LDN (Low-Dose Naltrexone) are 3 letters that can reduce fibromyalgia pain

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Younger J et al. The use of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) as a novel anti-inflammatory treatment for chronic pain. Clin Rheumatol 2014 Apr;33(4):451-9.

Younger J et al. Low-dose naltrexone for the treatment of fibromyalgia: findings of a small, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced, crossover trial assessing daily pain levels. Arthritis Rheum 2013 Feb;65(2):529-38
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Yes! I take a low-dose 5 mg and it definitely helps bring down my pain level and makes my quality of life much better. When I first started taking it, I went from taking three Aleve’s’s per 24 hours down to taking just one or two.


I just started taking it! I’ll be back to let you know how it worked for me


Started 1.5 mg for three weeks. Up to 3 mg for past week. Dr prescribed it for Hashimoto’s. I have definitely seen so many positive changes!
I have eczema and it is GONE!
I have had chronic allergies for years. Tested several times through the years but always told I was not allergic to anything. I probably should own stock in KLEENEX 😂. LDN has stopped all of my allergy symptoms.
I feel more awake every morning! Less aches and pains. Just AMAZING!
I’m 73 and I am so grateful my functional med Dr recommended LDN.


I'm so glad you are talking about this! It has really helped me. After reading information in the LDN book 1&2, and a talk with the founder of LDN Research Trust, I have ended up (after a year) at my best dose 4.5 mg on waking and again around 2pm.


Fabulous summary! Thank you so much!! I’m just starting LDN and am hoping it decreases my anxiety!


Thank you so much . I’m excited to try. My doctor says it can help with depression too.


Sadly LDN didn’t work for me 😢 my whole body got swollen and ended up in ER. Was so hopeful that it would help me.


YES! BUT, the compounded pill form of LDN wasn't effective for me. My doctor had it compounded to be taken sublingually (as a troche) and it's been a GODSEND! This need for it sublingually might be related to me having both variations of the MTHFR gene mutation. I take it every night, melts under my tongue. If i miss a night, boy do i feel it the next day!
The only side effect for me is that it makes me a little sleepy which is great at bedtime.
Anyway, just wanted to share this siblingual (under the tongue) hack if the pill doesn't help. It can take a month to start feeling it to help. After month two, you'll know!


LDN is helping me at least for the last couple weeks. I can only take 1 mg because of the sleep disturbance. I've taken LDN in the past for facet syndrome and had to stop because I was getting sleep disturbance in a little jittery. So far ok


I am on 9 mg twice a day. My pain doctor, Dr. Ong in Vancouver Bc says she has patients on even higher doses. I am also on Duloxetine. It is expensive but fortunately my extended health insurance covers most of the cost. I am not pain free and currently have a terrible flare but usually I am not too bad. Thanks for sharing. On a side note, I also have have DISH diseaese


Thank you! Very informative video. Just started Naltrexone tonight (for myalgia). Hoping some improvement in overall pain can start showing up sooner than later. I dissolve a 50mg tablet into 50ml of water, then extract 1ml in a syringe, take that. Not even sure how much that is then I take (?) but we'll see.


This is very helpful. Unfortunately, my rheumatologist said she’s never heard of this medication. So frustrating. I live in Chicago area. Do you see patients in the clinic setting?


Here in Denmark, the doctors consider Naltrexone to be low dose up until 25 mg, I wonder why there's such a difference? I would love to know more about LDN, specifically about doing what they here in DK call Alternative Regime (AR - in English it would probably be named twice a day dosing), meaning that you up your intake of LDN to two times a day - morning and evening with 12 hours apart - for about 14 days, as a "booster" I guess. I haven't found much information about that, but having tried it, I know it can work wonders. As a note for others reading this, AR is not recommended for cancer and thyroid patients.


Dear Dr Ginevra, Is LDN also effective against Polymyalgia Rheumatica?


I’m going to try LDN for burning mouth…..my life is horrendous because of the pain..


I asked my doctor about this and she refused to consider it.


I’m disabled with terrible quality of life from FM. What kind of doctor can prescribe patients naltrexone?? Please help.


ER Drs don't know the difference between the 50MG and 5.00MG. How can I help them


Has anyone here for it from the NHS in England??


I read under another YouTube video that people with gut infections or gut microbiome issues might not respond well to LDN and need to get that checked out first. Did you hear about that? My doctors are inexperienced with LDN. I need to know before starting to take LDN. Thanks in advance 🌸
