Officer Training School (Air Force OTS) Tips & Advice

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Your Air Force recruiter and the Air Force's website is the final authority concerning all information related to the OTS application process. The OTS format and experience evolves over time and information in this video will become outdated. All attempts were made to make the information in this video accurate, but I can not speak formally as a representative of the Air Force or AETC's OTS mission.


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Prior Enlisted Checklist for OTS

Reddit thread for Officer Training School

#OfficerTrainingSchool #OTS #AirForce

This video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not in any way acting as an agent or representative of the Department of Defense or United States Federal Government when presenting this information. I am not a legal or financial expert or have any authority to give legal or financial advice. While all the information in this video is believed to be accurate at the time of its recording, realize this channel and its author makes no express warranty as to the completeness or accuracy, nor can it accept responsibility for errors appearing in this video.

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Thanks for watching everyone! Give this video a THUMBS UP if you can to help out my channel. Also, your Air Force recruiter and AETC is the final authority concerning all information related to the OTS process. Officer Training School evolves over time and information in this video will become outdated. All attempts were made to make the information in this video accurate, but I can not speak formally as a representative of the Air Force or the AETA. Talk to your recruiter first if you have questions about OTS.

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I graduated in October 2020.

Some additional info before attending OTS: be able to pass the PT test with a 85 or higher, learn how to march and call cadence loudly the Air Force way (try to sound like a MTI), complete ALL CBTs (btw the PDF study guide was useless), come with 2 pairs of comfortable boots (you might get rained on), take a peek at the OTSMAN, learn how to shoot and clear a pistol, learn how to use a lensatic compass (just basics), buy enough clothing to last you 5 days (underwear, coyote shirts, socks, 3 pairs of OCP blouses and trousers), working gloves (color does not matter), mouthpiece for sparring, OCP hat with rank already sewn on, green duffle bag, 2 months worth of Q-tips, elderberries (Garden of Life), ibuprofen, allergy ointment, erasable pens, small notepads, 2 rolls toilet paper, printer and ink (if you have space), beet supplement for PT, black watch cap, towel (you can hang it on the bed frame), and your own PILLOW.

For the academic assessments only study the Samples of Behavior (SOBs). For the 3 "papers" follow the PowerPoint directions carefully. There should be a PowerPoint with audio available, though you might have to click on the hyperlink within the calendar. Memorize the POW Code of Conduct. Try to sleep around 9pm or no later than 9:30pm. The MTIs will not come to see if you sleep right at 10pm. Come together as a flight and you will be alright.


Thank you Sir. Here I am at 75, and listening to my 17 year old grandson stating he want to go through Air Force rotc programs. I wholeheartedly support this opportunity for him. That said I will be forwarding this excellent video to him. Thank you again.


That's funny how the active-duty people are, it's true though. * sleep in your PT gear for those wondering lol


As an airman who will be attempting OTS within the next year or two, I’d say regardless if you’re prior or not, keep a low profile, watch, learn, and do exactly what they say. I don’t know if that’ll work in OTS, but it’s always better to speak softly and carry a big stick, you learn more from listening than being the loudest in the room.


I want to say on behalf of those like me who are prior service how much I apologize for that type of behavior. That is not what the Air Force is about. We are supposed to be a team, and if I know something that you don't know, I'm doing you a disservice by not sharing it with you. I'm a nurse and I hope to be chosen to be an officer. I so badly want to serve my country. Congratulations on your commission and thank you so much for this video. It has helped me a lot!


Very good video! I went through officer training as a first lieutenant as a nurse practitioner in 1992. The hardest thing I had was running the mile and a half in under 12 1/2 minutes. I had broke my leg six months earlier, and despite having run track in high school and having been fairly decent, I could barely make it, and they cut me about five seconds worth of slack, so I passed. Thanks for posting!


This is my third time watching this since ive been processing this last year. It gets funnier and funnier each time I watch it with your sense of humor in describing things. Im going to OTS in two weeks.


Going to be heading to OTS as a prior service Marine for a pilot slot. Was stressing and after hearing this I am not anymore. Honestly OTS sounds way way different from my boot camp experience as an enlisted jarhead. Appreciate the video


Hi Jake,
I am a prior enlisted guy who has been out for several years and looking to go back in as a reserve officer. Watching your video and the way the schoolhouse functions is a completely different beast than what i experienced back in 2010. It kinda blows my mind how much freedom they give you. Well, if anyone has gone through enlisted BMT they should be able to do this no problem. Thanks for the video and sharing some things that i can be prepared for.


I love how you change the background to the left of the screen on all your videos! Creative!


As a guard person looking into commissioning, it's nice to hear someone finally say something positive about the Guard lol We're always the hardest working on deployments and the one with most knowledge because we tend to stay more long term versus active duty. Great videos man.


I still remember my class from OTS but I also remember our "Lower Flight". They were all such great people. OTS in those days was nothing but a "pressure cooker". We all made it through that mess. I look at these videos and remember my experience and think: how much of that experience was a waste of time. Good luck. Play by the rules and check 6 always.


Your videos have helped me so much, especially I'm getting ready to go into Air Force OTS soon. Thank you!


LOL the reserve/guard guys did it right. Thats how I got my commission. The vibe is so much better on the guard / reserve side of the house because we take care of our own unlike the Active Duty that moves around every 2 to 3 years getting chewed up and spit out through the grinder that is regular air force.. consider the reserves folks.


Thank you so much for this video Jake. I have been back and forth on the USAF since I was 18. I have been thinking about shaking life up (now 34) and pursuing the officer path since I have a degree. I have zero military experience and would definitely have a steep learning curve. Nervous but excited. Waiting to hear back from recruiter.


Thanks. I graduated from Army OSC in 1973. I like your Schwab posts. Keep up the good work.


COT '09... a tremendous experience... I am remembering the "Big Red Bed" (a really dreadful lecture hall, cold all the time, all done in red velour). Everyone was head-bobbing, trying to stay awake, and I only fell asleep once, and thankfully managed not to get busted. The whole COT experience was insane, as should be expected. I was a non-prior, and the reliance on the priors is truly a big deal. I'm a bit surprised and I am not sure that I understood your video correctly, but are you saying that COT and OTS students are all mixed together in flights or squadrons? We had a separate COT squadron... doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, chaplains, and other 'critters', as he said, already wearing rank. The drill sergeants all had the (gold?) braids on their campaign covers, meaning they were the top of the heap among MTI's. Massive mad-respect to them... they were truly awesome, and it felt almost like an insult (against them) to have to be 'sir'd and 'ma'am'd from them... "three more push-ups... ma'am!" The flight commanders/cadre were great... they were all prior service from all around the Air Force doing so many different jobs and experiences. They were tough, but fair, and, all-in-all, inspiring. This briefing is bringing me back to, perhaps, the most intense, powerful, transformative 6-ish weeks of my life. I'm out now, but thankful for putting up with it all as the gateway to being able to serve my country and the Airmen that I had the honor to serve. Good luck to all.


I was just a few classes after yours and it's interesting how much is consistent from one class to the next. Prior-Es repeating "this is not the real air force" was almost a mantra they told themselves to make it through class each day 😆


I just found out that I was selected into the Nurse Transition Program and will start in October. Need to mentally prepare myself for it. Even though I have a few months, still a bit nervous.
