The HORRIFIC Death Of The Merry Monarch King Charles II

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On the 30th January 1649, a King of England Scotland and Ireland was led out to the execution scaffold inside of London. There to greet him was an executioner armed with an axe who in one swing of the sharp bladed weapon took the head off King Charles I. What came to the nation following the execution of the King was a brief period in which must of the UK functioned as a commonwealth with Oliver Cromwell serving as the Lord Protector. But eventually following Cromwell’s own death the monarchy was restored and invited to the throne was the son of the executed King, and he was crowned King Charles II. Charles’ legacy throughout History is one which is very interesting as his reign was dominated by a number of key events including The Great Fire of London. But he was remembered as the Merry Monarch for the huge amount of celebration inside of his court and the huge expense spent on the King’s parties and banquets. But Charles was a man who had many mistresses, but by his own wife he did not have any legitimate heirs and children, but by his mistresses the ing produced many different illegitimate children. But the death of King Charles II at the age of 54 was brutal and horrific.