Samsung S22 Review: The Best Small Android Flagship?

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I haven't had a chance to really test out Samsung's baby S22 until now, but I wish I tried it earlier!

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there is many people watching S22 review on their S22 just like me😂 i'm just fall in love with this phone


Switched to the s22 from the s22 ultra. Man, flagship experience on this form factor especially on android feels like a breath of fresh air✨️


I'm watching this on my S22 and I am amazingly happy with this phone. I was afraid of the GOS scandal and the battery life at first, but now I'm a month in and I have little to none to complain about this phone! The battery life, sure, is shorter than the iPhone 13 or S22 Plus but the experience using this small, flagship device is a treat. Plus, everytime I take off my phone case is a treat for my eyes. I love everything about my Green S22!


I feel like Samsung would have a small community of enthusiasts if they made a Mini series of their galaxies.
Apple made iPhone mini and people loved it. I'd adore a galaxy S22 mini


I switched from the Pixel 6 Pro to the S22, and I have been so much happier. The P6P was simply too big. I absolutely love the size of the S22 and the way it feels in the hand. So happy that I can get a flagship experience in a "small" phone. Battery life is probably the biggest compromise, but I still get a solid day out of it with my personal usage patterns.


I think I really love the form factor of the S22 6.1 is the best size for a device. Hopefully future phones will always adopt a 6.1 inch model along with their enormous model. Looking at you Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro lol, once again, another fantastic video though


Got it for 299 for porting to Google fi! I'm so damn excited for the phone! I am absolutely fine with the battery. I used an iPhone Se first gen for 2yr with powerbank everywhere and recently moved to Android with mi 11x with SD870 and a pixel rom!!! I never needed an upgrade BUT i 299 for this, I'm all in!!!


Have upgraded from S21 and have found S22 Snapdragon version quite satisfactory for normal use. I like small phones and have a 12 mini too. I can only say that the battery life has seemed to be satisfactory to me. It lasts around 2 days for me as I use these two as phones and never play any game.


Thank you Mark for a great honest review. I appreciate it and keep up the great work.


i got my S22 from 2 months ago, the best handing phone after s8 i'm really happy with its size


I went with the S21 FE due to the S22's battery size. Coming from the iPhone 13 Mini, I could have managed it, but it didn't seem like the upgrade I was looking for


Flat panels on every model next year please. Time to put these stupid curved displays to rest. They serve absolutely no purpose.


I had Samsung for my entire life until about two years ago. I currently am watching this on the IPhone 13 Pro Max but it dosent mean I can’t appreciate the models Samsung are putting out still x


mark mark, amazing video as usual, i was hoping you do this review, i wanted to see how you liked the normal s22 and trust me its a great phone sure the battery life isnt amazing, i say its a great phone and im glad you reviewed it, its good to hear another tech review from you because you always make the context clear so buying is easier and it sure does make buying new products that much easier, so mark continue doing what your doing, your videos always amazing, hope you have an awesome day and cant wait till the next one


The rumour says the s23 series will have big improvement to the battery size. I will wait to get S23. Hopefully the size is still compact.


I switched from the giant S21 Ultra to S22 because I have arthritis and holding a giant phone is not ideal. Less painful and I'm happy about it


If samsung would put big battery & high end cameras on the s22 it would sell great i don't like that the s22ultra get more features than the s22 when they are all top end devices....the difference between s22 & s22ultra should only be s pen & size


I have one, it reminds me of the look and feel of older samsung devices, in a good way. It feels so nice, because I have relatively weak hands and short thumbs, I usually have to support most larger phones with two hands, this is almost fully usable with one and I can type and reach the other side of the screen pretty easily with my thumb while holding it something I haven't been able to do on an android flagship for a while. The size and light weight are nice. The battery is ok I guess. My old phone had significantly more battery life, but it was in a completely different size, weight and power class so it wouldn't be fair to compare it to that. That said, I think I will be getting a power bank because I think I would potentially have issues with longer periods of time when I don't have access to a charger. The sound and display are both good enough for me. I don't listen to music through the speakers because I use ear buds, but it puts out alright sound for videos. I like how dim the display can get so it is less bad on my eyes in the dark. Overall, good experience so far. I am not (and will never be) an apple product user, so I can't compare it to the iphone or the mini in any useful way, but I like this better just because I am team android.


Just got the S22 today in St. John's and discovered you on Youtube. Your content is excellent and I look forward to discovering more of your channel. Cheers!


That hole-punch design is actually really clean 🔥
