Authentic Braised Tea Eggs (Easy and Inexpensive)

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Whenever you walk into a 7-11 in Taiwan, you can smell the delicious Braised Tea Eggs simmering away in the corner right away. Braised Tea eggs are a savory, flavorful, and SUPER delicious snack that I had almost every single day growing up in Taiwan. It is easy, vegetarian friendly, and inexpensive to make, and trust me when I say your kitchen will be smelling like food heaven for the whole day when making Tea Eggs! If you are missing traveling, making Tea Eggs will bring you right back to Asia!

If you never had Braised Tea Eggs before, it is a hard-boiled egg braised with soy sauce, spices, and red tea bags. The shell is cracked so the flavor can seek into the egg while making its famous “cracking” patterns all over the eggs. If you ever wonder what the delicious smell is coming out of convenience stores in Taiwan, Braised Tea Eggs. You can eat it as a snack, an appetizer, or paired as a side dish. It can also be eaten cold or warm depending on your liking!

Рекомендации по теме

Man, I'm gonna have to make me some of those. I lived in China for nearly ten years and I miss those things. You could also get little jars of pickled quail eggs which I miss the heck out of.


this is da best hard boiled eggs period.


How long can I keep them in the refrigerator if I make a batch?


Just a quick question; do you save the “sauce” you created ( with the tea, anis etc...) to dip your egg in later, or is it no longer used???
I wondered as in your final image you can see a small dish with some sort of sauce with the eggs.
