The real Jon Snow live Q&A

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Discussing extra ideas and material that didn't fit into the main Real Jon Snow video.

Special thanks to Patrons Michael Appell, Harry, Shane Veglia, NotGac, Tessa Campbell-Kelly, Tim Cunniff, T. Ledoux, MaxPal, Jake, Nicolas L. Pimenta, Ruven Dewender, Vince Ryan, Fraciés Clarke.
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Makes his longest ever video on Jon then follows it up with a 6 hour livestream this is why you’re the best


Alt Shift X frantically typing to find some obscure image in his huge database while continuing to calmly talk over it is my personal ASMR


i can’t wait to also watch this six hour livestream multiple times over the next year


My comment will never be seen, but I want to say, this channel has inadvertently played such a big part in my ascension from a deep depression. Yeah yeah blah blah super deep, but the combo of deep analysis and fantasy gave me a sense of freedom, a liberation from my stress. Thank you @Alt Shift X (and your other channels) for the many nights of staying up late learning about the best lore, lulling me to sleep with your godly voice, and dreams of dragons. Your content is truly, genuinely, something I look forward to. Thank you.


6 months of waiting, 2 hours long video, then 6 hours of live stream to wrap it up. It's like poetry, it rhymes.



56:33 Benjen
1:05:15 Superchat question (Why is it important if Jon is a Targaryen?)
1:07:22 Superchat question (Will Jon marry Sansa?)
1:11:23 Jon's dreams of the Winterfell crypts
1:22:08 Superchat question (Could Jon be Nissa Nissa, and it's Dany who kills him?)
1:26:00 Superchat question (Will Arya end the Long Night?)
1:28:32 Superchat question (Time-travelling Bran)
1:31:49 Bloodraven
1:39:33 Jon in What Makes A Good Hero?
1:43:21 Superchat question (Will Jon change too drastically after dying?)
1:46:06 Superchat question (Could the babyswitch backfire on Jon?)
1:49:41 Superchat question (Should the dragons be freed or killed?)
1:59:44 Superchat question (Could Jon Snow beat Master Chief or Arthur Morgan?)
2:00:44 Superchat question (Will Dany burn King's Landing?)
2:07:27 Superchat question (Will you cover Brandon Sanderson someday?)
2:08:17 Jon and Robb
2:10:18 Qoryn
2:12:59 Superchat question (When Merchandise?)
2:14:58 Superchat question (Will Jon and Dany meet?)
2:18:03 Superchat question (How does Jon relate to Dany's prophecys?)
2:21:31 Superchat question (Greyscale & the White Walkers)
2:24:23 Superchat question (Will you make a video on Netflix's ATLA?)
2:24:41 Superchat question (How will Alliser Thorne feel about Jon's identity as a Targaryen?)
2:30:10 Tormund
2:31:46 Mance
2:40:15 Wildlings and weirwood
2:42:00 Sam & Jon
2:43:04 Subtle changes in GoT Season 4
2:47:59 Ghost
2:51:27 a good line from GoT
2:51:48 Superchat question (Robert + Ned = Gay?)
2:52:24 Superchat question (Gilly)
2:54:20 Ygritte's death
2:57:00 How good of a warrior is Jon Snow?
3:03:30 Superchat question (What is Jon's real name?)
3:07:00 Superchat question (GRRM's budget for TWOW)
3:07:12 Superchat question (line comparison tv vs book)
3:09:28 Superchat question (When Dune 2 review + Foundation)
3:10:33 Superchat question (Historical inspirations for TWOW)
3:11:21 Superchat question (Euron's role in the story)
3:15:32 Superchat question (House Forester)
3:16:11 Superchat question (Jon Snow Rap when?)
3:16:54 Little changes from Asoiaf to Got that totally change Jon's character / Jon being a scheming political mastermind
3:26:58 Every woman in Asoiaf has the hots for Jon
3:28:11 James S.A. Corey cameo in Asoiaf
3:29:07 How strong is Jon, actually?
3:32:49 Asoiaf drafts that in some way appeared in GoT
3:42:08 Superchat question (Is Jon a horse?)
3:42:24 Superchat question (GRRM pls use adderal)
3:42:23 Superchat question (Jon's idea to build greenhouses)
3:43:29 Superchat question (Jon's poo)
3:44:00 Superchat question (Do you trust D&D with the Three Body Problem?)
3:44:29 Superchat question (What will Jon's tax policy be?)
3:46:18 The Asoiaf story is like an epilogue to Robert's Rebellion, and Robert's Rebellion was the traditional fantasy story
3:48:38 Will Jon Snow be resurrected in the Winterfell Crypts? Ft. What Jon looks like after he's resurrected
3:56:46 Lady Stoneheart
4:00:44 The Great Other


