Mormon Bishop asks me disturbing questions #mormon #lds

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Ep. 1438: A Bishop’s Family Questions Mormonism - Kelly and Kayla Mikesell

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You should never trust someone just because they are religious.


it’s nice to see the parents stand behind their daughter. often times the parents will be part of the issue because of their beliefs.


Okay, this happened to me too. I was 13 years old. Went in for my annual meeting with the bishop. My bishop asked me if I was having sex. I was completely shocked. I said, "No." He asked why. I told him I was only 13 years old. I can't remember what happened after that but I do remember walking out of the chapel doors and never returning. This guy was our neighbor. It was really uncomfortable and I was so young and shocked. How much does a 13-year-old girl know about sex. I wanted to tell him that I was ugly (my mother told me that) and my measurements were 12/12/12, My nose was huge, I had braces and I was really unattractive, I had a unibrow. It was just a shameful experience. I am no longer Mormon.


I don't care if it is a prist, a minister, a pastor, a rabi, a bishop, it doesn't matter, never trust them enough to leave Your child alone with them! YOU are their parent! It's Your job to protect them!!


She's still living in that moment. You can see she's still traumatized her.


I too, experienced a traumatic experience. When I went in it was the bishop who actually asked me such vile things such as, do you sleep in the nude? Etc etc. It totally broke me. My heart goes out to you Kayla. 💕😢


No parent should allow their minor children in an interview without them by their side. No bishop should have it any other way. And those questions are inappropriate.


Parents, Not leave your children or teens with any religious adult, especially men.
Many of these men are perverts.
Well done for speaking out young lady.
Those religious leaders have NO right to question any child.
Also, do Not let your child go to anyone's home for Bible Study if you are Not there!


Secretly record conversation with bishop with your phone and post it for millions to hear.


I can attest she is correct! I have been a victim of this exact abuse! My bishop protected my step dad, after I came to him at 15 about being sexually abused as a child. As a young adult I was asked incredibly in appropriate questions about where hands were, what’s parts of my body was touched. I was convinced by a bishop that I was raped when I went in to “confess for having sex” and it ruined my life for years. This needs to stop. I’m an advocate for this to end now.


I experienced something similar as a teen. I was 17 and the bishop made me come into his office twice a week (on Wednesday after mutual and Sunday after church) afterwards cause I made out with the guy I was dating. He asked all sorts of super detailed questions like where the guy touched me and vice versa and how many minutes for each part, and what it felt like to me and after 2 weeks of it I told him I was uncomfortable and did not want to meet with him any longer and he responded with "how dare you? Do you know who I am? I am a man of God. I speak for God." I responded that I didn't care who he spoke for. I never went back to church after that. There were a lot of things that lead up to me not wanting to be part of the church but that was the final straw.


I was taught as a young buck sergeant in the Army to NEVER counsel someone of the opposite sex on a personal matter by yourself. Always have a witness.

For religious leaders it's doubly important. Not only do you have to answer to man, you must also answer to God.


If someone is asking to be alone with your child, you should be very wary. I would say the only exceptions are medical professionals or therapists, but even then, make sure your kids know what’s appropriate and what isn’t. It really doesn’t matter how much you think you know the adult either… most abuse comes from family and friends…


Mormon Apostate here. When I was to be approved for baptisms for the dead, 12 or 14, I was asked the same thing. I was asked if I have ever touched myself. If I ever had sex. If I’ve ever watched porn. The list goes on regarding questions I was asked and his response. And similarly, my parents didn’t know until I told them many years later. Hence why I am now an apostate and am going to therapy. I’m 25 now but it still makes me uncomfortable thinking about what happened. So happy to see others sharing their stories! You all are not alone. ❤


My parents told me that i probably made the bishop more uncomfortable than he made me when I told them about my experience. It's extremely validating to hear the parents' horrified reaction here.


I'm so glad to see that her parents are being supportive of her. That's awesome.


I had a similar experience at age 14. I was sexually assaulted at age 6 and had to rehash all of that and it was so cringey and uncomfortable. Both my mom and step dad were in the room thankfully, but it's like why even talk to the bishop about it? He shouldn't have to know. I didn't know him at all. I should have been talking to a licensed therapist, not a bishop.


NEVER LET YOUR DAUGHTER GO INTO A ROOM ALONE WITH A MAN!! I don’t care who the heck that man is!! A Preacher, hell NO!


This kind of heinous abuse is absolutely prevalent in this religion. These children are groomed to answer to men “called of God”. They grow up to be parents, who send their own children to be interrogated behind closed doors, and on and on. In what other context would we ever put a child in this situation for? I commend this family for their courage and strength. I hope more families, and individuals are moved, to stand up and speak out. I have great hope, that the tides are finally turning. The gospel of Christ is beautiful and teaches us to protect our children. Thank you to this family.


Yeah. I got loads of very inappropriate and frankly kind of creepy questions when I was interviewing for the Aaronic priesthood before my 11th birthday. I feel this so hard
