How Your Smartphone Affects Your Brain And Body

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63% of people aged between 18 and 29 and 30% of people from 30 to 64 fall asleep holding their smartphones.
Did you know that smartphones can harm your brain, disrupt your body's biorhythms, and damage your health? Shockingly, but a double espresso influences our body less than the light of our phone!

Confusion of biorhythms 0:40
Accumulation of toxins 1:40
It gets harder to study 2:36
Memory disruptions 3:25
You are always hungry 3:54
You might get vision disorder 4:51
Your mood changes 5:43
Stop work with gadgets at least 2 hours before sleep 6:14
Use special applications 6:44

#smartphone #phoneaffects

- Can you imagine that the light from the gadget has the same effect as the morning sun? It makes your brain stop producing melatonin (it’s the hormone which is necessary for your sound sleep). Also, melatonin also makes the development of cancer and other diseases slow down or prevents it completely.
- Melatonin and other hormones aren’t produced - sleep cycles are disturbed - our sleep becomes broken and restless. It leads to toxins accumulation. And this process, in turn, results in headaches, tiredness, exhaustion of the nervous system and stress. Scientists strongly recommend to have 7-9 hours of sleep; otherwise, your brain neurons won’t have time to rest, and your body won’t have time to get purified from neurotoxins.
- We are the captives of our smartphones; therefore, we sleep less, spending more and more time with our electronic friends. The research shows that students who overuse their phones need 25 minutes to concentrate on the task at hand!
- It gets harder and harder to remember old, already existing information. It resembles a messy wardrobe: when it is untidy and crammed to overflowing, it becomes increasingly difficult to find needed things. You have to apply more effort and time to have a result.
- A special testing was conducted: it examined 49 students who had to run on a treadmill. In the process of the experiment, it became obvious that those who spent up to 14 hours a day using their phones were much less fit than those whose smartphone time was just about 1 and a half hour.
- When 2,000 people were interviewed about the reasons for their vision problems, 55% admitted that their eye discomfort most probably stemmed from the habit to spend too much time (including in the dark) on their smartphones.
- A study which was held in Northwest University says that the more time people spend on their phones, especially in the nighttime, the higher is the risk of them getting depressed.
- Read a paper book instead of surfing the Internet or watching movies online. Actually, you can even use an e-book.
- If you have some urgent work to do or an important message to receive and it’s not possible to switch off your mobile phone, modern technologies come to rescue! There are special filters you can add to your screen.

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Confusion of biorhythms 0:40
Accumulation of toxins 1:40
It gets harder to study 2:36
Memory disruptions 3:25
You are always hungry 3:54
You might get vision disorder 4:51
Your mood changes 5:43
Stop work with gadgets at least 2 hours before sleep 6:14
Use special applications 6:44


It's funny because I'm watching this a t night😂


Steve jobs didn’t allow his children to use an iPhone but gladly sell it to others.


does anyone else act asleep when their parents enter the room and they have their phones hhaha


pfft, no wonder it takes so long to fall asleep for me.... thanks!


Who are seeing this video in smartphone 😂😂😂


I'm gonna tell my oldest of 3 Granddaughters and 3 health conscious Adults in the family about this. They and several others have some of these problems. Some can't watch a movie at home nor a theater without a phone in hand and the phone being more important than someone you "were" talking to.There's also the Hearing and Radiation damage. They can tell who they hope will listen.


I’m watching in an early morning when i have been up all night. Feeling guilty.


Is it bad that I'm watching this at night?


So u gonna upload it at night and tell us its bad


You have to have self-discipline and always remember that too much of something is dangerous. 😌


I got this notif while on my phone at night


Wow.The study part is actually true.... No wonder am less active this days. Thanx😃


pretty much already knew all this, just dont want to face up to it, adult up & turn my phone off at nite - thats the only quiet me time i have available to watch youtube 😉


I'm usually on my phone all night do to my crippling thoughts about what I could have done right that day keeping me up


Video:The light of the phone disturbs your sleep
Me:Turns on night shift in the brightness area
Me again:Continues


Is anyone else watching this video at Night?


wow the song in the background is fire!!


For some reason I find nighttime peaceful though, compared to daytime, less drama in my opinion


The background music is so vibey. Great tune.
