Elite Dangerous - TOP Resource SHUT DOWN After Eight Years!

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EDDB has been one of the best (if not the best) community site for Elite Dangerous. As of 8 April 2023, it has finally closed. Eight years of amazing work was put into this site, by its create Themroc! Thank you for all that effort!

Any support is massively appreciated!

Epidemic Sound

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A big thank you to Themroc for keeping EDDB going over the years!


A tool like that should have existed IN GAME from the start.


I can understand Themroc, nearly 10 years doing this is an amazing feat, most projects are nowhere near as long. Thanks themroc for all your efforts and support over the years.


I hope Themroc see's this. It's difficult to overstate just how important EDDB has been to more or less everyone who's plyed ED. I for one would have given up a long time before i did if not for EDDB. So from me a massive thank you Themroc.


Rip eddb. I couldn’t be where I am in the game now without it.


It's just crazy to me when I think about all the relationships FDEV has soured over the years. I quit for good after Odyssey and now just rely on you and others to keep tabs. I used to be really angry about the direction of the game and how tone deaf FDEV was being. Now it's just sad. It's like watching the last of old friends who tried to be there throw in the towel and move on. Finally accepting that things are never going to change. Look how this channel has evolved. It used to be all about Elite, now even you just check in on them from time to time. Farewell EDDB. Playing Elite would have been far too tedious and time consuming for most of us without you. I hope that Inara doesn't start having the same feelings.


I used EDDB regularly, it was such a crucial tool for Elite. Shame on Frontier for never integrating this feature into the game itself. RIP


Unless frontier takes over Eddb or builds it fully into elite, I’m probably never going to go back to elite. Eddb was MISSION CRITICAL for me.


I’m sad to see the site down but at the same time happy because I can see where the beautiful voice is coming from nice to see you brother


@ObsidianAnt I'm seeing a trend here, first DW3 is cancelled, then Sagittarius Eye closes down, then the GMP comes to an end, then Lavecon is no longer happening, and now EDDB is no more. 5 of the best community driven initiatives the game has ever seen, and all gone over the past 18 months. Sad times, and nothing of note coming to replace them. I guess this happens to all games sooner or later though, but I can't help feel that the Frontier of 2014-2019 at least knew what it had and appreciated its community. After 2019 there's been a big change, and not for the better.


I messaged themroc regarding the code, and I'm willing to continue where he left off, and also have developers along-side myself who can help. Unfortunately, for reasons I respect, he couldn't accept.

I express my thanks for themroc for eddb, and ObsidianAnt for always getting us the important news and objective analyses.


Definitely a huge thanks from me to themroc. I would have given up on elite real quick were it not for eddb. I always had it running next to me when I was playing and his hard work definitely was appreciated.


I am 6 years removed from ED. But I still have OA recommended to be by the algorithm. I do still watch some of his updates to see what I spent 3 years on. This is the first time to see his face. I did NOT expect this. My brain keeps telling me this is a deep fake. Nice to finally see you OA. Your content has always been great for ED. If you move on to another game and make content, I will keep notice and probably give it a try.


If Elite doesnt pick this up in some way, this is what cutting your own throat looks like. EDDB was as absolutely critical for my gameplay as your videos are! Not sure if I can go back now... thanks for all the assistance Themroc, and thanks for the update, Commander ObsidianAnt😢
Edit: first time seeing your face, to what do we owe the honor?


You know how you never expect the face to go with the voice you've been listening to for years? Well that was me this time.


Developers should never ever allow a third party tool to become ubiquitous among the playerbase and critical to play their game. Implement the things those tools do in your game ASAP.


Thank you to Themroc I know I could not get through without your database. Good luck in whatever project you do next! Your amazing!


I don't play anymore, but thanks to Themroc for all the years of support. Thanks for the coverage as well, ObsidianAnt.
The game would never have survived without the work of 3rd parties.


I still remember the first time I saw a Frontier / Elite community live stream, and they created two challenges for the devs to do.

One was a fetch quest that they *required* Eddb in order to complete.
The second was a custom chained mission (before they really existed) and crash site assets a dev created just for himself.

When I saw they had to go to those lengths for their own game I lost a lot of hope in the future of elite, and it only went downhill from there. That was back when I first got into it.


The first time I saw cannon’s website and just how much content frontier added to elite that most / many players have next to no other way to discover (other than by chance) and frontier has never felt it necessary to use missions or news stories to gently guide players towards content has always shown me what sort of mentality frontier has in terms of narrative structure.

The same goes for resources.
If they put bases, crash sites, etc into the galaxy, and then the ONLY in-game way to find them is to accidentally stumble upon them, it’s a LOT of work wasted for very very few people to ever discover.

They don’t have to hold players hands to just say, idk, give a delivery mission that goes near a crash site or goes to a base that ends up being abandoned, etc. so players still feel like they’re discovering something by chance even though they were unknowingly guided to it.

But when frontier still thinks it’s acceptable to have to either use one of the few stations that sell everything or dock at station after station to find basic things (assuming you even know what module you’re looking for and what the options are) there’s little hope for more complex things like story elements or discovery.
