3 Tips for New Tank Water Changes [Don't Make this Common Fatal Mistake - Watch This!]

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Here are 3 tips for those of you setting up a new tank. Based on common questions I hear over and over there seems to be some confusion regarding whether or not to do water changes while setting up a new tank. Unfortunately new fish keepers make a very common mistake and it ends up killing off fish. Should you do water changes right away with a new tank? Watch this and don't make that mistake!

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Thank you to key vendors that have helped with my new fish room including:
Aquarium Co-Op, a top provider of both products and knowledge for all types of fish keepers.
Elite Cichlids, providing the best looking artificial plants available.
Sicce, a top quality manufacturer of aquarium pumps and filters.
Hygger, maker of a variety of aquarium products such as tanks, lights, pumps and heaters.
JC & P, providers of lights, rocks and other quality aquarium products.
Underwater Galleries, makers of the most beautiful ceramic caves available.
Xpertmatic, maker of good quality hang-inside filters and air pumps.
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Good points, this is a difficult subject. People should know that ammonia causes irreparable damage to fish gills. Definitely adding a sponge or filter media from an up and running filter works.


Good suggestions. I am new to fish keeping. Started in August. Learned a lot. Lost two fish due to circumstances out of my control. I am always trying to learn more. Thanks


I set up a 10 gallon a week ago. Put used poly fill from another tank, added Dr Tims ammonia and Fritz 7. Will monitor for a couple of weeks before adding neon tetras, which is to quarantine til I put in main community tank.


you come in clutch the time Ben, I just started my new 200 gallon and was wondering when to chance the water today.


I've been keeping fish since the '70s, fresh and salt, breeding, and I've NEVER done a 50% water change. Maybe 20% at most. Smaller changes more often. My favorite is doing a half gallon a day continuously, because it's so easy.


Just set up a new 100 gal acrylic tank.put 30 lbs of new sand in and took my old tank 60 gal sand and rocks, put on top. My old filters 2- 406's transfered to the new tank. Also my plastic plants kept in water till transfer. Added my fish, with this I had one day of semi clouded water and over night it cleared completely! Didn't put in any additives. Just shows keeping as much bacteria alive started my cycle quicker and safer!


Thanks Ben. I set up a 2nd tank just the way you taught us in previous videos and it worked! thanks so much!


I watch a lot of fish youtubers and this is the first one I have seen point out if you use bottled bacteria to make sure your water is conditioned and pure first so as not to kill the bacteria.... I wouldn't have thought of that myself but now it is pointed out to me it really is very intelligent advice.


You have a lot of great videos. Thank you!


I have set up a new tank using established media from other tanks like sponge filters, or sponges out of Hobs and actually squeezing the sponges into the new tank of treated water.
But what I don't understand is why the big YouTube guys like yourself, the king of DIY, aquarium Co-op, don't talk about fishless cycling using pure ammonia. Which I have also done in the past with great success.


Excellent! I don't ever do water changes and feed only 2-3 times a week. Loving this hobby!


So I recently set up a 75 gallon with a new fluval 407 canister. My brother in law had a 60 gallon sponge in a tank running for years so I threw that in my tank to help establish....it worked out beautifully. Kept the sponge for 2 weeks and gave it back. added fish and no problems. Then I had a massive One of the Electric Blue Acara I bought had ICH from the store and since im new I had no idea what it was....my brother in law said what to look for and boom...first fish in my new tank had ich so the next 7 fish I added all got the ICH as well. you know when you treat ICH they call for water change after 2 days then treat then water change again so I had to do this to my newly established tank. I got lucky and all the fish survived and I cured the ICH as well. My tank has been running for 2 months now, fish about 2 to 3 inches roughly all 2 electric blue acrara, 2 Geophagus Tapajos, 2 Geophagus Red Line, and 2 Albino Threadfin love it but it wasnt easy. If not for chanels like yours I wouldve lost them. Oh btw, yes I squeezed all my brother in laws filters into a bucket and poured it into my tank as well in the beginning. The Red Line Geo's were mislabeled as Tapajos but are suriname so they get to about a foot, looks like I will have to donate them when they reach about 6", tanks just not big enough for them.


Great video Ben, it's good to see some confirmation. Cheers 👍


Thank you! you saved me from a vicious cycle


So true. In order to keep fish you first need to learn how to keep water. The bacteria is just important as the fish and thats why it is just as important to feed them as it is to feed your fish. Unfortunately they need fish poop to survive.


Thank you so much for this, Golden advice...you saved my life.❤️❤️


🐠 Best way to keep your fish healthy 🐠 This is vital information 😎


Good morning Ben from south Florida. 🙏for sharing


Thank you for the education. I’m getting back into the hobby after several years and set up a 10 gallon aquarium that my daughter got me I have added the water conditioner then beneficial bacteria in the bottle. I have some pathos in a plant holder with their roots in the water. In your video you say to go a month. What I’m trying to understand is what will those beneficial bacteria that are building up eat? They need ammonia in order to eat in order to multiply, correct? How will they do that? If I go a month without adding a fish? Should I add some fish flakes?


I just set up a new 75gallon 2 days ago. Buying a water pump to fill best investment
