43 REAL Alien Sightings and Encounters (COMPILATION)

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This is a compilation of nearly all the allegedly true alien encounter stories and alien sightings I've received from my viewers! Enjoy!


Music used in the Darkness Prevails Podcast is or may have been provided/created by:


The best creepy youtube channel and paranormal podcast for nightmare fuel and true scary stories, real ghost stories, true horror stories, real monster sightings, and more!

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do you think Aliens watch our alien movies and laugh? "hey Blipblrob, that thing looks like your cousin" [while watching Aliens] "yeesh its attitude reminds me of my wife" lol


*You might hear a sponsorship segment about an hour in - If you do, IGNORE IT! I accidentally left it in - This video is NOT sponsored. It should be fixed within the next 24 hours I hope*


it was 7ft tall with six fingers on each hand, hell i wouldnt off been there long enough to count, my dust trail would of been seen for miles lol good tales cheers


Nice! 😎👍 Monsters, creatures, cryptid, humanoid, etc are always my favorites, but this is a nice change of pace and isn't as utterly uninteresting like typical ghost stories... You spoil us, Darkness... 😘


Alien stories are extra creepy to me bc they are such a possiblity. I personally don't think I'm important enough to be abducted but it is still a scary thought.


I may have seen a ufo before. I was walking down the road to my house one night as I would often take walks to clear my mind and saw what I thought was the north star in the sky as it was the brightest one I was seeing. Suddenly the "star" started to move in zig zag patterns, a feat no known man-made aircraft could accomplish and it continued doing it until it zipped away and disappeared into the cosmos above. It's the only sighting I have ever had and I am confident it may have been a ufo ship.


Oh these were amazing!!! Love alien stories thank you darkness 🙌🏽❤️💋


I been dying for something on aliens!!!


It’s the voice. It’s just so right for it. 👍🏾


The one with the ships making a loud “boom” sound is intriguing for me mainly because a few weeks ago in my area, everyone from 4-5 counties heard a huge boom a couple times. no one ever got an actual explanation for it which doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but interesting after hearing this nonetheless


When I was a kid I remember playing in my grandma's backyard, then after I got bored I went back down to the house, I paused at the kitchen, realizing the setting sun was shining making the kitchen all yellow, I looked at the time on the microwave and it was like 4.30pm I thought to myself I can't have been up there that long, as I went up there at like 10am and was sure I was only up there an hour, but the sunlight really just confused me as even as a kid when time can go pretty fast when having fun I knew I wasn't up there for that long, also I was right up at the back of the fence, a spot I didn't really go that often and it would of made it hard for anyone to see me, I think I got abducted then, I also lived near an army base too, which many people say they live near one who have also been taken.
Then this year, on my birthday like right around 12am the power went off and I heard several helicopters or aircraft go past, I can't see much of the sky where my room is, but I think it was some kind of sign or something, as it was strange that right after the power went off a bunch of helicopters or whatever flew past


Yea I've encountered them in my forest from time to time but luckily they're usually just more interested in probing humans


Yep, me and a friend have heard the loud booms. They lasted two days and almost sounded like they came from underground?


Yay!!! Thank you thank you thank you Darkness! I have wanted a long upload on aliens for sooo long. So excited and very grateful 🙂


Okay, I have a question. So usually when people have experiences with cyptids they only have one experience unless they stay or come back to the area the event took place. But when some one has experiences with aliens, they have several. Any theories why this is the case?


I love alien stories you deserve more likes!


Woah nothing pasts the time better than a EPIC Compilation of Alien Sightings/Encounter Stories. Thanks Darkness Prevails and I will definitely take my time listening to this one.


I just heard my story u r so amazing thank you for putting in this video!!!! I'm so happy to be in one of your videos so ty very much.


That's cool you did a story with swamp dweller!! I usually listen to his stories. Don't ever really hear you colab with anyone else


A fake lettuce sandwich that causes memory loss. It all makes perfect sense!
