Runes That Were DELETED From League of Legends

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With how well received my Removed video series has been, I thought about doing a video on Removed Runes and Masteries, especially since there's been a lot of changes in that department!

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I miss the old runes, but I also recognize that what we have today is better overall. 1% crit will always have a special place in my heart though


I miss Omnistone so much. There is very little reason it couldn't have been kept in as a for fun rune. Its infinite scaling nature coupled with its potential utility (rolling Phase Rush when you need to escape and Conquror when you need to go in) makes for a remarkably fun thing to run in unranked gamemodes.


although im nostalgic for old runes, im glad some of them didn't make it today. can you imagine the combo of deathfire touch + liandry's + demonic embrace on someone like brand or malzahar?


God... Deathfire Touch was my gate out of gold with old Mordekaiser.
You hit lvl 6: Ult, Ignite, Corrupting Potion and Deathfire Touch.
You WILL get a ghost at pretty much half health.


I really miss Kleptomancy. I used to play 2 of the biggest abusers of this rune. Ezreal and Illaoi (for those who don't know, Illaoi can proc items and runes, like grasp or Klepto on spirit pulled with e)


There's a crucial difference in Thunderlord's Decree and Electrocute is that Thunderlord's only took 3 instances of damage to proc it, including items. So a single Morgana W could proc it within 2 seconds, or an Orianna's QW combo with luden's echo effect.
And when an item called Hextech Revolver was still around(behaving similarly to the current hextech alternator albeit only for normal attacks) and gave 40AP, a lv7 Sona with it(the hextech revolver) and 4 points in Q could take 60% HP of an ADC with a Q into power chord and hextech revolver, triggering Thunderlord's Decree. What a great time


I only started playing League at the beginning of this year so videos like this are cool to watch to give insight of League’s history


Runic affinity felt soo good. Klepto legit made me a Camille OTP so fun and the leads were insane


The inspiration tree description says "Creative tools and rule bending." So looking at that and all the other runes there giving itens for free, it's easy to see the purpose of Cleptomancy.
And BTW, the most toxic aspect of that rune was the condition to autoattack after casting an ability, which means it's easily abused by abilities that apply on-hit effects - specially GP and Ezreal. Besides other things, First Strike is healthier because it's triggered by any damage or cc.


I remember Death Fire Touch being used for Kayn since it's damage counted torwards his forms. You could transform super early in the game


old runes should make a comeback, if they didn't cost IP/BE or cost much, much less, it'd be awesome to be able to customise to that extent. I remember having unique rune pages. Movement speed quints, 2x 1% crit runes + armour pen reds, armour yellows and CDR blues...


Klepto illaoi was one of my fav comboes of all time

Steal their souls and gold


Courage of the Colossus was added on Wild Rift as a resolve rune which is really interesting


i miss old rune and mastery system before keystone masteries etc it felt like it was like they were misc bonuses but not that important but diverse enough every player had different rune/mastey page


5:40 pretty sure courage of colossus was removed because it made certain tanks unkillable slabs of meat who you just could not out trade. Think maokai top, nautilus top, poppy top, etc. They where unbeatable in lane since sustain+courage made every trade automatically losing with the 2 layered shields they would get almost permanently.,


I was playing Karma at this time, and I fondly remember walking into lane bot with pretty much 2 free ult hat stacks already... glad that's gone, but good times.


Kleptomancy fit a specific playstyle though. That being heavy scalers who could also easily proc the rune but like a lot of other runes it was just overly specific and the only champs that could reliably use it were pretty much kayle, gp and ez.


It seems that the purpose of the inspiration tree was initially to allow for gold-starved supports access to stuff without needing that much gold. Like free boots, a free stopwatch through perfect timing, free health and mana through biscuit delivery, even the ability to spend gold they didn't have and, of course, the ability to earn gold by hitting their abilities through kleptomancy.


AYY YO WTF WAS THATS HEALING? 1180+ out of nowehere WTF 2:19


Klepto wasn't for slowing enemy tempo, hit and runs, or sustained damage. It was for fun.
