5K Race Strategy - 5 Tips

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Here's the quick list of tips for this video on 5K Race Strategy

1. Know what your goal time is and then know what pace you have to run to reach your goal.
2. Run your race. You need to run to your strengths instead of letting someone else dictate the pace.
3. Relax to run fast. You need to relax your upper body and run smooth.
4. Push it at the halfway point. You need to really make a good effort in the middle of the race and get yourself moving instead of slowing down the second half.
5. Start your kick early if you want a faster time.

Happy Trails - Coach Tief
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Don't give a shit, just run and enjoy. I take approx 30 mins and am 61 yrs of age, so just get out there. Many at may age have troule bloody walking so I dont mind. Nobody to compete with but myself !!


Stages of running a 5k

First .5 miles: "This is easy, I'm going super fast right now. This'll probably be a PR for me."

1 mile: "Still feeling pretty good. All that training is paying off"

2 mile: "Good lord why do I run. How are those people ahead of me so fast? I'm just going to die here. I've never been so tired in my life"

3 mile: "Thank god. I'm going to pass out any minute now. Just a little further and I'll be at the finish line"

3.05 mile: "Okay, time to kick. I'm dead, in pain, and tired. Any energy that's left in me is going into this final push. And this mornings breakfast may come out, but that's alright."

Finish: "New PR, awesome! Alright, you can just leave me here at the finish line. I'm sleeping here tonight because lying down never felt so good. Cool-down run? Oh coach, you're a funny person. Let's just call it a day."


Stages of running a 5k

Start: *internal screaming* well okay then. We have started. I am officially running in this race.

.25: I started too fast again didn’t I

1 mile: first mile over already. This is easy. I feel great.

1.5: I’ll be hitting the two mile mark any second now.

1.75: why is this mile so much longer than the first

2 miles: I have no energy left. I feel like I already ran a 5k. Would anyone notice if I stopped and walked right now? Well, I’m gonna pass out.

2.5: people are saying I’m almost at the finish. I should start sprinting now.

2.75: I can’t keep up this pace for the rest of the race. Need to slow down now

3 miles: crap the end is right there! Sprint! Sprint!

3.1: eh, wasn’t so bad.


Kick early is by far the best advice you can take. It’s a different energy system that allows you to sprint, so even if you’re tired you’ll likely still have some kick left in you.


Stages of running a 5k

The gate: Wait what am I doing I’m not ready aghhh

The start: *pew* Welp time to go

1st Mile: I’m so good I’m doing great just gotta breath I love running

2nd Mile: Why am I doing this this is stupid I hate running I’m not gonna do it ever again after this

3rd Mile: Another mile!? I can’t do this I need to stop nowww (never stops) ughhhh.

0.1 mile:

Finish Line: You know that wasn’t that bad I’m wanna do it again


Running my first 5k race this week. I've been running for 6yrs and for some reason I am nervous! Lol thanx for the tips !


I agree with your tips but you do need to run fast at the start so you get ahead of the people that will box you in, also the people up front might be running your pace but since they started faster you won’t catch them


"I live to be the best this is all I got, I ignore the pain cause the pain will never stop" repeat that in your head for 20 mins 5km run it works for me


I gotta 5k tomorrow...should’ve prepared lmao


I’ve got Idaho State Championships tomorrow. I’ll say what I get after. Thanks for the tips.
Edit: So I lost my shoe just past the 1 mile mark and I couldn’t go back for it but I still got back into the race and I got first for my team and I’m a freshman. I got a 16:44 but my PR is a 16:30. So it was a pretty good race.


Be nice Captain. All that matters is they're out there running. It's better than 99% of the sedentary population.


Running tomorrow my first 5k race! Thank you for the tips


These are some of the best common sense tips i have come across.Great.


Thank you coach for speaking slow so people can actually understand what you are saying. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the tips. I like the "I'm gonna run fast" impersonation lol


Love tip number 2: run your own race. Uh...whose race would I be running if not my own? All these race strategy videos are rather entertaining. God Bless!


As for sprinting at the end, I prefer to do a mild kick at around 800m, and then all out sprint the last 50 -100


Good video. All sound advice. One idea on your last point. Every one has their own best kick distance. 800, 1600, 2k, whatever. Figure out your best kick distance, and kick that.


I'm a sophomore in high school and I run a 16:50


My 5k strategy for my race in two week is simple:
Stick to the first and then made him stick to me
