices which are basically concentrated Fructose with little to no fiber to slow down the absorption.
Doing nothing could have dramatically improved his chances


Imagine having the rare chance of a curable pancreatic cancer and the universe giving him and opportunity to live, he instead chose to die. My aunt passed away from pancreatic cancer and it is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer.


You can't cure ignorance, it cures itself.


I just had bowel surgery yesterday to remove cancer. I had chemo before that. It's a fairly big operation but stands a good chance of saving my life, since we caught it early.


When my mother got breast cancer (7 kids, youngest was 3 years old) so many people in our community started approaching our family and telling about ash drinks, different teas etc. My mother was really angry with them, because she has always trusted medicine, and their instructions were really absurd and even dangerous to her health. These people have convinced some other sick people in our community to try homeopathy at the same time as cancer treatments. Doctors say this should never be done! Luckily my mother is completely healthy, we are really grateful to medicine, doctors and nurses for saving her life


My grandpa died from colon cancer and my coworker told me he could have been saved if he ate peach pits. I was never so close to lose my cool


My mother, my aunt and I all got cancer within 24 months of each other. My mother's was lung cancer. She did everything correctly but her diagnosis was too late and she ultimately died from it. My aunt got cervical cancer and her personal witch doctor told her that chemo is poisonous and would kill her and advised her tp pay him $100, 000 to formulate a blend of herbs and spices that would cure her cancer and she died six months later. I got lymphoma and it was caught in time and I followed my dr advice to the letter. That was 2006. That was 17 years ago. If you get cancer and you choose the witch doctor route you will die. If you get cancer and choose to follow your dr advice you may live.


My rule of thumb when it's alternative/natural remedies is, if it's cancer, go to the fucking doctors ASAP.


Wow why would you ever reject a chance to cure your cancer when you can afford it and there is a relatively high mortality rate


Reminds you of the parable of the drowning man who was waiting for god to save him after a flood and he refused all the help offered to him, waiting, waiting, waiting for god to help him, not realizing god had already intervened and sent help but he had refused it all.


I was a chemo/infusion RN. I often think of three patients who had very treatable cancers. They chose the alternative route. It was so hard watching them die a painful death when they didn't need to.


Had 2 ladies come up to me in the vitamins dept at my work. They asked what can they give their father that has stage 4 kidney failure. I said a doctor. They walked away with a kidney flush herbal remedy.
Some people think a few plants can reverse the damage, if that was the case we would parade it through the streets and it would be common knowledge. But because we don't have this miracle plant, we have doctors, surgeons, and other professionals that dedicate their lives to finding out how to help others.
