The BIGGEST LIES You've Been Told About Weight Loss & How To BURN BODY FAT | Dr. William Li

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On Today's Episode:

You probably think that lowering your body fat is the healthy thing to do, and assume that gaining or carrying more body fat is unhealthy. Most of us would think that’s common sense at this point, but what if that’s all wrong?

In this episode expect to walk away shocked and a little befuddled:
- Get into the science of body fat and all the benefits you get from having adequate fat
- The appearance of how much or how little fat someone has is misleading
- Stop complicating food and exercise, don’t overeat, eat diverse foods, and enjoy eating

Dr. William Li is a Harvard trained medical doctor, researcher and the NY Times bestselling author of the books, Eat to Beat Disease and Eat to Beat Your Diet. Dr. Li’s work with the Angiogenesis Foundation has led to 40 FDA approved therapeutics and devices for treating disease.

Mixed messages and dated information have become accepted truths baked into our habits and reasoning. William Li promotes the simplicity of food, health, and our ability to beat disease with lifestyle.

“Healthcare happens at home, not in the doctor’s office.” -Dr. William Li

“Being fat is a subjective statement, what I would actually say, [...] is that body fat isn’t harmful in a normal level.”

“Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you’re tragically ill.”

“It’s not a slow metabolism that causes you to gain body fat and gain weight, it’s the other way around, extra body fat slows your metabolism.

“Having fat is good, having too much fat is bad.”

“Healthcare happens at home, not in the doctor’s office.”

“This is not a rich man’s folly to pursue that you can’t sustain, this is tapping back into our humanity.”

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Sumo wrestler life expectancy is approx. 20 years less than average in Japan, same as NFL players in USA. Dead young. #1 marker of metabolic health is weight. Obviously some people get away with it, same with everything (including smoking).


Dr Li you are exactly right. I was a TOFI, I was thin on the outside and drank a ton of cokes. I ended up with Chronic Kidney Disease and Insulin Resistance.. I've been 4 yrs working on my my metabolic health through a low carb/ Fasting lifestyle. I listen to what you say about whole real food to benefit my body. I have normal kidneys now and my body composition has totally changed. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your knowledge.


I must admit. I fall in and out of love with this podcast. Every time I get exited and watch a lot. I always get to a point where Tom talks so much about himself, interrupts a lot or asks a question within a question within a question. I get afraid to spend time on the interviews. Had to give this feedback. Because it’s one of the 5 channels I keep getting back to for the last 5-10 years. And it’s a solvable problem. Thank you!


I understand that people have different body types and that not being skinny doesnt mean your not healthy. However thats not the problem. We have an epidemic of obesity. Its one of the greatest killers in our country. Hell we have fat kids. Literally one of the saddest things cause it will forever change their lives and they had no choice.


My 97 year old grandmother passed away Feb 28. All of my life I have seen her walk an hour daily, and work and take care of her small apartment. In her last seven years, her eyes began to decline and she slowed down. My grandma had was always under 5'2 and easily 100 pounds overweight. In her last few months, while in a hospital bed was the first time I saw her smaller then ever. Her fat kept her alive longer. For years I have taught my patients that not every body is meant to look the same - keep active daily and watch your diet. Your body knows what to do.


So a normally amount of body fat is healthy. Being underweight is unhealthy. Being overweight with too much body fat is unhealthy. Riveting. I would imagine babies need significantly more body fat percentage versus adults as they are growing so rapidly, and need those stores of fat for proper development. It doesn’t seem like a fair comparison at all.


thank you youtube for. leading me to that channel Awsome Host and incredible guest, an actual Doctor speaking up for a that kind of holistic point based on data .


I am impressed, great informations and sources ! Thanks ! i am from France and have mediterraneen diet, all you sai so true, Thanks Doc


This guy is calling out Dr Gundry. Would love to hear a discussion between the two.


It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever for someone to have a ridiculously high bmi and yet they can be healthy and live longer like he mentioned massive sumo wrestlers. More size and more weight would necessarily put more pressure on the body at the very least the joints and the heart.


I took care of a lady who was morbidly obese that lived fat and happy to the ripe old age of 101. That really opened my eyes.


I find the conversation between you and this amazing doctor very very informative! Thank-you ❤!


What an interesting interview!
I really like your supersonic mind. Loved your "let's really clear things up" questions and how your guest answered them.

He is right, we should look at food as food, as whole, not as sugar, fat, etc.

He has the same holistic approach to health. Loved how the doctor said he is focusing on his patients' health, not marely a disease and its symptoms; prescribing pharmaceuticals only when necessary while at the same time planning how to restore a patient's health and if possible, eventually take him/her off the medication. ❤


Interesting discussion! Just had that topic on my channel. Very important in todays society! 👍


I love your scientific research. We the public NEED YOU. I must get back to exersise now im retired. I built houses for 50 years so never needed exercise program. only chiropractors. Your science gives ME and my happy gut biome a chance to stay off meds. at 73 onwards. I would like to be tested for visceral fat just to know. cheers


Man those chairs look comfy! So my dad is 95 and just went into assisted living. It's a nice place with about 65 residents. Not one of them is overweight. I have heard that as you get older you lose your appetite. Maybe there's hope for me yet.


I am a female in now what is considered to be my late 30s. I have gained about 35lbs since my late twenties and I can tell you all of my blood work has been 💯 on point for years. There is still a deregulation within my body (weight gain) if I don’t consistently feed my body whole, clean foods and moderately to intensely exercise. That would be JUST to maintain my weight. If I stop, I derail. It’s only now through so much knowledge I am gaining that I need to dial it in with fasting, microbiome fixing and other tools that I can get down (and stay down) at a weight I am comfortable at! Oh, and by the way, according to the BMI chart, I am technically considered obese for my height 😵‍💫


I love this conversation. Dr. Li seems like a sweet natured guy with an authentic passion for his topic. I like the non-scary, non-sensationalist and holistic approach to diet and health. The guy seems to know the history of everything. (O;


If you are alive, you will make mistakes.
That is inevitable.
What is up to you is forgiving yourself.
Set the intention now.
Let your true reflection be waiting for you the next time you look in the mirror.
See what you are truly capable of being.
