Grey Jedi Meditation & Ambient Relaxing Sounds | Star Wars Music | Grey Jedi Code | 9 HOURS 😴

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What meditation would YOU like to see next?! Let me know in the comments! Grey Jedi Meditation & Ambient Relaxing Sounds with the Grey Jedi Code inspired by Star Wars Music. 9 HOURS long. Music to sleep to. Music to study to. Music to meditate to!

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There is passion, yet peace
There is strength, yet serenity
There is power, yet harmony
There is chaos, yet order
In life, there is freedom
In death, there is purpose
I will do what I must, to guard the balance
For the Force is all things,
and I am the Force


For everyone watching this, may the force be with you 🍃


As a kid: "Jedi are the good guys, Sith are the bad guys!"
Adolescent: "I dunno. The Jedi were pretty corrupt in the end..."
Adult: "Both Jedi and Sith were two extremes to a balance. Grey Jedi is the way to go."


I think the Gray Jedi Code is more aligned with mindfulness and the spiritual practices that it's based on than the Jedi Code ... accepting all things and not putting them into categories such as good or bad. Just observing the Universe as it is. "In life, there is freedom. In death, there is purpose."


The force wasn't to be divided, rather the darkness to rise and the light to guide it. Both must cooperate to truly bring balance to the force.


"The Force existed long before the Jedi and Sith divided it into Light and Dark. It will exist long after both have faded to Dust." Revan from the Fan Film "Rescue Mission"


Watched all 3 Meditation Videos simultaneously, experienced the whole power of the Force.


The Grey Jedi was the balance between the Light and the Dark. IMO, Grey Jedi were feared, at times and honored for their abilities. They found the "balance".


The grey jedi code:
The balance flows through everything

There is no peace without passion to creat
There is no passion without peace to guide
The knowledge fades without the strenght to act
The power blinds without serenity to see

There is freedom in life
There is purpouse in death

The Force is all things and I am the Force


This music, and the Yoda meditation music was playing throughout the night as my 18 year old cat, my best friend, died. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Thank you.


My Grey Jedi Code

“I stand on the precipice.
Neither evil, nor good.
Yet, I am both, within and without.
The blackest of souls, the most golden of hearts.
I stare out before me.
The Force is a hurricane, most violent and powerful.
I stand in the eye, in the sole calm without and within.

The Force guides me, as I follow the Force.”


This is what Revan and Luke Skywalker listen to


This is perfect. I didn’t expect the code to be in it. The grey way is the way.


When I was young, I wanted be a Jedi, but then I realised that since you can't fall in love with somebody (whether he/she's a Jedi or not) because the Jedi believed that attraction would lead us to the dark side (plus, the Jedi actually did some messed up things in their history, so look up onto Wookiepedia and YT if you're curious what they did). And also because that the youngling were taught that fear can lead us to the dark side, to which, in reality, we cannot escape from, as well as the younglings were taught to ignore the knowledge of the Dark Side, on which they (even we), at some point in their our lives, would fall into. So, in my mid-late teens I was looking forward on being a Sith just because we most youngster at my age thought it's cool because we have freedom, justice and security to our own little empire. However, the more I look into Sith, the more I realize that they are way, way, WAY more messed up with their messed up philosophy (plus, the Sith are anti-love, so, even there is some form of attraction, falling in love with someone is out of the question), compared to rigid and inflexible philosophy of the Jedi. So, it turns out that both the Jedi and the Sith are wrong.
So, now as a young adult myself, I'm more of a Grey Jedi than to Jedi or Sith (with some exceptions) because I believe in balance, and since everything in life is connected to the Force, there is no Light or Dark Sides of the Force, just the Force, and because we ARE the Force. And when we say say "may the Force be with you" we never specifically say "may the Light Side of the Force be with you" or "may the Dark Side of the Force be with you", it's just the Force. So, to truly bring balance to the Force, both light and dark must must cooperate, basically, there has to be Yin-Yang. So, on that note "In life, there is freedom. In death, there is purpose."


"We are creations of light given life from the womb of shadow."


My knowledge of the Star Wars only goes a little bit deeper than the movies, I love learning new things about this awesome universe. I love that the Grey Jedi are essentially the anarchists of the Star Wars universe. As a passionate anti-authoritarian activist myself, I will definitely be rewording the Grey Jedi code to work as an anti-authoritarian mantra. 🖤🏴


One of my favorite meditations of all time


I listen to most of your Star Wars meditation videos while I sleep and I love it because not only does it help me sleep…

9 times out of 10, I have a Star Wars themed dream and it’s wonderful.

May the Force be with you and continue to make wonderful videos.


I used to meditate using the sith code but this here gives the perfect balance. Peace isn’t necessarily whole in this world yet it isn’t a lie. But great meditation video.


"The Jedi are just as capable of injustice as everyone else."

"Light side, Dark side, they don't mean the same to me as they do to you. I don't see in absolutes. I want to stop Malak as much as anyone. But I don't have to join the order to do it. Look at Carth, or Canderous. They're with us in this quest, but they aren't Jedi. The capacity for good or evil, like the Force itself, is in all living creatures. And belonging to the Jedi order, or the Sith, or any group, won't change what you are at your core."
--Jolee Bindo

"The Force is a tool, Jaden. Sometimes a weapon, sometimes a salve. Dark Side, Light Side, these are distinctions of insignificant difference. Do not fall into the trap of classification. Sentience curses us with a desire to categorize and draw lines, to fear that after this be dragons. But that is illusion. After this is not dragons but more knowledge, deeper understanding. Be at peace with that."

"Remember, abilities are not inherently good or evil, it's how you use them."
--Kyle Katarn
