The Gray Jedi Code

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Flowing throw all there is balance...

***Special Thanks***
Shoutout to my Patrons Joe Franco and Dave M! This show is helped made possible by viewers like you.

***Memes Stuff***
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This is in my opinion the best version of the grey jedi code it's just make sense. It's truly screams the grey jedi purpose in searching for that balance


To be a slave is to submit to others.
To be a master is to dominate others.
To be neither is better than either.

To choose goodness, may lead to weakness.
To choose evil, may lead to suffering.
To see beyond good and evil is seeing truer than either side.
The truest choice is beyond good and evil.

A weak man blames others.
An average man blames himself.
A wise man sees all blame as foolishness.

The jedi fail for fear of doing the wrong thing.
The sith fail for fear of losing power.
The gray jedi does not fear anything.


This. This is the best iteration of the Gray Jedi code


Only through balance can one be freed

Freed of blinding rage or drowning weakness

Freed from their shackles by the one truth

I know
There is no peace without passion

Through strength, I safeguard serenity

I know
There is no power without knowledge.

Through victory, I breed harmony.

There is no death, for through the Force my chains are broken.


From an AI:

In equilibrium, we find BALANCE

Through balance, I embrace UNITY

Through unity, I cultivate WISDOM

Through wisdom, I manifest HARMONY

Through harmony, I transcend DUALITY

In transcendence, I become ONE with THE FORCE


Dude, I am like, the Yoda of Grey Jedi-hood! Love it hahah


The Grey Jedi might contradict the Force in Star Wars, but honestly, I don't see myself in any of the Force "Clans".

I can't just do everything around logic and serenety aswell as everything in Passion and Emotion. A shame George Lucas didn't gave hints of Gray Force. I know for a fact that I would be Gray.

Action and reflection are both sides of the same coin and I can't live without one of them.


Sold. Where do I sign up to be a grey?


The grey Jedi aren't real you can't be a light sider and a dark sider you have to choose either or no in-between


well there is not official gray Jedi code there is philosophy. The standard jedi code deny emotions because they do not want to be any where near the dark side. Gray Jedi allow them selves emotion which cause operate close to the dark side.
