89 johnson 40hp won’t idle

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I had the same engine and same issue. I removed the VRO first thinking it was over oiling and not getting fuel. The issue still was there even when warm. It ended up being the anti siphon valve in the fuel pickup tube fitting restricting the fuel flow too much at low engine speeds.


Hey. that sounds like a lean sneeze, where do you have your slow speed idle screws adjusted at? Good looking outboard though. The motor should idle without the link and sink, hence, carb roller not touching the cam. don't worry about the link/sync, thats not the problem, you got to get it to idle on it's own first. pull the plugs out and clean them and dry them off bone dry. put them back in and start it without advancing the throttle, just crank it over 3-4 times. then pull the plugs out and see if they are wet or dry. if they're wet its pulling to much fuel and fouling out the plugs and then you advance the throttle and open the butterflies so more air gets in and it runs. if they're dry its not getting enough fuel and advancing the throttle is opening the carbs to pull more fuel so it runs. but it doesn't sound good. so dont worry about the throttle/ link&sync yet. I don't have a manual but I would set the slow speed/idle screws 1.5 to 2 full turns out from seated, that should get it started. I didn't see a fast start lever on the control, does it have one? are you using the primer with the key? whats the water in the tank look like? what model is it? `Just a few things i need to know. Anyway if its pulling to much fuel it could be the primer solenoid leaking, pinch off the fuel line to the solenoid to test it. Also may be bad carb float adjustment, needle not seating. When you pump the primer bulb up does it get hard so you cant pump it no more? If it doesn't it's just filling up the motor with fuel. If they're dry and not pulling enough fuel then i would go back and clean the slow speed/idle circuits in the carbs, and go through the entire fuel system from the tank back. a small air leak will cause a lot of problems. So let me know. it shouldn't be that hard to figure out. And never assume anything with these things! Hahaha it will drive you crazy...


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Did you every resolve the issue.
And to what was causing this?


That is the way it is supposed to be started when cold. The engine will never start at dead idle when cold, the throttle has to be advanced. Are you absolutely sure that both carbs are closing completely at dead idle?? The engine won't idle if one/both carbs are partially open. Unfortunately, the sync process for this engine is long, drawn out, and overly complex. Nonetheless, it has to be done. Do you have the carb needle valves properly set to their initial setting?
