Breathing to Lower Blood Pressure (Gradually Lengthen the Exhale)

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This is a breathing exercise to lower your blood pressure through slow, rhythmic breathing.

It lowers your blood pressure by gradually making the exhale longer and longer.

The breathing exercises to lower blood pressure
start with a breathing pattern of of 4 second inhale and 6 seconds exhale.

Then it gradually lengthens the exhale to 10 seconds, which is known to reduce blood pressure.

Follow these tips to lower your blood pressure with this breathing technique:

1. Maintain the slow, rhythmic breathing pattern for at least 10 minutes. Try to do the whole 10 minutes without stopping, but take a break if you feel lightheaded.

2. Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth like you’re gently blowing out a candle. Keep the air flowing smoothly both in and out.

3. On the exhale, let the shoulders relax and sink down. Imagine the shoulders feel heavy. On the inhale, don’t let the shoulders rise, let the belly expand instead.

4. Focus your attention on the center of the chest. Imagine the air is flowing directly in and out of the heart.

5. Evoke a feeling of gratitude. Focus on the feeling of gratitude in your body, rather than trying to think of reasons to be grateful. Imagine a spark of gratitude in the center of your chest, slowly expanding to fill your entire body with gratitude.

6. When you get distracted, bring your attention back to relaxing the shoulders, then focusing on the heart, then evoking a feeling of gratitude.

If you follow these tips, your heart rate and blood pressure will be measurably lower at the end of the video.
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I was at 140/81 and after doing this twice I went down to 131/77, so a slight improvement occurred 👍🏼


Again another fine way to bring one's breathing and heart rate back to normal💖 Thank you for taking the time to address this problem 👍😃


Thank you Luke, truly. Did the exercise twice in a row and lowered my top number 20 points. My heart and mind thank you too haha


Credit where credit is due. I have chronic hypertension for years. Take 4 meds daily. Daily home reading averages 142/87. Did this exercise once today and went down to 129/79.


this video helped so much ty I always thought when ever the slightest thing was wrong with me I had a deadly disease but now I know it's normal for somethings to be slightly wrong and now my paranoia levels are plummeting lower then ever before.


Great stuff, Luke! Really chilled me out tonight. :)


Excellent. Exactly what I was looking for. Only wish it was 20 minutes.


My BP reading before : 165/110
After breathing exercises BP reading: 152/100


Thank you, very helpful, but can you make the same video but for 20 min long, please❤?


I like the subliminal aspect of this app. When my husband hears me listening to this, he benefits, as I said, subliminally 😊. The only problem with this particular one: the water makes him need to pee😅


Luke, is this exercise sufficient for both blood pressure and heart rate or one needs to do your 4:8 breathing also .


Hi luke. I'm doing this for couple of days. It really works.
But I found it temporary. Like when I do this, after that my bp goes low. But after some times it again get high.
What to do in this regard?


I find it hard to control my in breath straight to 4 (it sits around 2 max) do you have any videos that start off eg 2 seconds then gradually guides to 4 seconds ? Quite specific I know but maybe others find it hard to make the jump from shallow breath straight into a 4 in (or 5/6 heart coherent)
