Gray jedi code

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The Gray Jedi are my favorite kind of Force Users. I'd want to be one if I could. They have no limits to what they do, no restrictions of a code, yet they never go too far. I feel like that's what I'd wanna be


The grey jedi are more down to earth in my mind. They may not be as powerful as a sith or have the foresight of a Jedi master, but they are able to use the force without being controlled by it.


*Sometimes you must cross the line, but be careful not to travel away from the line.*


What I like about this version of the Gray Jedi code is it merges the Jedi and Sith codes together and yet works in it’s unique way.


Multiple versions of this code. Found this one in a png:

There is no Dark Side, nor a Light Side.
There is only the force.
I will do what I must do keep the balance.
The balance is what keeps me together.
There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to fourish.
There is passion, yet emotion.
Serenity, yet peace.
Chaos, yet order.
I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of Balance.
I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way.
I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance.
I am a guardian of balance.
I am a Grey Jedi.


Only through using both the light and the dark sides can a jedi achieve true balance and become unbeatable


Only through admitting to our own dark sides - admitting that we are sinners - can we come to the Light in any efficient capacity. I believe that the Jedi Council forgot that along the way, and forgot it quite badly. Instead of being universal helpers, they became blind agents of the Old Republic - and they taught, they forced, new Jedi to be the same. They covered over their own atrocities and they took any chance of making an informed choice away from their own padawans. In doing so they pretty much caused Order 66. At least now the remainder of the Jedi have a chance to become what they always should have been. Not impervious, blind conveyors of 'justice' for the ruling elite; not hiding behind the illusion that they always know the Right Path in any situation. Just flawed people, trying to achieve balance in their own lives and for others - capable of interacting freely with people on both sides of any given negotiation (battle), and not forced to demonise one side in order to achieve an unfair 'victory' for the other. For me, that is the 'balance' of the Grey Jedi.


This might as well just be the Revan code.


Those that hold to light, those that cling to dark, all are kindred within the force.
I do what i must to keep the Balance;
And that balance keeps me strong.
There is no good without evil, yet evil shall not flourish.
As my limbs balance my body, so does my path balance my mind.
Through passion, i gain serenity;
Through victory, i gain harmony;
Through knowledge, i gain strength.
I am a soldier who marches the narrow path.
And as i guard the Force,
So too does the Force guard me.

I am a Gray Jedi.


The grey jedi code is interesting but i think only handful of people would able to balance themselves as its very difficult path to follow.


The only righteous path through the universe


The true Gray Jedi code: "Morality is a fiction, there is only INDIFFERENCE. Through anger, I gain DARK SIDE POWERS. Through loopholes, I keep LIGHT SIDE POWERS. Through edginess, my mediocrity is GLOSSED OVER. The Force makes me special."


To be a slave is to submit to others.
To be a master is to dominate others.
To be neither is better than either.

To choose goodness, may lead to weakness.
To choose evil, may lead to suffering.
To see beyond good and evil is seeing truer than either side.
The truest choice is beyond good and evil.

A weak man blames others.
An average man blames himself.
A wise man sees all blame as foolishness.

The jedi fail for fear of doing the wrong thing.
The sith fail for fear of losing power.
The gray jedi does not fear anything.


"Perfectly balanced as all things should be"... 😊


The Eight-Fold Path in Star Wars? Sounds appropriate.


Grey Jedi is a cooler title for temple knights. Because they use both sides of the force to stay balance but if they were still alive. They would've evolved from yellow sabers to white. I believe in balance. I believe that there are temple Knight's who choose to stay empathetic and knights who choose to be balanced and Apathetic.


If I was a character in the Star Wars Universe, I would be a Gray Jedi.


Iirc, Lucas said that Grey Jedi can't exist, because the Light Side IS balance in itself, while the Dark Side is the Force without balance.
At least, before the prequels and the Expanded Universe


“I don’t understand how the force work” would be a better grey Jedi code


WOW" Their definitely should be a movie or anime series about the Grey Jedi that would be cool.