How to Stay Hopeful in A Non-Vegan World | Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

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Making vegan friends helps. So. Much. <3 Online or IRL, we need to connect and support each other.


I REALLY needed this video today.  I've been crying for three days.


Ooby dooby do didn't Sinatra sing that one?


As a vegan with depression, this is something I struggle with a lot. Whenever I start to lose hope I try to watch positive videos of rescued animals to remind myself that there are success stories out there.


*How to Stay Hopeful in A Non-Vegan World | Colleen Patrick-Goudreau*

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#hope #vegan #joy #joyfulvegan #colleenpatrickgoudreau #whybevegan #howtobevegan #govegan #inspiration #bitesizevegan


I needed this. I went to a farm store yesterday along with my family. They were selling baby ducks and chickens for $5. I just saw them and cried. I cried for a long time. I always knew being vegan was right because it's not okay to hurt other sentinent beings. But I made the physical connection for one of the first times yesterday. I broke. I mean selling babies for $5! So screwed up. Then everything I know about the food industry came up and it's just so hard knowing everything that goes on in the world. 

Anyways, thank you for this video. It helped :)


Emily, I'm going through a hard time. 3 months ago I turned vegan and since then my mom and dad don't look me in the eyes, every single day we fight, and I tried, at least 10 times to convince them but they wouldn't listen. Last night when we were fighting my dad said that he was putting milk jn every single lunch I had while being vegan, and sometimes even eggs. That just got me so sad and angry that I was crying for whole night. It makes me cry every time I think about it. I am 17 and still depend on them. Every day is a horror. I literally feel wounds in my heart from all that crying. There is no one that supports me, no one to talk to.


I take hope from all the amazing groups and individuals out there working hard for animals.I am 62 and in my lifetime I can see progression -there was no info about vegetarians and vegans when I was a child. I've seen the availability of non dairy milks soar so they are now in every supermarket .People are becoming aware of factory farming all all the kinds of animal suffering.Keep up the good work .


I found this video really uplifting. I started being vegan not long ago mainly for health reasons. I had heard a lot of talk about the earthlings documentary and figured I owed it to the animals to watch it. I feel ashamed that I couldn't finish it after watching what happened to animals in the fur industry. Neither I nor my family have ever owned a fur coat as far as I know, and yet all I could do was cry and say I was sorry. For a little while I didn't know if I was going to get over what I saw but my father comforted me and soon after I found this video. Anyways I really appreciate this video, and while I'm still upset I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


For me, it is all about learning not to hate people. We all deserve love and respect, even though some actions that we make don't.
When I see a friend of mine eating any animal product, I don't hate them, I just think he is wrong and try to tell them as well as I can.
When I see those horrible images of slautherhouses, I just try to think on the work that is to be done, on every good thing that has already been done and on history: in the whole picture, we are evolving, becoming more compassionate, looking for the right thing to do, so time is in our favor.
Another more personal thing that keeps me going is my spiritual belief of reincarnation and thus we have a lot of opportunities to make it better, to come back to earth and do something more.


Two of my favorite people together! Yay! Thank you and Colleen for your inspiration! As a new vegan (still in my first year), listening to both of you is one of the main ways I stay hopeful, sane, focused, and vegan. You rock!


Thank you for this. I was just thinking about this (again) today. I've only been vegan 1.5 years and this by far is the hardest part. I tell myself to accept the things I can't change, and change the things I can. I feel hope whenever I hear someone else has become vegan (like in the comments of your videos!); it restores a little faith in my fellow humans. You're part of the hope Emily (and the other activists like you), so keep doing what you do.


At first I cried a lot about being Vegan and why people don't care enough to change.  I spent too much time focusing on what other people are doing instead of me and the impact I was making.  Things have turned around and I finally understand it's all about inspiring but in order to do that I have to show them not tell them.  I love your channel and thanks to the YT Vegans I've been so happy with my knowledge I absorb. =)


Dear Emily, your activism empowers others' with potent tools. Please Jot this down: #1 It is a Marathon, not a Sprint. and #2 The Ox is slow, but the Mountain is patient. P.S. You and Deadpool can break the 4th wall, all you want.


Hey Emily!! 
Through your talks and other vegans, I am on my last steps to becoming fully vegan. (only some chocolate occasionally, and i know the importance of transitioning slowly for my all or nothing personality). But just as importantly the education you and Gary  and others provide has been the main reason my meat eating boyfriend (he ate meat with every meal) has been meat free for the last two months AND his goal is to be vegan by the end of the year.

I came home the other day to see him on the couch with YOUR voice coming out of his laptop. He had watched all of your videos in one day. At first he was so resistant to if you enlighten people a little, light a small fire it spreads, they suddenly have the urge to educate themselves. And your videos are PERFECT for newbies. The perfect mix of complex science and sometimes horrific truths but not overwhelming, due to your heartfelt delivery, witty personality and the size of the videos.

Emily if my boyfriend went vegetarian in Spain (a meal is not a meal without some form of flesh covered in olive oil) then there is MASSIVE hope!!

So, my point is Thank You!!
You are amazing but Don't burn out because you will be of No use then.


I will watch this video soon, I always like listening to what Colleen has to say. I'm easily depressed as a vegan and the state at the world and my inability to make any significant difference for animals and my inability to not let meat eaters and the carnistic world get me down used to have me slightly suicidal. Yet I have ways to make myself feel better and enjoy life but it goes in cycles. I'm in my 30's, single and slightly autistic so I find it hard to make lots of friends,  and feel daunted by say another 50 or 60 years on this planet if I spend half my team depressed even though I do try to do some activism and focus on positives, it seems the negatives are much more prominent. Anyway,  no one really cares about all that. I will now watch the video.


This might seem a bit too personal - but I feel it does tie in with the theme of this video. How do you feel about having kids? I've decided this world is just too screwed up (environmentally and other) that I can't convince myself that bringing another human in to this world is a good idea. If your child rebels and becomes non-vegan... etc. Do you see from similar perspective at all?


Despite the frustration that people are still abusing and killing animals as well as themselves with a horrific diet, I take heart that I became Vegan because of so many activists - one less person causing so much damage - many others will follow.  My life is much more positive in health and knowledge that every day the Vegan cause is taking baby steps.  It's happening for many reasons and from different angles eg you, Gary and those striking initially from the health aspect eg Freelee and Durianrider.  I hope that even comments or answers I give to people will resonate.


It is so good to hear some useful advice about this important topic. There isn't enough of it!...
I agree about finding balance, even though that can also be a struggle. Something that does help me when I feel like I'm not ending enough animal suffering is remembering the starfish story. If you don't know the starfish story, you should give it a Google. :)


Colleen gives such sage advice I love it! it's so interesting that we do need that cognitive dissonance when it comes to being vegan.. sometimes it hurts too much to be reminded of the tragedies. I just try my best not to think about it and continue living the vegan life and hopefully through my example and educating when I can I can inspire others to be vegan too
