Secrets of the UFOs | Full Documentary | 7NEWS Spotlight

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New developments in the global mystery surrounding UFOs with host Michael Usher and investigative journalist Ross Coulthart. An Australian witness to the infamous Westall incident in Melbourne finally breaks their silence about a cover-up.

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Intelligent life exists everywhere in the universe except Washington DC.


My father, a WWII veteran who was a Captain & navigator on a bomber that was flying missions over the South Pacific. He told of an experience with a UFO in wartime that seemed interested in following his plane. He freaked a bit, but he was a reserved man & didn't show his fear to his crew. Years later, both my parents had an experience while travelling through the desert in America during a cross country trip. I was still very young, between 4 to 6, sitting in the huge back seat of those old, gas guzzling huge1940's to 1950's cars, so I couldn't see a thing over the seat backs or side windows, but I heard both my parents drastic reactions. Mom thought it was wonderful, as the craft followed our car from right overhead. It was silent, unlike airplanes & helicopters. She wanted to stop & get out to see it better. Dad was too stressed, so kept driving. I wanted to see, but couldn't, so I missed out. They called it a space ship until the day they passed away in their late 80's. I've been searching the skies ever since & I've watched documentaries trying to understand. I just hope that whoever they are & wherever they come from that they mean us no harm, but rather, maybe an offer of help for our planet & our people. We must look pretty primitive to them, I imagine.


I was 16 when I saw the first ufo. Now at 83 it is wonderful to know that the truth is beginning to be revealed.


Truly amazing, I saw an unidentified flying object more than once and all I can say is they can't keep it a secret for ever.


The commentator who referred to ordinary people as "UFO Nutters" who have been reporting UFO experiences for years in the face of ridicule should learn to have some respect.


Can't argue with so many witnesses of a very close daytime event and encounter. This case alone...We're not alone.


Wow. This is actual, hard-hitting, non-biased, straight to the point REAL journalism. You don't see this much anymore...
Thank you for bringing this to the world (whether its ready or not). 🛸


I've actually had one unbelievable sighting. Still gobsmacked to this day. A couple months ago I was outback on my porch having a smoke break when in the corner of my eye I seen some absolutely massive orange lights. I called out to my wife to come outside and look, she seen them as well. There were 3 massive orange lights in a sort of formation. There were two lights on the bottom and one above and between the two on the bottom. Sort of like a pyramid shape. I grabbed my phone and went to take a video but I had an insane adrenalin rush and my hands were shaking and was finding it difficult to open it. The lights eventually kept going westward, not very fast at all and didn't make a sound at all, but they seemed pretty close to me just above the tree line and they eventually ran out of my view. Whole ordeal lasted maybe 45 seconds. Ever since that i've been constantly looking up. This was NOT a plane, balloon, drones, helicopter, or anything like that.


I am from Vasai, India and i have seen the same UAP in 2005 exactly the one Elliot describes from the terrace of my home when i was watching the night sky one night. And i have always believed it to be alien bcz there was and is nothing matching by the human tech that could maneuver that fast. This has validated my POV. 👍


This video is one with recycled content forming its bulk. In a way, its a waste of time watching this if you had watched the first one.


Ancient Astronauts, Elohim, Anunnaki, Igigi, The Watchers, Grigori, The Sons of God, Fallen Ones, Stars of Heaven, Sky People, Nephilim, Angels & Demons. If they are here, they've likely been here for a very long time, and they have had many names besides. There's nothing new under the Sun.


I'm so tired of the "slow drip" of truth coming out from high levels of government on this phenomenon . High time the truth finally comes out


To see more widespread acceptance of UFOs is very heartening


I enjoy these because for years I was told I was crazy. Two friends and myself were driving home from work. It’s was cold, cloudy and dark. Suddenly the lady in the front passenger seat screamed, what is that. Immediately a white circle light was on the hood of my car. Both ladies were screaming by then and I was near panic. After 45 minutes we made it home and found a policeman, he nearly panicked also but at that point it just basically disappeared. Way faster than anything I’ve ever seen fly before.


Colonel Phillip Corso stated on the record that he witnessed UFO wreckage and Alien bodies being transported by the US Army in 1947 from Roswell NM. Corso also served on the White House Security Council in 1960 and at the Pentagons R&D section.


"The battle of LA" (1942) was the largest UFO sighting in recent decades, with the radar picking up the unidentified craft, the radio warning about the unidentified craft, a rolling electrical blackout which brought most LA citizens outside to see the craft illuminated in several spotlights, and also the sightings by military personnel who fired 1400 anti-aircraft rounds at the object scoring direct hits on several occasions!


MY sister is 77 yrs old and she has seen two in her life . She has never changed her story, even to this day. One was cigar shaped like someone described . SHE actually was driving home from work when the saw the one. She saw it and exited off the HIGHWAY 75 to hwy 91 in Colbert Ok . IT was just floating ABOVE her car. She stopped and got out of her car and stood under it. SHE said that a FEW minutes later, it just zoomed away very fast. She got back in her car and followed it towards Cartwright Ok, down 91. Midway between Colbert and Cartwrivght she has to stop for the train. When the train passed, it was NO longer there. She did have a passenger with her, our sister Lavern . They went on home discussing what they witnessed. Lavern was scared so she tried to say it was airplanes FLYING in formation. Several of them, but Bobbie said what she saw was a UFO ! LAVERN, never spoke of it.


I never in a thousand years would have thought I would see a UFO. 3am in the morning the day the first space shuttle was going to land. A huge white ball was decending at a rapid speed around Martinsville In, on Sr 37. As we continued south on SR 37 we noticed what appeared like a huge round street light, like in a parking lot, was stationary over a tilled field. This craft was a approximately 60-70 yards away if that, and 35 feet above ground. All the lights around the bottom about 6 from what I remember went off. . When I exited my vehicle it started moving N/B at a very slow speed not making a sound. This craft was about 30 feet across. The speed of this craft moved about 5mph until it came to the end of the field, and very slowly went over the top of the trees into another field. The next day it was reported in the paper there were more than the one I seen in the area. All my life, I have believed there was life on other planets, but NEVER thought I would ever see one.


Ross Coulthart is legit my guy. I read his excellent book (In Plain Sight) and listened to all of the podcast appearances he's done since. Keep digging! A+ Journalism!


My entire family experienced a craft over our house in Puerto Rico around 1977