4:13:27 More Asoiaf Abridged?
4:14:10 Possible conflict between Ghost and Rhaegal if Jon bonds with Rhaegal
4:16:34 Jonsa, Jonarya
4:18:08 GoT RPG Stream?
4:18:33 symbolic similiarities between Jon and Arthur Dayne
4:20:20 GRRM and incest 😅
4:22:59 When Philosophy of Dune Video?
4:23:07 Paralles of Jon Snow to a Dune character I don't yet know
4:23:44 More What If videos in the future?
4:24:40 Is there a way to send you gifts?
4:25:08 The nickname Ned
4:25:39 subvert expectations
4:26:04 ADFS????
4:27:07 How does the ongoing discourse influence GRRMs writing
4:27:50 Michael Moorcock
4:28:51 Rhaegar type characters in previous works from Grrm
4:29:48 N+L=J????
4:30:56 Will Jon get with Val after killing Dany?
4:32:10 How will Jon kill Euron?
4:32:47 other theories for Jon's birth
4:33:41 Is Val a Dayne?
4:34:39 is jon in black armor a dragon dream
4:36:37 Will Jon be hesitant towards incest?
4:38:06 What exactly was Rhaegar's plan?
4:20:23 How did Jaehaerys know about the prophecy? (HotD)
4:42:26 Elden ring similarities to Asoiaf?
4:43:28 The Brightflames
4:43:50 How are the wall and Jon's warging abilities connected?
4:45:10 Dayne theory and Jon as the Peacemaker
4:46:00 What is Jon's central flaw?
4:47:10 Shift gets complimented, then roasted, and then he makes a cute giggle
4:48:06 another peculiarity about the tower of joy scene
4:49:00 How did Ned find the Tower of Joy?
4:49:40 Will Jon connect with Rhaegar?
4:50:33 Who's your favourite mention-only character and why is it Howland Reed?
4:50:49 Chance that Jon won't be resurrected
4:51:24 Bran
6:52:34 Jon's dynamic with Catelyn after they both died
4:54:50 Reason for Rhaegar and Lyanna to get married
4:55:55 Will Bran be king?
4:57:55 Why are all the Masters' names so unique?? (ft. Shift laughing)
4:59:00 How did you first get into Asoiaf?
4:59:53 Chaos in the North and the parentage reveal
5:01:00 Perfect Asoiaf ending?
5:01:52 What will Jon do with the people who killed him?
5:03:00 Which character would you bring back to life?
5:03:29 The books that inspired GRRM to Asoiaf
5:04:34 Who was the worst character to leave off the show?
5:06:56 Will The Real Dany be next?
5:07:56 Is it likely that Young Griff will get the Iron Throne?
5:08:44 Which POV for TWOW prologue & epilogue?
5:09:56 your personal tinfoil hat Jon theory
5:11:30 Parallels to Robin Hobb
5:11:46 The real Jaime/Cersei coming?
5:12:44 Lady Stoneheart in "wake dragons from stone"?
5:14:27 Will you watch D&D's Three Body Problem
5:16:15 Do Catelyn and Jon's wounds have parallels?
5:17:47 The novella "the she-wolves of Winterfell"
5:19:08 Should George make a different ending?
5:19:45 Second Dune video?
5:20:07 Will you fight Schwift?
5:20:30 Jon & Satin
5:22:07 Ghost or Mormont's raven?
5:23:00 is reading unfinished work worth it?
5:24:09 Dany as a politician
5:24:56 What is Valyrian steel?
5:26:16 Which of your videos should George watch?
5:26:25 Rhllor is someone from the future
5:27:10 It makes sense that Jon makes rash decisions
5:27:46 Who will bond with Viserion?
5:29:10 New world crops in Westeros
5:29:34 Patchface
5:30:09 politics of man vs magical war
5:31:08 bad ending if Jon became king?
5:32:13 Would Ned have told Jon about his parents?

(I will update these as I go on with watching the live stream, and eventually add the timestamps from the beginning)


GRRM’s biggest problem is that he’s a little too good at creating characters. He brings those characters to life, and now they have their own motivations that aren’t always in line with the way GRRM wanted to take the plot. That’s why we haven’t gotten book six, let alone the end of the series- he’s having a hard time getting those characters to act in a way that will bring everything together. Just a theory.


No clue how this dude talked for nearly 6 hours with minimal pauses.


It’s a testament to your endurance, charm, and knowledge that this SIX HOUR video has over 200k views within a day. You’re a boss.


I can't imagine the prep work that you have to do to put these streams together. You must have 100+ tabs open, several monitors, and folders open with categories for specific bullet points you want to talk about. The fact that you're able to bounce from question to question and topic to topic all while pulling up applicable media without interrupting your conversational flow is damn impressive.


I think that the reason Catelyn thinks of Jon when she's praying to the Warrior is that she knows Jon was a better swordsman than Robb. In AGOT Jon bragged to Benjen about being a better swordsman than Robb. And In one of Jon's POV chapters in ADWD, Jon remembers that Catelyn would be displeased anytime Jon outdid Robb in their training, which would suggest that she paid close attention to their training.


Perhaps the real Jon Snow was the friends we made along the way.


Holy crap 6 hour live stream shifty you are the man!!!


Compile his answers and write TWOW already <3


Can't wait to fall asleep to this


I think Jon will become more like Ghost after his resurrection. Ghost is a unique wolf, so Jon will change in unique ways. Like maybe he won’t make any noise like Ghost. Maybe he’ll become more connected to the old gods and that’s what will make him more brutal. A silent creepy Jon would be pretty goofy.


Jon's change in perceptiveness may not be an error on George's part - it might be symbolic of power blinding people. Jon starts with no power, first as a bastard and then a recruit and steward and then a captive of the Wildlings and then under close watch with the threat of execution looming over him for quite a long time. Then suddenly he's the most powerful man north of Last Hearth (especially after Stannis leaves the Wall).

The powerful figures in ASOIAF are so often oblivious to things going on around them. Cersei has no clue everyone around her is betraying her, Robert never suspected his In-Laws were plotting against him, Dany is ignorant of the Sons of the Harpy to the point of being surprised there's open rebellion against her. - and even Ned can't see his own downfall as he walks right into it despite being the Hand of the King Meanwhile the characters without ultimate power notice everything because they are constantly watching their backs - even Tyrion and Varys seem on top of most things, and Littlefinger has his eyes above and below him at all times as he climbs the power ladder.

Power blinds. It fits the themes of the story so perfectly.


Your channel makes me love this complex story even more every time i watch one of your videos


It's just so good to listen to alt shift x again after all those years watching thrones, the big heartache of how that show ended, and you just keep talking us through like the effing encyclopedia that you are. ❤


Bro you are really the best. I cant stop watching these videos.
