How Cold Can Scientists Make Things?

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Scientists recently cooled a copper block to .006 degrees above absolute zero, which is insanely cold. How do we make these things so cold? Julian explains.

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Copper Block Sets Record Cold Temperature
“A block of copper has been cooled to -273.144 °C and kept there for 15 days with a little help from the ancient Romans. The achievement set a new record for cold temperatures on a macroscopic object.”

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“It's hard to describe exactly how cold the coldest cubic meter in the universe will be.”

Physics is Cool! Molecules chilled to coldest temperature ever recorded at 2.5 thousandths of a degree above absolute zero
“Physicists have succeeded in chilling molecules to the coldest temperature ever reported.”

World record in low temperatures
“Researchers of the YKI-group of the Low Temperature Laboratory have achieved the lowest temperature ever produced.”

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“Kilometre-long pulses of light have been stored for over one second in a 0.1 mm cloud of ultracold atoms – before being revived and sent on their way.”

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Coldest Place In The Universe


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you guys should do an episode on how scientists measure temperatures that low


Just a little typo in your presentation.  Kelvin is not measured in degrees as are Celsius and Fahrenheit. Thus 32°F or 0°C is 273.15 K.  There is never a degree symbol when dealing with Kelvin, that only applies to temperature readings that can go negative.  Since Kelvin is measured off of Absolute zero and above it can never be negative and therefore never be a degree.  


... For people all about science, saying "degrees Kelvin" is a very basic mistake. It's just Kelvin. Get it right, you're supposed to be educating people.


Kelvin is not measured in degrees. It's just Kelvin.


Apart from how awesome this show/channel is, I've got to say that I'm confused as to why I love the fact that you guys use internal advertisements. Maybe just cause my lazy mind doesn't have to click one more button? Worth a psychology video maybe? :D


'Chill as a bro named Chad wearing an upside down visor' LOL! i like you.


How could you not find science cool. Science is a method in which people can gain a better understanding of the world around us. We can use our knowledge to do some pretty cool things, the possibilities are limitless. (Note: limitless may be figurative).


That pimple looking mark on his lip! I cant help but think. . . . Mole. Moooole. Molelelelele! MOLE!


The coolest part about science, is clearly the DNews team. Anyone who disagrees couldn't possibly be more wrong.



Here are my coolest (figurative) things about science.
1. While humans have had roughly the same intellectual potential for at least the past 60, 000 years, it's only been in the past 500, with the dawn of the scientific method, that science really took off. So were are in the great place we are because we're in that 1% of human history in which science was understood. And yet the basic method is very simple. Doubt yourself, and try real hard to prove yourself wrong, and only if you fail at proving yourself wrong do you accept the new idea.
2. Even though out scientific discovery appears awesome, anyone who understands biology as technology, knows that we are at the very beginning of the beginning of the possible. In other words, looking back, we may be in the top 1%, but looking forward, starting with the beginning of science 500 or so years ago with Francis Bacon, we are not even at the 1% mark of what is possible.
3. Science is not a respecter of race, creed, color, religion or accident of birth. The validity of a proof doesn't depend on who your parents were or where you went to college. A proof's value is based on reality.
4. Science creates stuff that is imminently shareable. A treasure hunter finds a great treasure, the only way to share it is to split it up. But science finds a new methodology, an new truth, a new reality, it can be made fully available to everyone.
5. Science works even if you weren't born to magical parents with mystical genetics. When I start my car, it works whether I'm the 7th son of the 7th son, or the love child of homeless minority immigrants. Science lets me be magical in ways of legend without requiring that I be the luckiest of the lucky.
6. I think it is immensely cool how many things turn out to be useful, and how amazingly it all connects, all works together. It's like a giant puzzle. The early science of making things cold can traced to studies of the gases rising off of beer. And the record cooling results are traced to the same tools (lasers) that can be used to produce the record heating. 
7. Science makes technology possible. And technology saves and enriches lives.


Does it mean light in space travels slower because its colder there (in some places)?


The coldest place in the universe is man-made. 


1:43 Not degrees Kelvin, just Kelvin.


Who can cold help scientists make things?

Me: by using their hearts.


Degrees Kelvin? I'm pretty sure Kelvin is an international standard unit and has no ° associated with it.


What are those temperatures in °F? I'm too lazy to look it up.


Is it correct to call Kelvin "degrees"?


im not wishing for that hot sticky summer back at all.


This video just reminded me why I love science.


If you were to assume NYC was 0degress C and LA was absolute zero, we are about the width of the tip of a pencil away from LA.
