Ultimate Exposure Guide: Getting Low Noise Video with HLG & S-Log2

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Complete guide to shooting & grading video for the lowest noise possible. Exposure tools (false color, waveforms & zebras), picture profile comparisons, & camera tips.

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Complete guide to shooting & grading video for the lowest noise possible. Exposure tools (false color, waveforms & zebras), picture profile comparisons, & camera tips.

Table of Contents:
0:00 - The Problem...
1:04 - A Word from Today's Sponsor (Storyblocks)
1:28 - The Test Setup
2:04 - How to Expose to the Middle
2:22 - How to Use Zebras, False Color, & Waveforms
3:52 - Why Underexposing HLG is Bad
4:50 - How to Correctly Overexpose HLG
7:50 - The Risks of ETTR (Exposing to the Right)
9:36 - Expose for the Subject!
11:25 - Exposing HLG for Different Skin Types
12:12 - Using Zebras as a Meter
12:53 - HLG Skin Exposure Level Cheat Sheet
13:18 - Differences Between the HLG Versions
13:32 - How Detail & Crispening Affect Noise
15:05 - Why S-Log2 Has the Best Low Noise Potential
15:37 - How to Expose S-Log2 to the Middle
15:54 - S-Log2 Recommends 32% Middle Grey (Don't Do This!)
17:37 - How Far Can You Overexpose S-Log2?
19:08 - Ideal S-Log2 Overexposure
19:59 - S-Log2 Skin Exposure Level Cheat Sheet
20:13 - Comparing the Cine Gammas for Overexposure Potential
21:58 - Quick Tip about Zebras on Sony Cameras
24:56 - Why Cine4 Is Best for Noise Suppression
25:29 - Evaluating the Movie Gamma a.k.a. PP Off
27:02 - Comparing the Samples in Resolve
27:15 - Basic Grading Tips for HLG with Colorcheckers
27:20 - How to Correct an Image Using Waveforms
30:01 - Comparing Underexposed HLG to Middle Exposure
30:19 - Lowering Noise in Post with Basic Corrections
31:01 - HLG Noise Comparison (Under vs Middle vs Over)
31:12 - Underexposed S-Log2 vs Underexposed HLG
31:23 - S-Log2 Noise Comparison (32% vs Middle vs Overexposed)
31:37 - Cine4 Low Noise Grading & Evaluation
31:58 - Cine4 vs S-Log2 Noise Comparison
32:09 - Conclusion: Never Underexpose, but Overexposure Has Diminishing Returns

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Рекомендации по теме

I swear that just one video of Gerald Undone contains more useful information than a full "course" on skillshare and similar sites. And it's way more entertaining.


I feel like I just received a graduate school education in exposure physics. I'm saying this as a compliment to the thoroughness of your presentation! I've depended on zebra bars since I moved from motion pictures to video: but I've never thought about using the zebra bar set-up menu as a means to gauge skin tones and middle gray exposure. Brillient!


I think I´ve just had a stroke. Too much data. Definitely, a must watch again with my camera at hand. Loved the video tho. Thanks Gerald!


I’ve always wondered if zebras displayed results AFTER picture profiles. I also learned that zebras aren’t just for clipping! Thanks Gerald. You da man!


I like your videos because my time isn't wasted. The intros aren't too long and interesting enough that I forget that I detest intros. Then I don't have to wait through long explanations of things everyone already knows. When the information starts, I am not getting imaptient. If anything, I have to "rewind." There's no ego, fan boying, or conclusions based on nothing. You're my new favorite video channel.


My brain is showing that orange overheat warning right now.


This video is so dense with useful specific information for someone new to good videography I am just astounded and I'm pouring over it repeatedly. Thanks man!


I watched this video about a year ago and didn't understand a thing. One year and many hours in DaVinci Resolve later, I think I'm now grasping about half of it. That's how good Gerald's videos are—packed with information and useful details. Thank you so much for all your work!


This video became my exposure Bible for my Sony a6400 using S-Log2 and HLG Profile. When I 1st watched, it all sounded a foreign language two days ago. After I have done intense research, I followed everything mentioned in the video. I finally got the result I am looking for from the camera monitor. I always appreciated people who go specific technical numbers and show us the results after applying these parameters. Thanks so much for taking the time explaining this topic so well. I think that anyone who is new to videography must watch and fully understand every single details in this video!


Man, with the amount of knowledge you shared and knowing how much effort and work you have put into making this one video. You deserve waaayy more subscribers. RESPECT.


Really great content! A lot of other YouTubers have been recommending to set the zebras to 107+ for slog2, when Sony says its 106 and you recommend dropping it down to 103 as a buffer. Thanks for the more detailed insight!


Like others said, another great vid! My favorite buttons when watching your vids is the pause and back 10 seconds button! You talk fast and accurate! It takes us mortals a while to absorb it all. 😁👍


Thing about that you cannot expose for two different exposures is such a basic. But never heard anyone talking about it. Explanations are so legit!


So funny... So many people told us that they switched to HLG. I tried as well and got this noise issue. I asked sony but they couldn't help me. And now u just proved, that my camera is totally fine :D. I will stick with slog2 for most of my work because it provides the highest dynamic range (actually slog3 does, but as you mentioned the 8 bit codec isn't good enough for slog 3). I also experienced that grading slog2 is a bit more flexible than cine profiles. Another reason for me to stick with it. For the future I don't want more profiles... I just want sony to improve bitrates and codecs so I can use slog3 :).


Gerald, this is literally the best guide I've seen on exposing and using HLG. You've literally made my life that much easier to expose in ANY situation. BRAVO! (I tested his specs in my backyard and it was confirmed within seconds.)


Gerald, you have one of the most intelligent and informative channels here on YouTube. The amount of work you put into your content makes it stand out immediatelly crowd. Thank you so much for all the effort, keep up the good work!


Respect! You talked consistently at a quick pace for 30 minutes straight. Or it totally seemed like you communicated all that info in one take. I'm glad you put in the blooper at the end.


Gerald you are really crazy. I can only imagine how much time you spent into research and shooting, preparation, editing and putting pieces together. Bravo! Your input is so much more helpful in real life than the knowledge provided in any college in filmmaking.


“Noisetown”, the travel destination that no one wants to visit!

Great video! Very informative and cleared up some questions I had about exposure


I was really frustrated about shooting properly with different picture profile cuz i don't have an external monitor yet to use false color, this video is way dense with informations and your go to if you want to fully understand properly shooting, Thanks a lot Gerald really appreciate the effort you're putting
