Are Anxiety Symptoms Real or am I Just Imagining Them?
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Are anxiety symptoms real or are you actually just imagining them? All of us with anxiety issues but especially us with health anxiety have to deal with the physical sensations that this disorder comes along with. We often go from one doctor appointment to the next and get test after test done. We have plenty of symptoms that worry us and that we associate with different diseases or illnesses. A racing and pounding heart is associated with heart attack, numbness and tingling is a stroke, twitching a sign of MS and the list goes on and on. The sets of symptoms even vary… We could get some reassurance from a doctor and feel great for a moment but the very next day we experience completely new symptoms that resemble a completely different disease. This often makes us wonder if the symptoms are just in our heads?!
I am certain that close to all physical sensations we experience are real. It is just the perception of them that creates this fear in us. Under high stress we enter fight or flight mode. This is a state that mentally and physically prepares us for danger. We are on standby just waiting to react to something dangerous. If you then notice sudden dizziness for example your already alerted mind will react heavily to it because it was already prepared for something threatening. Anything that seems out of the ordinary will be focused on and analyzed for possible danger. This intense focus on the symptom will magnify its intensity. What started out as light numb feeling in your fingers can then suddenly feel like you have lost all feeling in your hands. Your mind will now confirm that these escalating symptoms are the source or the reason for why you feel the way you do – suddenly you are having a full blown panic attack with symptoms everywhere!
Most of the physical sensations you experience are a direct result from your bodies stress reaction. In response to stress (threat) your muscles tense up. This tension can create plenty of symptoms like a tight chest, numbness, tingling, headaches, fatigue, sore muscles, back pain, arm pain, shooting sensations and so on. I always like to think of it as following: In fight or flight and or high stress mode our body is basically one huge symptom. Whatever illness we worry about we will be able to find symptoms that resemble it…. Our hypersensitive mind will then blow these sensations up which further fuels stress and round and round it goes.