Paranormal Files Marathon: Mind Boggling Sightings and Abductions | Season 1 | Retold

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A compilation of the first season of Paranormal Files, examining mind boggling paranormal activity that will keep you riveted. Uploaded in chronological order.

Some of the events include one of the most controversial cases recorded in the UK - the alien abduction of a former police officer, since the officer took a photograph of his abductor. There is the uncanny appearance of crop circles in a field; unexplained UFO sightings; repeated alien abductions experienced by an entire family and the ghost of a monk at Battle Abbey, a site famous for the Battle of Hastings.

Retold - Documentaries and Reconstructions.

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I miss the days when this sort of stuff used to scare me. Nowadays its how I relax


The most interesting paranormal phenomena of the UK. There is so much more to humanity and the natural world and the after life. 💚


In 1975 three of us were travelling home in our VW Kombi from Vredendal to Lambert’s Bay in South Africa around midnight – a 45 minute drive on a straight dirt road across the veldt. Suddenly there was a loud thud (as if we’d hit a large animal) and the van just stopped. We got out to check what we’d hit and there was nothing there. We looked around for a few minutes then got back into the van and made our way home. When we reached our house we were shocked to find it was actually 4:00am.
That 45 minute journey had actually taken us 3 hours 15 minutes and, apart from the 5 minutes spent looking for what we thought might have been an injured animal, we had not left the road at all. Plus there were no scratches or dints on the van to indicate that we had hit something. Realising we’d lost almost 3 hours, for which we couldn’t account, really freaked me out.


I used to lived in Seattle Washington and I lived on the 5th floor of bldg. with a view of West Seattle and Bainbridge Island across Elliot Bay. UFOs used to hover over West Seattle for hours at a time.( 9pm to 11 pm)( 2 ot 3 at a time). One time I flashed red and green lights at it and I swear one time it flashed me back red light for each flash I did, and came towards me over the water. At that point I stopped flashing for it. It really scared me.
I saw them so often they became familiar to me.
I constantly saw them and recorded them hovering and then floating off north, down the Bay, towards Ballard, over the water, regularly.
Sometimes it looked like they would separate and then merge together as one.
(like a blob stretching and becoming 2 or 3 orbs and then going back to one single orb) Very strange!!!


"They were telling me it was Venus. Ok, then what the hell is Venus doing blocking the road?" 😂🤣


When i was 15 my best friend and i played hooky from school, we decided to poach a deer 2 weeks before season. We knew hobos lived in the area, we had seen them a few times in the past. What we witnessed from a well hidden tree stand through binoculars changed my life forever and eventually costing my dearest friend his life. A small silver colored craft landed 3 big hairy creatures came out pulled a hobo from his tent, pulled him apart like a cooked crab within 10- 15 min ate this hobo what they couldn't eat head bones they gathered up and took with them. It left leaving us in shock unable to move for hours. Billy battled nightmares for months, eventually ending his own life, we were 15 16 years old then and we know what we saw. now 71, never hunted or went into the forest again, never will not enough money on the planet, the hobo was partially alive when they ate him, the terror on his face will haunt me forever.


There 3 good videos to watch involving UFO incidents here in Canada. One was on a television program called Unsolved Mysteries called The Falcon Lake UFO mystery that was documented by the RCMP, the Canadian and US air force and even had the Canadian government issue a limited issue anniversary coin. The other is called Interview with Saskatchewan Farmer Edwin Fuhr and is about 27 minutes long and also was investigated by the RCMP the Canadian and US air force. The last is a video called Shag Harbor Nova Scotia UFO but does not involve direct UFO contact that involves medical injuries like burns, vomiting and leg and arm joint pain which happened in the first 2 UFO events.


Am I the only one who thinks it's pretty cool that British/English Police officers have absolutely zero problem with investigating the paranormal. I can't say that I've heard of American cops who were willing too take up such a task.


This is a brilliant show. One of the best you could see. They don’t make them like this anymore.


You can see the honesty in Larry's eyes when he gives statement to what happened in England in 1980. He is 2 years older than me and has the respect of everyone for coming forward and going public.


Omg... I remember driving home from a friend's one night, early hours, probably 2am ish. Driving an eight seater van so, sitting higher up than regular cars.
Driving down the top end of Beechboro road, just turned off Gnangara road. Pitch black, no lights, high beam on.
All of a sudden a man, an Aboriginal man, appears right at my car window, as close as if he was talking to me, had I been parked up and not driving. I seriously got the shock of my life and braked, swerved a bit, looked back, stopped, nothing there. He had on a flanny shirt and was sort of 'glowing', but I put that down to headlights. No time to stop, he had to have come from the right (we drive on the left) and would've had to cross that lane first... there's NO WAY I wouldn't have seen him.
This was as I was driving past Cullacabardee, in Perth Western Australia, before it became built up, when you needed an Aboriginal permit to enter. For those who may know where I'm talking about.
Can't figure it out to this day, even tried looking up any death/accident records...nothing.
Geez, it scared the crap out of me... it's bad enough looking out for roos at night, let alone 'people' appearing out of nowhere!!!🤪🤪🇭🇲🇭🇲


"I love to pretend I have seen ufo, ghosts, or bigfoot, because it makes me feel special and many people become interested in my ramblings, otherwise, I would be totally boring."


New subscriber here from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 great documentary, very enlightening! That photo of the fire was deffo a person, what was that expert talking about falling log! He should of gone to specsavers!!


15:44 "What Venus was doin' blocking the road, I dunno" lol Gotta love the British sense of humor, speech patterns and accent.., totally out of this world lol


Brilliant way to fall asleep, and several hours to snore through Brilliant.




This collection of paranormal stories was absolutely brilliant! Any chance you can get started on another paranormal marathon? Loved it! Many thanks x


I've had "paranormal" events happen to me many times during my 58 years. Everything from objects moving in front of me, to the strong smell of tobacco smoke when no one was anywhere even remotely near.
I've also witnessed two sperate UFOs in clear blue sky over a busy city, and even managed to get some footage and a photo of one, but only a photo of the second sighting.
Just last week I looked for a payslip I'd put down earlier for over an hour without finding it. I searched it could not be found. Two days later, as I went to sit down on my sofa, it was on the floor in front of me. I'd sat there a dozen times in the intervening days, but it wasn't there then. This happens often.


My out of body experience was something that I shall never forget as long as I live . I am now 65 and the strange event happened when I was 18 years old . There seems to be more to this mortal life than we want to believe.


Ive asked myself many times.. Why do these things happen... Ghost... Aliens.. Crop circles monsters and so on.. And the best answer for me that makes sense is diff demensions or planes of existence are crossing over to our demesion or we are temporarily entering there's... Perhaps im insane idk but several times in my lifetime i have had this feeling that what we call reality isnt as real or stable as we would like to believe... And as i get older i find my mind questioning how real is this reality more often