The Lord's Prayer Explained

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To study the Lord’s prayer, gain a deeper understanding of the elements, and a deeper appreciation for the model prayer the Lord has given us, consider listening to the following sermons.

In this episode of the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host, Dr. Josh Philpot return to the subject of prayer. This week, the discussion centers on the Lord’s prayer. Dr. Philpot mentions that it is one of the first things many Christians memorize. We teach it to our children, it’s often recited regularly in many church gatherings, even repeated line for line at secular funerals. He asks if it is just something to be repeated all the time, or is there something more to it that we might be missing?

Dr. Caldwell tells us that our Lord gives this prayer in response to the request of His disciples' desire to learn how to pray. The Lord’s prayer is the Lord’s prayer, in the sense that He gave it. It’s the disciples' prayer, in the sense that it’s the disciples who learn how to pray by it. As Christians, we ought also to have this longing desire to know how to pray and to pray. One of the greatest indicators that the Lord has saved us, is that we become praying people. It’s an area of our Christian lives where we will have a true sense of our inadequacies. Therefore, we should also have a desire to grow in, and improve in, this essential part of our relationship with our Lord.

Dr. Caldwell reads through Matthew 6:5-13 where the Lord gives His answer to the disciples' request. Dr. Caldwell pauses between the verses to break down our Lord's answer. He brings to our attention that Jesus mentions a wrong kind of praying before going on to give His model of prayer. At verse 9 our Lord gives this instruction, “Pray, then, in this way…”, He doesn’t say, "pray this". That’s very important for us to see, as this isn’t a prayer to be repeated over and over, verbatim. This prayer is meant to be a teaching model, and we need to see it as such.

Dr. Caldwell says there is much wrapped up in this prayer that is set before us. In verses 9 through 13, we see it reminds us of our relationship to God and how this came about through Jesus, also reminds us of the transcendence of God and His holiness. There's the aligning of our will with God’s will, submitting ourselves to Him and asking for His ways to triumph in our lives, that His glory would be on display. The focus of the Lord’s prayer is Godward first and foremost, not self-ward.

However, it also doesn’t ignore the things that concern us on a day to day basis. We see it teaching us daily dependence and contentment, an acknowledgment that we are sinners in constant need of forgiveness, but also reminding us as forgiven people that we are to be a forgiving people. There’s a recognition of the temptations that we face, asking for help to recognize and be discerning regarding temptation, that we might resist, flee and not sin. There’s an acknowledgment that we have a spiritual enemy and that we are in a spiritual war. This prayer is an acknowledgment of our desperate need for God and our dependence on Him.

Dr. Caldwell tells us that as we walk through this prayer we want to pay attention to its elements, there’s a world of truth here in a very concentrated form. It is not a prayer to be repeated line by line, but a teaching model about what prayer really is. He says he cannot begin to do it justice in just a few short minutes. He encourages us to take the time to study it and understand these elements in the way that Jesus intended, doing so he says, will serve us well.
Рекомендации по теме

I think this is a great talk, and I'm atheist. My mom taught me this prayer when I was very young. I have always loved it.


I love this. Straight to the point for those of us always on the move and for those who tend to overlook things


❤️The living LORD
G❤️D with us!!!.... keep praying like never before ask for FAITH!!!!❤️


That was a great analysis of the Lord’s prayer!


Loving the beard Josh. Thanks for this episode!


I've been told this a long time ago and it makes a lot of sense that the Lord's prayer. The last part has been mistranslated has to be because God does not lead us into temptation. Something to think about. Let me know what you think. God bless.


Thank you for your message.
God bless you.
Nth Queensland Australia


Good thoughts. At 4:45 you might want to clarify that although it is true in Matthew's account of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus does say to pray "like this" or "in this manner", possibly indicating that Jesus only intended the prayer to be a model, in Luke's account of the Lord's Prayer (chapter 11), Jesus actually states to "say these words". So it seems that praying the actual words of the Lord's Prayer, or praying only in the style or manner of this great prayer, are both valuable. Thanks!


It actually goes, “But deliver us from the evil ONE”


Not all translations, such as the CSB, ESV, say: “Pray like this.”
Some translations, NKJV, NIV just say, “Pray this”, or “Therefore pray.”
I I think this is why there are some people who believe that praying the Lord‘s prayer verbatim will suffice.
Sometimes I will start my prayers with the Lord’s Prayer.


Daily bread means eat once a day. Many other cultures only eat one meal a day


What I get out of the Lord’s Prayer is that he says “earth is in heaven “ life is what you make of it? Am I wrong ?


Not sure how to pray without it always being. What I need or want


Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Not debts and debtors


You project. Because you seek glory doesnt mean your god does. He wants his kingdom to come on this earth. By being his left and/or right hands, it might just happen.


Thank you for the disciples prayer discussion, an interesting thing i have always had trespass and trespasses not debtors and debts, i see someone else commented below on this could you please explain thoughts on this, it says trespass in the video before however later with Caldwell he says debts debtors, blessings .


Does HEAVENLY FATHER refer to the whole trinity? Is Jesus our Father? Is The Holy Spirit our Father?


The Lord's Prayer was talking about God's will which was to save men and set up his Heavenly Kingdom right here on Earth in Israel so this prayer was for the children of Israel to endure till the end when Christ returns and set up his kingdom...
So it has nothing to do with us who are saved apart from the "Law of Israel"
"Israel's Program"
They are waiting for Heaven to come down
We are waiting to be raptured up☝🏼☁️☝🏼 into the "NEW HEAVENS"


But god already knows what you want and need so why discuss such nonsense as asking your Father for anything?


The Lord's Prayer is an anti-Christian prayer!
Examine it with christian theology in the background and context!😂
