Why do people with schizophrenia walk so much?

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In this video, we explore the reasons why individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia often pace. Pacing is a common behavior observed in people with schizophrenia and can be a sign of various symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, delusions, or hallucinations. We dive into the five main reasons for why people with schizophrenia may pace and how pacing can provide a therapeutic outlet for many patients. We also discuss how pacing can become problematic and offer solutions such as additional medication, vigorous exercise, or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to manage the urge to pace. CBT can provide insight into underlying triggers and offer coping strategies to manage the stress associated with pacing. If you or someone you know is affected by schizophrenia, this video will provide valuable information and potential solutions to address pacing behaviors. Join us as we delve into the complexities of schizophrenia and pacing.
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LMAO I walked around 5 mile a day in a 100meter corridor in a psychiatric ward. Because I couldn't stand being inside for 23.5 hours a day.


Akathsia made me pace for hours on end. I have bipolar disorder, and I didn't pace as much until I began antipsychotics; especially Latuda.


This was incredibly helpful. Thank you for sharing it.


Thank you so much for this video. I have schizophrenia with bi polar symptoms and I pace A LOT . It was this and other behaviors that showed me my mental illness. I could identify with what you were saying and couldn’t believe that you said exactly what I’m going through. IM going to share this with my partner


I think my fiance's form of pacing is driving aimlessly for hours. I have a GPS tracker on her car. She has undiagnosed schizophrenia. In the past 8 weeks of us not talking, she has taken a 125-250 mile drive about 35 out of 56 days. She sometimes goes 10 days in a row. Her drives have no point to them, sometimes only stopping for gas or a Coke. She doesn't use Google maps so she has no idea where she's going, she just goes. I have become the object of her delusions, being a man who wants to harm her and is unhappy with her. 100% wrong. Maybe she's agitated. Or maybe her delusions just tell her to go. Maybe they direct her. I wish I knew, I wish I could ask her why these thousands of miles up somewhere then back, repeat to a new place, repeat again, etc. She's socially isolated herself during this time. I just hope she's working through this episode of psychosis as she has in the past. It's frustrating because it should be us going on nice drives together, or me keeping her grounded from all this "roaming" as I call it. I feel she's close to coming around and when she does I need to figure out how to get her help, to a doctor and to start taking meds. Anosognosia doesn't help the situation. I should walk away but when she's herself she's amazing plus she has literally (LITERALLY) no one else in this world, she doesn't talk to people, no family, no friends. This is all breaking my heart to see her this way.


Not only pacing but running away walking 40 to 60 miles all night


a psych wanted his sibling to be boss at his family company. I simply showed him the path he walks back and forth on everyday(there is no grass left).The boss insists he can control his sons thinking....Obviously not.Nepotism is not for the faint of hart and neither is running a CORPORATION.


invega and Abilify dose cause this for my son, it actually life threatening in some cases ..becuase it can actually wear your heart out


I pace a lot.
When I was on antipsychotics I had akathesia, which made me pace more.


A lot of times when I have something on my mind I past off and on and sometimes it can last for the majority of the day


Omg that's so true, i know this because my uncle has schizophrenia


So in general, I have alswys taking long walks.

But when I was instutionalized 3 different times from a different stages psychosis. I felt trapped. The 1st I was 17 had stage 1, the second was 22 stage 3 and the last was 40 was stage 4.

But before that I had been hospitalized do to extreme abdominal pain at 15. Then at 16 because I fainted and needed 2 units of IV magnesium and 2 units of IV potassium.

At 16 my father forced me to have an abortion. I was told I would be unconscious but as they were prepping me and had given a needle of something in my IV, they kept prepping, straping my arm to a board, shaving and putting on iodine I started to full out panic saying I am still a Wake! I am still aWake!!!.
They held me down because I was trying to sit up and pulling my legs up and bottom higher up the bed. All the staff were trying to straighten my body and forcing my chest and head down. They have me another large needle, I watched and didn't feel remotely sedated. When all ghe nurses and doctors were trying to get me back into position, they were visible angry, one said " we got a fighter "
Did I mention that this was for an abortion in my 2nd trimester. A forced abortion.

As I was saying my panic levels were starting to rise again after the second needle.
No kindness was given to me, no comforting words that everything would be ok.
Final one staff said " we have to gas her" like I was some nonperson.
Next thing I knew this large gas mask was on my face and the force of the gas was so strong it almost winded me, like trying to breath in a very strong wind. Then I woke up. Apparently too early.
The nurse called down the hall and yelled she's awake. Then she ran down the hall. I was back in my room. I yanked out the IV and taped it dressed stupid fast and left the hospital. I went to my mom's work ( my parents were divorced) and when she say me she went pale. I started yelling, " You did nothing " over and over again. Then I ran out. I wondered around in a fog and feeling terrified. Then I went to my moms and sat on her porch until she got home.

Each time I was hospitalized for psychosis I was tied to a bed for a number of days or weeks given needles full of meds that left me barely aware of what was happening.

I was also hospitalized for 5 month stillborn, having my appendix and part of my intestine ruptured and a couple more times for IV magnesium and potassium.

I always have to walk around in the hospital even for non-mental health issues, often until 3 am, because I feel trapped if I stay in my room.

I think being tied down and having forced procedures is the main reason. Like, if I know the hallways and I had to run for some reason I know I could if I had to.


Some antipsychotics cause restlessness leg syndrome as well


Certain voices irritate me music irritates me natural medicine helps
