The Datsun’s MAJOR problem I’ve been hiding…

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During the audio-less test pull clip I am 95% sure Adam said:

"Linear powerband, simple build, Blitz 003's, Ganadors, gripped up, Ford 9", Garrett G-series turbo"


Adam - "It's faster! Wow, that's half of what this engine can do"

Collete - "Adam, the viewers want more 335i content, can you confirm you will work on it soon?"

Adam - "Yes, I'd be delighted to."


The Datsuns biggest problem is it isn't 500hp yet


Just wanna let you know, that a bit of surface cleaning wont get rid of the mold in the headliner. Not even close. You'll still have tons and tons of spores building and releasing into the air of the cabin. If you really want to get rid of it, the headliner either needs to go entirely or at the very least get a heavy clean outside the car, so you can decontaminate the inside at the same time.


as an RX7 guy myself, make sure the oil cooler is big enough and flowing. a good portion of the cooling on a 13b is the oil cooler.


Best part of the video is definitely when Adam was adlibbing the car ride with Collette. That shit was straight hilarious 🤣 😂


Seriously all you needed was the plastic cap that goes on the ball at the bottom of the shifter. Back in those days Mazda only had 4 transmissions. A rwd manual, a rwd auto, a fwd manual, and a fwd auto. Even the trucks and Miata used the FC's transmission 😂 so the fix is the same on them all! I had this problem in all three of my FCs and all 4 of my B series trucks stupid simple and the dealers sell them for $.87 each 😊


Adam: “Wow, this drives way better than any of TJs cars!”
Collette: “Even the ones he doesn’t drive?”
Adam: “Especially the RX7 he never drives!”


After that LZ - "marry me Collete" Collete - " yes duh, about time" lmao


Hi Adam, that spring is for returning the shifter to neutral from the 1st / 2nd gear side. It will only stop the sloppyness when in neutral. There's a bush that sits in the gearbox that the ball of the shifter will sit into, and the shifter ball has a bush ontop. So basically the ball of the shifter once locked in place will have a bush top and bottom


Hey Adam, IV got a S5 trans. What makes the biggest difference is the cup bushing that holds the ball at the bottom of the shifter. Mazdatrix sell a kit with the tool required 😊


Change the radiator hoses to hard pipes, and put in a single or double pass radiator. Also oil and water temps work hand in hand. A good oil cooler setup will help alot with water temps.


The radiator is fine get a radiator hose with the metal spring in it. The hose had been hot so many times or is so old that it lost the rubberized form and rigidity. It happens on older cars all the time


Adam: "Holy cow its kinda fast!"

Colette: "Stop granny shifting instead of double clutching like you should be."


Let’s be fair, the Datsun needs a full rip out and rebuild.

And also let’s be fair, she’s definitely worth it.


It’s very common for lower radiator hoses to have a spring in it to stop that from happening. It could be that the hose is too soft for the amount of suction it’s under.
It’s happened to me multiple times on older cars, hot rods etc.
I would put a spring in the lower hose (buy a cheap universal flex hose and pull the spring out of it) and add a thermostat back to the engine and see if that fixes it. That’s worked for us more than once.


I had the same cooling issue with my old car. You mentioned no thermostat. You’re not allowing the coolant to stay in the radiator long enough to get cool. That’s why when you spray water at it it’ll get cold again. Throw a thermostat in it and coolant. The no thermostat and straight water did the same thing to my car. 👍🏻


I'd try a new radiator, ive experienced issues with lower quality radiators. Needs a thermostat as well, helps fight cavitation in the pump. I drill a small hole in thermostat to help get fluid to the back of it if car sits for periods of time as well


So, get a lower radiator hose with a spring in it to prevent the vacuum created by the water pump from sucking the hose shut. Some are molded into the hose, some are simply put inside the hose.


I’m dying at the added commentary. “Omg Adam this car is the fastest car you own, I wanna be with you forever because of that pull you just did” 🤣 I was rolling.
