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In this video I show you what products, tanks, filters, gravel, decorations, etc. you should NOT buy for your BETTA FISH! There are so many terrible harmful products out there marketed for betta fish. I get a lot of questions about what is okay and not okay to put in your betta tank, so I decided to make a video. Thank you everyone for watching!

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POSTING THE “What Items TO BUY” VERY SOON!! I didn’t expect the like goal to be reached so quickly 😓 THANK YOU!


I was very naive when I bought a beta for my daughter several years ago. Everything I bought for it, including its tiny little plastic "tank", was marked as being specifically for betas so ofc I thought I was doing right by the little guy. I really didnt put much thought into it beyond that ...at first. But after we had him for a while, I started to realize just how sentient and intelligent they are. I was amazed to see such a big personality in a little fish. It was super endearing the way he would start to dance and jiggle whenever he saw me walk into the room. He lived a relatively long time for a beta I assume partly due to my diligent cleaning of his tank every couple of days even though I now understand how grossly inadequate it still must have been. It saddens me to think of him now that I know what I wish I had known back then. But even more than that, it really angers me that the very people who design products to house and care for these animals are systemically manufacturing torture chambers for them instead and marketing them as adequate and proper. Thanks for doing what you can to educate people about it!


I did my research and went to buy a 3 gallon tank. The lady in the store asks me "what fish is it for?" I told her it was for a betta and she immediatelly showed me a selection of those small "bettariums". I just turned around and said that it was too small.
Also it is really unsettling that they will sell basically any animal to you without asking if you know how to care for it.


Thank you for not completely bashing the stores themselves! I work at a big chain petstore and I myself even turn customers away from many of our products because they are not suitable for the fish.


I always buy the babies & the sick ones! I have had 19 so far. I nurse the sick ones back to health. The shortest life span I had was 3 years and the longest 5 1/2 years.
They all have their own personality, I just love getting to know them💜


I used to have a betta when I was 6, and you guessed it, it was mistreated and stressed. Tiny bowl, dirty tank, ... But recently I researched about them and realized how intelligent and personable they are. I learnt from my past mistakes. My new betta, Obi, is living in a 5 gallon, filter, and plants. I love him so much haha


a Wal-Mart in NY stopped selling fish completly because of abuse


They want the fish to die so the customer will come back to buy another one.


Thank you for this video. I'm attempting to foster a sick betta back to health, after he was underfed and left untreated in a pet store. He has fin rot, a fungal infection, and a mild case of Popeye. I'm very new to betta fish and got him so he could get some actual treatment. I accidentally bought the wrong food (the flake food you showed in the video), and almost bought the wrong tank decor. We need more cautionary videos like this.


the petshop workers watching her record this 👁👄👁


“Most of these products in the store arent safe!” *nods in hamster owner*


All those lil teeny-tiny "tanks" & bowls are good for is a home for a pet moss-ball. And that 1 gallon bowl kit, all I would keep in there is a couple of moss-balls & 1 snail. And if I really really really had to have a fish, then one of those fake silicone fish.

Also, it's a MYTH that bettas like small spaces cuz they live in puddles. *face-palms* I can't tell you how many people have told me that & that it's true. *shakes my head*

Also LOVE the color of your new car!! My family always throws a handful of change in a new car, so that you always have gas money & good luck with the car. Since I can't do that, I'm throwing some virtual coins in! :D


2:52 I feel so called out, lol.
My grandmother bought this for her betta, and once I took over care, I moved him to a 2.5 gallon tank. That one became the 'hospital' or 'I'm cleaning your real one, hang out in here for a while' tank.


Its so sad that people abuse betta fish good job on educating people about them!


That pink castle you picked up caused major ammonia issues in my tank. I removed it at the suggestion of another fish keeper and within two days the ammonia was gone.


2:38 my friend’s sister has two of those “tanks” for her two bettas (she get them for Christmas from her parents) and they literally filled the “tanks” HALFWAY WITH GRAVEL. So the bettas have barely two inches (tall) of water to swim in. I have no idea how they’re still alive after 6 months of living in that cramped space. I’m not blaming my friend or her sister, I’m blaming her parents. They should have done their research before buying that. Not to say I don’t make mistakes with my own betta. I recently placed a rock with an anubias super glued to the top of it. I wasn’t really thinking about how the rock was dangerous for my betta since it has sharp edges. She now has three scrapes from the rock. I removed the rock from the tank. I’m currently treating her wounds with aquarium salt and I’ll start adding bettafix once I’m sure the wounds aren’t infected. Also, does anyone know if bettafix is safe for nerite snails? I have a nerite snail in my betta’s tank and I’m not sure if it’s safe...


I had a betta fish and now I know that everything I was doing was so wrong I had those tanks that you showed that bad and the toys I got were so sharp and the rocks were colored I had the purple and blue rocks that you showed


I’m here with my betta in a heavily live planted 10gallon lol


Sooo a couple of weeks ago I walked into pet smart because I wanted to get my nephews new kitten a collar. I walked past the beta fish and saw all the female bettas were basically dying and if not already dead. The male bettas were thriving though! Now you can probably blame it on how emotional i was feeling that day... or not ... I have NOOOO idea what compelled me to do this but... I bout them. ALL. All 8 females that were alive. I quarantined them for about a week and added them to a 20 gallon tank. They seem to be doing extremely well but I care for them so much now I don’t want to mess this up!

When I tell you this video is coming in STRONG for me lol you have no clue. Thank you for posting this. Looking forward to the second part on what to buy for my tank. Officially subscribed!


When my boyfriend was like 7, his parents bought him one of those split tanks and two Male bettas. One jumped into the other side because it must've been stressed and poorly taken care of and they killed each other when in the same side. It's so sad the way bettas are treated 😥 everyone I've ever known has had them in a vase.
