Running a Linux Manjaro in Virtualbox

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#VirtualBox #CurrentOperatingSystems #VMs

      a. Choose a desktop environment by scrolling through the various options on the downloads page     
   03. Launch Virtualbox
   04. Create a New VM by selecting Machine ≫ New
         Name: Linux Manjaro
         Machine Folder: C:\VMs
         Type: Linux
         Version: Arch Linux (64-bit)
         Memory Size: 4096 MB
         Hard disk: Create a virtual hard disk now
   05. Click Create
   06. On the Create Virtual Hard Disk dialog
         File size: 30 GB
         Hard disk file type: VDI
         Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically Allocated
   07. Click Create
   08. Select the VM and Click Settings
   09. Select System ≫ Processor
   10. Give the VM at least 2 processors
   11. Select Display
   12. Slide the Video Memory to 128 MB
   13. Select Network
   14. Set the attached to dropdown to Bridged Adapter
   15. Select Storage
   16. Click on the CD-ROM drive
   17. Select the disc dropdown to the right ≫ Choose a virtual optical disc file...
   18. Browse to and select the downloaded Linux Manjaro .iso file
   19. Click OK
   20. Make sure the Linux Manjaro VM is selected and click Start ≫ Normal
   21. Press Enter to Start Manjaro (or wait 10 seconds)
   22. Click the Application button and search install ≫ Click Install Manjaro Linux
   23. Select a language ≫ Click Next
   24. Select a Region ≫ Click Next
   25. Select a keyboard layout ≫ Click Next
   26. Select Erase disk ≫ Click Next
   27. Enter a name, computer name, username, password and root password ≫ Click Next
   28. Choose an Office Suite to install ≫ Click Next
   29. Verify the overview and click Install ≫ Click Install now
   30. Wait while Manjaro copies files and installs
   31. When the installation completes, Check the Restart Now box and click Done, the VM will reboot
   32. Login with the username and password created earlier in the process
   33. Welcome to Manjaro Linux
Optional Steps
   01. Click the Applications button ≫ Search "terminal" ≫ Click Terminal
   02. Run the following commands to install updates
         sudo pacman -S perl gcc make
   03. Select Devices ≫ Insert Guest Additions CD image...
   04. If the installation autoruns, select Run otherwise
   05. Open the Files application ≫ Select the Guest Additions Disc ≫ Right click in the white space ≫ Open in Terminal
   06. In the Terminal window run the following commands
         sudo reboot now
   07. The VM will reboot
   08. Upon rebooting, you can now full screen the VM and the internal resolution will automatically change to match the window size
   09. Log back in

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