Prevent Cycling Hip Pain with Dr. Ben

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The main hip problems for cyclists are caused by constant hip flexion while pedaling, meaning the hip never returns to a neutral or extended position. This position makes the hip flexors overwork and shorten while the glutes are under worked and consequently become weak. This can lead to lower back pain, hip tightness and reduced cycling performance. Prolonged periods of time sitting also contribute to tight hip flexors, such as time spent at a desk or driving.

Enjoy this sneak peek into our 6 week Hip Function and Rehab Program.

Dr. Ben, a sports and rehab chiropractor, teacher, writer, and peer-reviewer, will guide you through a simple, but effective exercise you can do throughout your day (even at the office or while watching TV) to help open up your hips.

This activated hip flexor stretch will get deep into the psoas, the muscle that connects the upper and lower body and attaches to all five of the lumbar (lower back) vertebrae. This is a great exercise to perform daily, especially if you have a seated job or bike a lot.

How can the Hip Function & Rehab program help you?

✅ Learn about the causes of common hip pain in cyclists and exercises to avoid them

✅ Prevent overuse injuries by focusing on ranges of motion opposite to cycling to counteract the hours spent on the bike.

✅ Strengthen the hips, glutes and core to prevent pain in the low back, pelvis, and knees, which are areas that tend to compensate for the hips when they are weak

✅ Increase flexibility in tight and/or shortened hip muscles for more comfort on the bike, as well as increased performance and endurance

✅ Generate more power and speed on the bike

Not a member yet, but you want to check out the Hip Function & Rehab program?

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
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Thanks so much for this video. I'm coming out of a long recovery from "sciatica" and put my bike on rollers to ease back into cycling. Just 10 minutes a day with rest in between days and I can barely walk afterwards. Quads feel torn, front of hip joints feels like they were hit with a bat, and glute tendons feel inflamed. Not able to sleep either. I will try this stretch


I am getting groin pain but it may be the hip pain radiating into the groin?
Saddle too high?


How do i know if i got a fracture on the hips
