I can't get a job to save my life (1500+ applications) | Tech 2024

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This is going to be a more of a raw video. In my other videos I try to extract the life lessons from my experiences. But, in this video I just want to cover how frustrating my tech job hunt journey has been after getting laid off in July 2023. I cover my layoff story, my job hunting methods, nightmare stories of dealing with employers, and how I'm REALLY feeling instead of what I convey in my other videos.

If you've been job hunting (especially in tech), feel like nothing's working, and you've also been job searching for a while now, I'm right there with you.

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🎬 Video chapters:
00:24 My layoff story
01:13 My job hunt phases / methods
02:14 Results of job hunt methods
03:45 Employer horror stories and challenges
08:21 How I'm really doing (no bs)
10:45 What type of Product role I'm looking for (give me a shout if you know of anything that fits this)

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90% of the jobs I ever scored was thru networking. Without powerful friend or family connections...a college degree is basically worthless. That IS the black pill we all must swallow. Nepotism is still rampant.


Had a virtual interview set up. Showed up to teams and waited 20 minutes, no one showed up. I got an email for rescheduling, showed up the next time waited 45 minutes no one showed up. Reached out to the recruiter no answer, i went to check the position on the site it wasn't there anymore. We keep pushing though.


I used to get an interview like 98% of the jobs I applied to. Now it’s like never


I was in your situation in 2005. I was a manufacturing engineer and I got layed off and couldn't find a job for over a year. My girlfriend at the time left me, I have no saving, no more 401K to withdraw. I was depressed. I ended up sleeping on my brother's sofa for over a year because I got no place to go. I exhausted every option in looking for a job. I finally ended up working for Target store. The money was less than half what I was making as an engineer. Not that working for Target is bad, it's just that I never thought I would work for a retail store. The hours were horrible especially during holidays but it kept me alive and sane. So my point is, some time you have to hit way bottom and scrape for pennies before things will turn around. I was one nostril above water for a few years. It taught me to do whatever it takes to survive. “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”
― Bruce Lee


I have a BS degree in computer engineering. When I got laid off, I find myself working on constructions such as roofing, plumbing, install sprinkler system and etc. Made much more money than working for a company. Yes, it is up to you to learn a new skills.


I'm an expat and can only work remote jobs. A Startup I helped develop fired me after 3 years on the day I was meant to get a raise. 9 months later still no luck landing something solid, only one off freelance gigs. I'm at the point where I feel like I've failed my wife and all my optimism is getting sapped out. I've exhausted my network and I've applied to so many jobs with tailored resumes and cover letters and took several assessments. Its rough out here, guys. Honestly, I'm not even asking for much. Just a steady paying job. I can stretch the money with investments. But even entry level won't take me. I feel your pain.


My best friend got laid off, and it took him 3 plus years to find the right job. He had several interviews, in which he thought a job offer was imminent, but never came. He finally landed the
"right" job, and he is thriving. Do not get mental down on yourself; you can't control the job market. Your job is coming, and it will be the right one. Continue to believe in yourself!


I am now at 7 months unemployed. I have exhausted my savings, my 401K, and I have begun to sell things just to earn money. Where I live it's rural so I have to look at an hour or more drive for any positions. I am so tired of these fake job postings that don't exist, or these fake youtube wfh jobs that are scams. I want to work. I need to work. Why is it so hard to find a job that pays more than poverty wages?


I've been unemployed for 8 months! I've lost my apt, self-esteem, hope... Im currently homeless! I got a job offer three weeks into the job the company laid off the entire staff! Now I'm back on the street .... Im 45. Had a thriving career and now I sleep on a concrete ledge. I even went to apply at McDonald's only to be scheduled two interviews, show up for these interviews, sit for hours waiting to be called just to be told they're not hiring or they have hiring freeze. This nightmare has taught me so much about life, this country, opportunity and power. Who knows what the future holds.. One thing is for sure ... When youre broke, hungry and homeless nobody knows ur name!


