(Civ 6) 5 Early Game Mistakes EVERYONE Makes In Civilization 6 || Civ 6 Tips For Civilization 6

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In civilization 6 we are looking at early game mistakes in civ 6. In civilization 6 there are many tips/guides made for civ 6. What are the worst mistakes for civilization 6? What tips for civ 6 will help you avoid mistakes in the early game? Find out in this civ vi video mistakes that everybody makes in civilization vi


00:00 5 Mistakes Everyone Makes In Civ 6
00:24 Mistake #1
02:42 Mistake #2
04:58 Mistake #3
06:40 Mistake #4
09:04 Mistake #5
11:31 Mistake #6
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me who always builds granaries as fast as possible 👁👄👁


Granary tip is so painfully wrong. +1 food is a 50% growth bonus if you have +2 food surplus. +2 housing is a 100% growth bonus if you x+1/x on your housing, citizens work tiles. Food = production.

And it costs you about the same amount as a warrior. Bro the building is insane value.

Watermills too, simple question, would you spend 80 production to get a citizen working a plains tile for no cost for the rest of the game? Easy choice.


Trajan's bonus of "All Roads Lead to Rome" is big imo because you can spread out a bit more without worrying as much about defense.


I do agree with everything, but granaries. Granaries are essential for almost every coastal city and later on important for their housing boost as in midgame your cities will probably be maxed out on housing. Only in early game they are not useful


I got used to building granaries from older Civ games where the granary halves the food required to grow.. so it more or less used to double your city growth rate.


I’m going to take this video with a grain of salt because PotatoMcWhiskey often builds granaries and water mills. In addition, he is able to take out a barb camp with one warrior by healing in between and adopting the policy buff.


You don't need THAT many units, unless you start next to some aggressive AI like Zulu or Alex. You can actually prevent barb camp spawn by placing your units on hills around your city, because barbs cannot spawn in revealed area, only in fog of war. So you can use that to your advantage and strategically place units on hills to get extra line of sight and prevent barbs spawning close to your cities.


The single biggest change I made to my build order that made me never lose deity again was going Slinger first and rushing Archery. With 3-4 Archer asap you basically can’t die and can even take some cities from your opponents if they forward settle you. It’s a win win every time.


I say the mistake a lot of people make with the granary is building them too early. The 1 food they give really isn't much, but that 2 housing can make a huge difference at the right time. But yeah, building them when you are at 2 / 5 population is pretty pointless. I think there is a time for them, but it's a bit later on.


You totally can spread out your cities, you just have to have awareness when you do it.

If you've got a friendship with the guy you're forward setting (or one of you is Canada) then you totally should do it just to get the extra few cities in. If they've denounced you then it's a terrible idea. The general idea is that you start by spreading cities and then backfill spaces that you've left too, so the district adjacency point is more a temporary setback than a huge issue.


I can definitely give a tip to be careful with switching from the Eurekas... I do that too much, I just liked doing it so much, feels kind of like min-maxing, optimizing the science output.
And that's mostly true, but you need to weight how long it will take to research without Eureka VS how long will it get you to get that eurecka AND how useful it is to get that tech.
You don't want to wait for the Education to be completed by the Eurecka you get for getting a Great Scientist in 20 turns, when you can complete the tech without it in 4 and have universities much sooner and thus get more science as a result.


I've kind of had it with this channel. Sure, rushing Granaries or Water Mills is dumb in many cases, but each food and production can make a huge difference early game. Especially granaries, the early game housing can prevent a city from stagnating early on. You speak in hyperbole way too often to the point that it's almost misleading to newer players.


Double scout first builds. So many early bonuses from meeting civs, city states and tribal villages.


Trajan’s roads ability is amazing in my opinion. Just makes setting up your empire so much easier, whether you focus on faith, trade, or military conquests.
I disagree with the early game unit spam tho. Unless you’re playing on a high enough difficulty to make combat a lot harder, just understanding and using terrain advantages can be enough sometimes. You usually only need one or two sentry units at certain locations to keep barbarians at bay, and one good melee and ranged unit for clearing encampments. Using a smaller military also makes it easier to stack up promotions, creating convenient lesser deities for you to unleash on the world in the late game when you get them caught up on upgrades.


One thing to notice is that the water mill gives you the heureka for the lumber mill tech (or whatever it's the name), which lets you improve wood tiles and get massive production. That's why I always build it when I'm heading towards that tech (on a single city at least).


My tip: Harvest/chop as much as you can before building districts. Chopping a forest with nothing builded in the city takes away usually 50% of the turn it takes to build the district. If anything, maximize it with Magnus if you can. Magnus should almost the entire game jump around from city to city, unless you are spamming settlers from one city only.


I strongly disagree with the notion that it´s pointless to build the city centre infrustructure. It´s a long term investment, you might not see results of having a granary or a water mill immediatelly but the bonuses add up a lot throughout the game. Plus with the watermill if you build it soon enough in the game, it pays itself off quite quickly.


barbarian camps can be cleared easily with a warrior and a slinger. Just move your slinger into sightrange of the camp and the guarding unit will come out to attack. Then have your warrior swoop in and destroy the camp. Works every time.


Dude the delegations tip was exactly what I'm looking for. I'm staring at my Saladin campaign trying to figure out why everyone hates me. And I never realised the granary was equivalent to a settler 👍


Loved the tips! I can't believe I never thought about waiting for eurekas / switching research.

The only thing I actually already practised was sending delegations.

About the granaries / water mill things, I feel like these are things to spend money on, so you still get something out of them but don't waste production.

The only thing I instinctively disagree with are the "cities closer together" thing. I guess I'll trust you that the district adjacency bonus is worth it but there's something that so deeply annoys me with not giving each city room to breathe. And you saying that they should never be above 10 population anyway - my good sir, I beg your pardon, hahaha I just LOVE to have massive metropolis with like 30 population that even without industrial zones are MASSIVE powerhouses that can spit out a tank per turn. But then again, you're probably right about the IZ / Entertainment bonuses that spread to other cities, because with those monstrosities I have to build one entertainment area for every single one.

Also also, one thing you didn't mention is that leaving cities closer together means that anyone who tries to overtake them will have a very hard time keeping them loyal. On the other hand, this incentivises conquerors to just raze the cities (to rebuild them with their own settlers later) rather than annexing them as they are, because then they can press on in their campaign towards the capital. The AI won't do that, but human players will - I know I do, I hate it when the loyalty pressure is so high the city I just took is 2 turns away from rebellion. Not worth the bother
