Which Tesla is the BEST Value

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In this video I do advanced math to figure out which Tesla costs the least per mile. The formula used is base cost divided by range. Surprisingly it's not the cheapest one in the line up so you will have to watch my video to see which one it is.

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Gjeebs, your videos are so fun to watch and your dry humor is hilarious. If I didn't know it I would swear your are Ryan Reynold's little brother. I ordered a Blue Model Y Performance and I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Keep up the great videos. I look forward to all of your new ones. I would like to see you go to some cars and coffee events or maybe local Tesla meet and greet's. You would be great interviewing other Tesla owners and getting the Tesla enthusiasts point of view. Start giving more Tesla Model Y accessories away for those who like your videos!


When the dog barked, I totally lost my shat. 😂😂😂😂😂


First I want to win the wheels. Lol Second good job on taking the criticism or a correction from a viewer. I watch every one of your videos the whole way through and they’re always good. I even managed to come across your DB 9 video from a few years ago. I am also a very early cyber truck reservation holder. Under the first 100. You’re welcome to review it once I pick it up. I’m just down here in Tucson. Let me know. Keep up the good videos


I also was anti-EV until recently. Only 3 weeks ago I had a 2019 Loaded Chevy Diesel truck and a 2020 Ford Mustang GT. I’ve been watching Tesla for a couple years, and recently started watching channels with Tesla content (this one is very good by the way, great fun and content, solid humor 👍). With the used car market prices literally gone crazy, I sold my truck and my Mustang within a week of each other, for top prices (actually made money on both) and ordered 2 Model Y’s, and a Cybertruck! What sold me was driving my neighbors Model Y, then going on a couple test drives, and taking one for an overnight drive, which was key because it really lets you get into the computer and technology in the car that is truly impressive. Within a week I ordered a Model Y for me and my wife. The tipping point for me was recently because of the super high gas prices in California, and the fact that it appears Tesla has worked through many of the initial manufacturing issues that they had a first with the Model 3 and Y. I don’t think Teslas are perfect, but i think they are an amazing feat of engineering that the major car companies haven’t been able to figure out, and Elon and his super engineers have really done something special. Yes, I’m a fanboy now, and I don’t even have one yet, hopefully that doesn’t change when I take delivery, although I’m pretty sure it won’t. I make enough solar power at my house to charge the Tesla every day, and still not have a significant power bill, so that definitely helps with my decision to go all electric. I will be keeping a family gas Tahoe SUV as Gjeebs has suggested, just for long trips (it’s older, but still works great). I’m not a rich guy, middle class, but I feel the savings on gas and maintenance will pay for itself, and I get to put less C02 in the air, which I never cared about until recently, and not just because it’s trendy, but because there’s a viable option to do it that’s practical and works very well, and it’s called TESLA…..


I wanted to say thanks for making this channel, and having some really good info with some humor that makes me laugh in almost every video 👍 And yes, i could really use a set of those Gemini wheels when you hit 50k subs for my Model Y since I had to order the inductions just to get my production date shortened to June or July, I actually wanted the Gemini’s for the longer range and smoother ride….good luck my friend, you’ll be there in no time, your channel is solid and will only get better, you’ve got a great attitude and content 👍


Love your videos. Your entertaining and fair reviews are the reason I pulled the trigger. I'm awaiting delivery of model Y LR in December. I plan to purchase a few of the products you use to clean and care for the vehicle both inside and out. Happy Birthday and keep the videos coming!


When you dog went off my two went off as well. So on their behalf you getting a LOL


Just bought the shaver. Thanks for the code gjeebs


Happy birthday! Great video again, very interesting. Keep it up!


Did my subscription help you reach your goal? Oh! Happy Birthday!


What about smiles per mile? Why is this not factored 😅 great video your production is getting better also


Would be interesting to do an analysis of the cost to operate, including things like energy cost per mile, depreciation, insurance, and maintenance. Obviously, these things will vary a lot from place to place depending mostly on local costs for electricity and insurance, but it still might be a worthwhile analysis to attempt.

I'd guess that the cheapest Tesla overall would have to be a used Roadster purchased around 2018. You could get a decent one for about $50k at the time that now would be worth about $125k. Insurance and electricity consumption is comparable to a Model 3. Maintenance might be slightly higher, but not much. Your all-in costs would probably be about negative $60k over the last three years. Hard to beat that.


Still waiting on my Y. Hope to be picking it up in November. Still waiting on a vin. Enjoyed the video.


Man, I enjoy you videos, we have to collaborate soon 😂. That first cut was hilarious.


Bravo! finally a no non sense approach to statistical analysis. Good work and liked pooch's two cents of advice . Translated it means buy a Tesla now.


Can’t afford these cars anymore especially when prices keep going up.


Great video…. I noticed that in the new “Bill” that they’re working on in Congress, they’re planning on dropping the 200, 000
Ceiling for EV’s. That would mean you could get up to $7500.00 deduction in the year you purchased you vehicle. So it would be good for you regardless of your political affiliation


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Interesting calculations… Sort of like comparing cost per square foot when looking at homes. But once you pay that $$/sq ft, it’s done. Finite. Those sq ft aren’t going to keep costing more every time you use the home.

But Teslas aren’t homes, and once you buy the car (Tesla or otherwise), the costs per mile keep coming. The energy a car uses is a consumable - the square feet in a home are not (or at least one hopes not!).

It would be more useful, I think, to compare the cost of operating the car per mile. How much would it cost to operate (i.e., charge) each car for, say, 1, 000 miles. Then divide that cost by 1, 000 miles to get $/mile.

Most people (including yours truly) are going to be looking at cost out the door and/or monthly payments when buying. That may or may not be the deciding factor, but I’d bet you it is something that is considered. When I got my SR+, there was a $10, 000 difference between it and the LR ($40 grand v $50 grand). That’s a lot of charging at <$0.10/kWh!

But yeah who knows… maybe people will find your calculations interesting and useful. I was kinda hoping for something different. (But I gave you a thumbs up anyway just for the effort and the chuckles!)


What about efficiency and watt hours per mile. Which is best?
