My Brand New Tank Set Up!

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Setting up a new tank!
Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

My Favorite Power Filter

Fritz ACCR

Fritz Complete

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)

Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission(at no charge to you), which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy.
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Oh Michael, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hang in there. Virtual hug for you.


Hi Micheal, your change in eating habits etc can be a sign of depression. For me I have a cycle, I'm fine, I over eat, under eat, stop eating completely, I crash, then I figure out what is causing my mental health going downhill. Then I come right again. Ive had depression all my life. Also remember it's ok to be not ok, don't be hard on yourself. Self love is the key ❤️ Just be you ❤


Love that flowerhorn in the background at the beginning! I am glad you support mental health care taking processes for yourself and others!


I’m so sorry you are walking thru some dark times Michael. Hoping for better and brighter days ahead. Hang tough.


We had Jack Russells growing up. Both lived over 20 years. Fantastic companion dogs.


Mike, just an idea, add giant vallisneria on the background. You can also put a nice piece of spider wood or drift wood in the middle and glue some Anubis regular or nano petite. Crypts can be in the foreground. Cryptocoryne wenditii is one of my favorites. Or, if you don’t want driftwood, you can make an island with stones with Anubis nano petite and moss 😊. I would stock it with some angels and a school of rummy nose tetras, corydoras on the bottom .


Love ur fish room and ur general high/good spirit, so nomatter what happends we got ur back..chin up, ur doing great ;=)


Hi Michael I’m sorry to hear your feeling down I know it’s hard to get out of the funk I go there often 😊 I hope you have a wonderful birthday, filled with love and lots of friends and family. God bless you.


You should stock the tank with your favorite fish. We will love it too, I'm sure. Looking great so far


Hey Michael sorry that you're feeling down know that you aren't alone in anything you go through in life keep your head up and don't be too hard on yourself...for a heater in your 55 gallon tank you can try the hygger double quartz heater they seem to be pretty good


Thank you for sharing your experience Sir!


Hey Mike! I made that keychain for Keith. Glad to see it on your channel.


Start over if you want plants. You can use the mesh bag method to get the substrate right. You can see this method on MD fish on YouTube go back a year or to to see what to do so you can grow plants. Plain old rock will not do it very well without feeding them. You will save the money useing a plant base


I agree with you about the fall season., Its pretty too. Looking forward to your next "set up new tank video." :)


Many thoughts and blessings coming your way pal❤


Same thing happened to me didn't wash gravel properly clearly and it just took a couple days to clear with good filter and floss 😂


Congo tetras. I love that fish. I agree with you about autumn. It's the best. I know nothing about the British football teams. Go sports!


Angelfish and Purple Emperor Tetras or Columbian Tetras and Emerald Corydoras. For plants, Jungle Vallisneria, an Amazon Sword plant and some larger Anubias will look great and be fairly simple. Just put a bunch of root tabs under the Sword, and put some root tabs under where you plant the Vallisneria.

Changes in interest in things that make you happy can mean potentially depression/anxiety or something wrong physically. Might be worth seeing a mental health practitioner AND your doctor to get checked out.

My favorite season is Fall too. 💖


Mental health awareness month should be every month! I deal with some bs literally every month and if something bad happens, its not just a little bad, its the worst thing ever. I dont ever have 'small problem, " and worries, I get catastrophes and then have to put on a smile and act like it doesnt bother me. That empties out your insides! I have been waiting to talk to a mental health profession for 9 months now - well 11 months now... The only one that takes my insurance. Glad I'm still alive! I just don't have energy at all to do anything and I am not interested in anything - and my 75 gallon tank crashed and it looks like yours right now LOL That's how bad it looks and its not from new substrate, its from my bad water (been using water softener for the past year for my tank - BAD) and I'm trying to fix it now by hauling water and replacing it. I want to suggest to you with your breathing and coughing - use dehumidifiers around your fish room. There could be mold in there that you don't see or smell but is always in the air with the wet/heat. It has really changed my breathing for the better after using it. I bought 2 small ones and I have to change them out nearly every day. I have 5 fish tanks in my house. It gets full pretty quickly, and then you have dehumidifier water to do stuff with. You can also write it off as a business expense.


❤- thanks for your content and sharing your feelings- all four of my kids get a kick out of watching your (kid friendly) vids. They Laugh and repeat HIYA FISHY FOLKS! And cough cough im fine ;) theyre not sick of your fish talk even tho they’re sick of mine 😂
❤❤❤ be well- ill be checking in