Jeremy - I appreciate your honest video. I'm much older than you and in a different industry (finance), but I went through something similar during the great financial crisis of 2009 -2011. All the jobs evaporated, and I went from being an in-demand C-level to a nothing burger. It took me 18 months to find something new. I found a position through networking. I took much lower compensation and changed focus from management to sales. It was a learning experience. After a couple of years, I founded my own company and have been working my way back up ever since. I'm here to validate that the people who are still working don't get it. I had people comment on how they would "take anything" just to get back to work. Except in a bad market "anything" isn't really hiring. You will get through this with effort and a willingness to pivot. Your first pivot might not even be the right one, but it's for you to learn. Best of luck to you.


My husband has 15 yrs IT experience and got laid off in Sep 2023. He has also been applying almost daily, I’d say total of 1500. The sad part is that we keep seeing the same jobs posted & still not filled? More remote jobs that are posted 1 day having 100+ applicants already! We have 4 kids and a mortgage to pay. It is demoralizing.


I am 53. Man, after college, nothing worked out for me. Me 20-30s were a total disaster job wise. At 40 I trained for a casino dealer job and have doing it since. Me and my wife have just paid off our house and we have a net worth of about half a Millie. Life is hard, but stick with it sir.


Story time: years ago I was unable to find a job in my chosen field despite all my efforts. After a few months I decided to swallow my pride and take a low status/low paying job as a cashier in a convenience store. I mean it’s a job and better that then sitting at home feeling sorry for myself right? I continued my job search and about 2/3 months later I did find a job in my field. Shortly after starting my new position I was called in for a meeting and was questioned as to why I took a job as a cashier, lol. I explained my reasoning and was then told that I was given the position because of it. Turns out it came down to myself and another person, I was told that professional we were equal. The deciding factor was my decision to work that cashier job! The boss said I know you will do what is necessary. I must also say that the cashier job also helped me to develop people-skills, a much needed skill to climb the ladder. No one has ever been paid to sit at home feeling sorry for themselves, do what you need to do 😊


started off in the UK as a welder two years later I was training in the US military to be a helicopter mechanic, left the military 8 years later, worked aviation for another 5 years, learned how to install windshields and stared my own business, also worked in Seattle wa as a mortgage loan officer for two years , also worked sales selling roofing, then went back to installing windshield . Guess what i am trying to say is quit the career path your on and try another path completely .


The average American is the foundation of this nation's economy, therefore if their money vanishes, unemployment will rise and the message "You have an unexpected month" will emerge. If you have a lot of student loans that are coming due, that money will run out very soon.


If you're 35 that means you just missed the 2008 recession. My first degree was computer science and I graduated right into the recession, one friend who graduated a year prior got into a bootcamp and got a cushy job at Northrup Grumman, and that new grad program was shut 3 months before I graduated. Needless to say I never made it in tech and am in Healthcare now.

I don't mean to sound bitter, but none of the root causes 2008 were fixed, the entire economy was held together on 0% interest rates and bubbles. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that learned a f* lesson from those days.


I just lost my job as a civil engineer, and it feels like I can't get another to save my life. Interviews keep feeling like they're going great, until a week later they tell me they won't give me an offer. All anyone ever tells me is, "Everyone is hiring!" And, "With an engineering degree, you'll have no trouble getting a job!". People say experience is what you need, but my prior experience doesn't seem to be worth anything, I guess. 😮‍💨


Man… our story is identical! 25 plus years experience in the tech industry, and I’ve been unemployed for almost a year now. So far I’ve had 2 interviews, went through 5 rounds of interviews each, to only get ghosted by both. I have never seen well over 100 applicants for a single job posting in my entire career, until now.


A lot of the times there will be a new job posting, you apply, and then in two days suddenly "the position has been filled". Most of the time this is employers posting a job application to see who would take a lower salary and do more work, testing the market, to get ready to PIP someone or fire.


I am 31 and in the same situation. Stay strong. We can't give up.
