So, you want a Fish Business?

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Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

Tetra 6 in 1 Test Strips (I use these)

Tetra Ammonia Test Strips ( I use these)

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Bacto Surge Sponge Filter

Cheap China Sponge

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission(at no charge to you), which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy.
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Автор for great guppies and plecos!


Love your heart to heart talks, you're the definition of keeping it real! Appreciate you!


I am very pleased with this video Michael thank you I started running my own business at the peak of Covid and I finally feel like I found something I can put all my being into


I've thought for many many years I'd like to start a business breeding and selling fish but I've always been apprehensive because I run a marketing and publishing business already and I know what's involved in running a business and I'm scared that I'll ruin the hobby for myself. I think a lot of people dream of starting a business from their hobby but they don't know what's involved with running a business in general and they don't know how easily something you once loved can become a MASSIVE amount of work and stress.


I’ve recently started a bristlenose side hustle in north brisbane AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺, peppermints, albinos, calicos ect . I have been lucky to strike deals with LFS . And also private online sales have been really good. But I wouldn’t commit to a full on business though. Just a hobby that pays some pocket money you know lol 😂


Thank you Michael. I really appreciate your honesty and candor . You call it like it is. Very refreshing. Keep up the good work!


I really enjoy candid videos like this. Thanks!


Great insightful video! The aspect that would scare me the most is trying to ensure the fish arrive alive with the unreliable shipping going on. You aren't the only guy i have heard complain about the shipping horror stories.


Michael, You have only scratched the surface of this subject, as I'm sure you know. Please keep the videos rolling out, I love to listen while delivering the mail on my route.


Great great great video Mike You said lots of things that I am feeling right now we've only been in business for a year and a few months now and we are feeling it alyou're feeling it also my wife tries to come out and help and help but I've got over 3800 gallon of water in the garage It is very stressful right now and I'm wondering if I did and decide on the right thing to start this business You and I are a lot alike you started it to help with some mental issues and that's exactly one of the things I started it helped me And then I really love you don't hold nothing back you say it the way it is Maybe someday we'll meet face-to-face You have helped me in my fishroom a lot


I appreciate you being nice about that guy who shipped the fish I’m sure if you have never done it before it’s so hard


I’m doing this full time as Covid wrecked our audio business. I have 4-5 stores as customers and could get more if I could figure out how to ramp up production


Good stuff Michael! Thank you for exhibiting what one would have to deal with. Lots of choosing lesser evils. I’m down to 4 tanks of guppies. I have a cross of your red snakeskins and Halfmoon yellow tigers that I love.


Happy Birthday. That was a beautiful video at the end with your coworkers. So glad they celebrated you.


I've been raising my guppys in 300 gallon rubbermaid ponds and for 3 years my 2 LFS's were buying everything I could breed. Now one has gone under and the other has new management and only wants to pay in store credit. No way in heck do I have time to ship so I am out of the guppy business. I'm not even putting my breeders out this year. They will go into retirement in a 125 mutt guppy tank. My SA Cichlids are happy though...because fry are tender and delicious!


I've thought about a fish/aquatic plant business, but being on a fixed income
makes it hard when everything is going up day after day. So I'm thinking about
just have a small 16x16 ft shed as my fish/plant room & go from there. 🤔

I've been doing some plan drawing of how I can set it up & what size tanks
will work in a space that size to make it work, I'm not in a good selling area
& not getting into fish shipping, but thinking about shipping aquatic plant's.

I already have 3-55 gal tanks 2-110 gal stock tanks 1-30 gal long & a 20 long
as well as a 75 gal tank that will be for growing plant's out to sell, so I have a
good start up with tanks I just have to get into the new place to get it going.

The place is on a well for water, so I'm not sure how my fish will be & do with
well water, but I'll find out when the time comes with the goldfish I have are
set up & see how they do before getting any other fish which will be guppies.


It's nice to see your whole setup including the bad stuff which most people hide. I always thought you had lots more tanks... I breed and sell my fish as our govt here in Australia pay a pittance for people with a disability so I do this for extra money to help me live. At present I have 8 operational tanks but want to run a few more, I am setting up a fish room in the front room of my house but it is a slow process for me as I need to clear that room and then move tanks and set them up and also acquire more second hand tanks to run as well as the filters, heaters and associated needs.


My wife has no interest and my 11 yr old boy also has no interest. I'm thinking those four should get together and go bowling! 🤣 Great insight on the love of this labor. Kind started the same way. If I wasn't doing my Fish room, I'd be rearranging the living room furniture every other month. GREAT VIDEO!


Hang in there Michael, hopefully things will get better. I am an avid watcher of your videos and as always enjoy them. Much love sent your way from East Tennessee.


Over feeding doesn't cause snails
