What Happens When Food or Liquid Goes Down the Wrong Way

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Aspiration Training in just 2 minutes! Find out what happens when you swallow something down "the wrong pipe" and why it can be dangerous.

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Very important information for everyone & not only for care givers. Jennifer always does a great job in explaining!


i read through comments and for the first time ever, i felt comforted. i am 21 and i struggle on swallowing due to the fear of choking. i even think i have choking phobia now. i hope i can be able to swallow without problem again 😢 i wanna eat normally again bcs im starving.

another struggle of mine is that the small particles of my food feels like theyre always going into my nostrils. idk anymore if this is just anxiety or not.


I accidentally aspirated a piece of broccoli yesterday. Got something out of my nose but something is in my lungs i can feel it being there. Managed to cough out 3 microscopic pieces but I feel that some are still there. I can bread, no fever just feels like pressure in chest. Should I worry?


I literally sniffed a piece of sage through my nostrils!! Like 30 minutes ago! I'm not sure which pipe it is in! But I can feel it somewhere! 😢. If I drink water or swallow I can only slightly feel it! Is it in the wrong hole? 😢 I will update tomorrow morning.


I had a piece of a hard tortilla chip go down the wrong way. I started coughing really bad and then had difficulty breathing. I was sent for a pulm function test to see if I had asthma because of my reaction, but they think I aspirated part of the chip. I've had chest discomfort and difficulty breathing for 2 weeks and it's just finally getting better. Do you think that's what happened? They decided I didn't have asthma.


I was eating a really really tiny homeopathic pill and it went back my throat somewhere. I didn’t cough or anything it just felt weird. Could it have gone down the windpipe without me knowing? Could a tiny thing like that do down windpipe without knowing. I’m panicking a lot. My throat hurts a little weird. Should I be worried?


i inhaled a mouthfull of water and felt tightness and shortness of breath but couldnt quite cough it out will i be ok?


I was eating sushi and I thought I had no food in my mouth but I breathed in through my mouth and I felt a piece of rice get stuck, I swallowed and I think it went down thenrigh pipe but I’m worried it didn’t, 2 hours later no cough or nothing just panicked. Am I okay?


So I sallowed a French fry I didn’t cough or anything like that but I felt it go down my left side. Am I in risk?


When I am eating my donut then drank coffee it felt like the coffee slipped away fast then I started to choke and my body reacted to cough and clear my throat and after that I felt fine and drank water, after that I voluntarily cough to check if I really aspirate some donut or coffee but none only phlegm came out (sorry), no wheezing or trouble breathing. am I fine or good? thank you


Hey! I was having boiled corns and I choked and coughed and I blew out a piece of corn from my nostrils.But I think I might have aspired a piece of corn as well.However I coughed a couple of times and then no symptoms of chest pain don't feel anything in the pipes and I feel normal it's been 2 hours is there chances I have silently aspired I don't have any underlying conditions young and healthy!


Since one month im suffering that last month foreign Body behind the oesophagus and doctors are removed that with help of anest but even after that its continously food strucking And its not comming out and its not even going back and also having vomiting due to coughing still its not comming im not understanding why is happening can u plz explain me


Hi, my girlfriend was eating an apple, and she almost choked, and she thinks that a pice of apple went on the wrong way. Three days later she is still scared, after she eats she has a wet cough and the feeling that something ist stuck in her throat, some difficulties to swallow. No fever. Her doctor told her nothing can do as long she doesn't have fever. Please advise
Thank you


Sometimes saliva goes down the wrong way and i start choking and can't breathe. Every time it happens (about once every 6 months) its terrifying and I think I could die. Eventually I manage to cough wretch and fight for enough breath and I get out of it. Any tips that could help me if this happens again please?


Hello mam. I was brushing my teeth and after that i gargle with water and it moves inside. I don't know which pipe it has gone. And now i'm worried😶


I was eating vianna sausages and I have a choking feeling in my throat right now. But it kind of cleared up. Did it go through my windpipe?


Have a friend just diagnosed with this problem and very depressed by it question because I care Is there surgery can stop the food going the wrong way ?


May I ask....can the food or water that go through wrong pipe don't trigger cough...it like something big but don't trigger the cough??is it possible or u will always cough?I accidentally breathe in while food is still in...but not a single coughing...do I should worry??or is there any other thing to detect like dropping in oxygen


When i was drinking my milk it got into the windpipe and i coughed it out
But i guess that it's still in my lungs and i can inhale but i cannot take a deep breath still cough while taking a deep breath
Should I be worried?


Hi, i think i got a grain of rice in my trachea yesterday. I tried coughing it out but to no avail. But i have no problems breathing. Just that throats itchy and raw also feel mucosy i should be fine?
