Inflammation in Fibromyalgia - What is new research telling us?

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Why is inflammation disregarded with #fibromyalgia?

Chronic inflammation refers to a response by your immune system that sticks around long after an infection, injury, or exposure to a toxin.

Inflammation is so critical because it has been found to be a player in almost every chronic disease. And if it isn’t associated with a chronic disease, it’s probably because no one has looked for it.

Articles and studies referenced:

#neuroinflammation #fibromyalgiaresearch
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This makes sense to me, I am suffering from so many fibro symptoms and always searching for any plausible cause for this debilating illness, so far, none of them have made total aense..until now. It seems so accurate to think that inflammation in the brain is causing fibro since most symptoms are akin to MS which is brain lesions.If fibro is caused by brain inflammation spots, it seems so likely to produce same or similar symptoms as MS...also, I have had multiple lifetime traumas causing PTSD, which many doctors suspect trauma and/or PTSD to be a major cause of fibro. Again, this makes sense as to how these things would also cause brain inflammation and therefore fibro. Additionally, stressors make fibro symptoms worse, or flare up, again this is inflammation related. I think you are onto to something major here!!! As sufferers, we need your help to properly medicate this condition for relief/healing. Living with fibro is not living.


Yip. THOSE!who dont have fibromyalgia can be the biggest critics that this is not advice:ignore them totally and live your life to the best of your own ability.get peace of mind .


I would be interested in helping with research as I have had fibromyalgia for over 20 years with extreme symptoms.


I read years ago that approx 78% of people with fibromyalgia had suffered severe neck injury.
No coincidence I was 100% healthy prior to a head on collision, with blackout concussion. It makes sense that neurones in the brain would’ve been injured, and nerves in the neck as well. Life has not been the same since, and the fibromyalgia diagnoses years later is no coincidence. A cure is needed.


I knew this was true, that something was going terribly wrong in my brain. In November 2016, I was feeling better and I decided to cut back on my meds. After 2 months I was thrown hard and fast into an overwhelming amount of inflammation in my brain, I couldn't walk, talk, drive or feed myself. But the worst of it was @ 3 wks into this helpless state, I couldn't bear to lie my head down, and sit back up again because doing so created the most terrifyingly hallucinations I could've never imagined. Because of the pressure on the brain, I lived thru the most fragile and helpless month of my life, minute by minute. I wasn't in control of the excruciating pain in my head and throughout my entire body. I didn't expect to survive it.
It took 2 months to recover from this Fibromyalgia attack but was I was so traumatized by it, it took a year for me to stop doubting I would live to see my next birthday, xmas etc.. Thankfully, after being in hospital twice, I was put back on meds, and by the grace of God and my doctors, I've not had so severe an attack since. That was 3 years ago, and tho I still struggle with the symptoms, I'm managing my fibro with better control now. Only 2 years after that horrible experience, and much research, did my doctors and I see the September '18 Massachusetts General Hospital's article in collaboration with the Swedish research team's PET/MRI image, did I understand what had happened to me! Bravo MGH and your research team of many! Thank you, and here's to your future progress in FMS treatment!
Donna Logerot
454 Calhoun Rd.
Swansea, SC 29160
843 754-4428


That’s why Meloxicam works alittle for me 15 Mg ( started at 7.5 a few years ago ) I think there is a place for opioids in the morning and night. If I work a lot of days more than 5 hrs my brain will really get inflamed and then my chest and heart. I occasionally have to take a steroid or my cognitive, cortisol, and eyesight, and headaches get way out of wack. I’m no fun to be around! I am getting worse with age and it’s chronic pain now. It is unethical to not be allowed opioids because of drug street addicts when My suffering is so intense. I take allopurinol for high Uris acid levels. Soooo much pain with no end in sight. A massage would hurt beyond belief. I have osteoporosis and am positive for BLA-127 gene 🧬 for ankylosing Spondylosis but because my MRI on my Sacrum didn’t show alot of inflammation I was told it’s Fibromyalgia. I want to die


YES there is inflamation in fibromyalgia. I have it I experience it every day. I believe we need to look further in the brain for some answers. That is were every thing is controled. It feels like i am pluged into an electrical outlet and the power is turned up all the way. It effects my nerves, muscles, joints, and bones. It also effects my thoughts and ability to think clearly. It is very painful, but yet it is invisable. I believe the answer is some where in the brain.


I have hyper mobile joints, my Rhe told me that now this condition has made many people have fibro due to the hyper mobility causing the ligaments, which is not strong and allows the joint to move too loose and pull on tissues and muscles causing micro tares in the muscles, therefore, causing inflammation. It seems that I have a connective tissue disorder which can cause a weakness of ligaments and the joint is not seated properly causing friction. I definitely believe that. As far as a neck injury, I can believe that also, possibly from the injury in the neck starting the inflammation. I don't know that, but I would say it is possible.


Most people with Fibromyalgia also have migraines. Migraines are caused by inflammation in the brain. Frankly, using Excedrin Migraine relieves both my headaches and Fibromyalgia symptoms simultaneously. I really believe that inflammatory/immune responses in the brain are at the center of the problem. I’ve been told that inflammation wasn’t a part of the syndrome, yet my first symptoms showed an ESR of 135! (Felt like I’d been hit by a bus.) Docs we’re thinking Lupus, but I didn’t have the markers. Eventually was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.


My doc tapering me off prednisone for lupus, but curious to see if by fibromyalgia gets any worse during the process.


Hello fibro sufferers I suffer terribly with brain inflammation and get very hot like there's a fire burning in my head and alot of headaches the drs are not interested just want to give paracetamol and I'm taking pregablin.Any recommendations for the inflammation it's driving me mad.😥


I am interested in the meds that are helping. For me Lyrica for 80% and pair with Celebrex helps. I just need something more to help when I get active I’m fine. It’s when I get still. I wake up in quite a bit of pain. It starts off with spasms that gets in knee and ankle joints and it drives me mad literally. I need help. My meds do not touch when I get to this point. I have to do what I do. Others depend on me. I try to watch how strenuous I get. Any suggestions would be helpful as well what meds work for you. Thanks. 😊❤️


Yes definitely there is inflammation. I have it all over my body even in my head which is the worst feeling ever . I think celebral fluid should be more examined in fibromyalgia.


Everytime I go to the doctor they say the best we can do is give you a steroid shot because I have severe inflammation. Sure as shit my migraines and random pains go away for a couple months


I have fibromyalgia and the burning is so bad


I disagree. They have always said that part of the diagnosis is that there is widespread inflammation in fibromyalgia patients and there have been other brain studies as far back as 5 years. This is not new


Mostly affecting women, so not taken seriously, drug protocol is antidepressants, all in your head ladies. Outrageous 😢


Interesting 🧐 most person think inflammation in body. Inflammation in brain not same I think but still very pain 🥴
