No Gun Control Would Have Stopped The Allen Texas Mass Shooting, & Here's Why

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Allen Texas Mass Shooting

If your first thought after the Allen Texas Mall mass shooting is to ask for more gun control, you might want to hear me out because this video will explain why that's misguided.

These so-called polls after mass shootings are misleading because the questions are designed to get the answer that supports gun control. Of course, people are going to say they support laws to reduce gun violence, but creating the assumption that these laws will undoubtedly reduce gun violence is not true.

Background checks and age restrictions wouldn't have prevented the Allen mass shooting, and the mental health issue isn’t addressed genuinely as I explain in the video.

Let’s be honest, raising the age to buy a gun also wouldn't have made a difference in this case as the shooter was 33 years old, and the majority of mass shootings are committed by people over 21 years old.

I talk about how this dangerous rhetoric calling anyone who doesn’t support their gun control as accomplices in their crimes is dividing the country and creating an extremist mentality that inevitably leads to these atrocities.

It's essential to have conversations about how to fix this issue, but it's challenging when the other side is not willing to listen and only wants to weaponize anyone who doesn’t want their feel good gun control policies.

I talk about how banning certain types of weapons won't stop mass shootings, as people who are committed to mass murder will find a way.

Don't let politicians use your fear to get you to give up your ability to protect yourself.

We must protect our right to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Don't miss out on this important discussion - watch the video now.

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A couple of days ago in Murfreesboro, TN, a father came home to his son and mother at gun point from robbers. He was thankfully armed and shot both suspects, killing one. The other is facing multiple charges.

It made the local news, but you won’t hear a peep from the national media or politicians about it because it goes against their narrative, and they especially don’t care because the father and his family are black—they only care when it’s a black victim and a white perpetrator. It’s awful and reckless.


The narrative is no longer about gun "control" but '"confiscation".


I have a couple of friends who were just shy of being in that shooting. They were pulling out of the parking lot and one of them heard bangs while they left. Fittingly enough we were texting earlier how we both wanted everyday carry weapons because of all the shootings. Afterwards he told me he is going to start saving for his edc. No laws will stop these evil people, why should we be held back when acting in self defense and the defense of others when evil snakes its rotten head out?


I actually received one of these poll calls a couple months back. I only stayed on the line to throw off their number in whatever small way I could. This is literally the first question they asked, verbatim... "Would you support new gun legislation that would save the lives of innocent children being murdered by guns"? I said "No", and was answered by stunned silence. She then asked me in her own words "seriously, you don't want laws that would keep kids from being murdered"? "Nope" I said. The next coupled questions were just like that. This is the only time in 47 years that I've ever been directly polled for anything. If this is what polls are like, they're not just worthless, they are nothing more than propaganda tools and an actual danger to our political process.


The man in Brownsville Texas used vehicle and took out more PEOPLE


Singling out people with mental health issues would eventually deplete the Democratic Base voters.


The real truth here is that if the army had concerns about the man's mental condition when they released him. Then, the system failed those victims. If they knew he had a mental health issue, and he was still able to get a firearm, it's the system that failed. Those victims .


As a licensed gun owner living in Spain, I do agree about the fact that violence will be committed with any weapon, be it a gun or anything else. I´m British and my home country has descended into a chaos of random violence, muggings and burglaries which is painful to watch: all done with hammers, box cutters, kitchen knives and sharpened screwdrivers because guns are severely restricted.


Asking for gun bans is the same as going to the three little pigs and taking their brick home and their door locks away, but REFUSING to admit there is a wolf outside.


Taking arms away from law abiding citizens will never stop criminals from committing heinous acts. In fact, if anything, it emboldens them.


Can we start normalizing standing up for ourselves instead of further infantilizing the population?


Guns or no guns, evil will never stop!!!


Colion i need to mention this as i live 15 mins away from that H&M and have bought clothes there with family.
that outlet mall is a “gun free zone” law abiding citizens followed that rule and this was the result.


Yes, I carry. I live 20 minutes from Allen and have been to that mall. Had I been there I would do whatever it took to stop this man from killing unarmed citzens. I can imagine there are a lot of people who would do the same. THIS is why training and situational awareness are of the most importance. My condolences to all connected to this tragedy. ✌️❤️🙏


I keep asking people in conversations, but no one has been able to answer my question... "Can anyone name a single law that actually prevented a shooting?"


We should not give up freedoms because of a very few that cause problems and deaths. Take it to the rest of the country sir, what you say is true, factual and correct 100%


How well did the “assault weapons” ban work for columbine?


If you take my gun away and the bad guy still shows up with a gun, I have literally no way to protect myself and my family.


Hi Colion, Thank you for all that you do. My wife and I were there at the Allen mall during the shooting. We were in the line of fire and barley missed getting hit by inches. We not once had a thought about what kind of gun he had or how many guns he had. We knew he had to be sick and we needed to protect the people around us since we were carrying. I am so sick and tired of the politicians pushing the gun control. How can we the people protect ourselves from the government who are dead set on taking our guns? Not one of my guns ever got up walked away and hurt anyone. This is a mental condition period. Have a glorious day and God bless you for your hard work.


I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, it's not about safety, it's about control! Always has-been
