Part II - Ludwig Wittgenstein : Session I - Lecture by Professor Shefali Moitra

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A series of lectures by eminent scholars; coordinated by Professor Sobhanlal Datta Gupta, former S. N. Banerjee Professor of Political Science, Calcutta University.
As we know, the German intellectual tradition is of crucial importance for understanding of social sciences. Many important clues to the understanding of new perspectives like the debate on modernity and Enlightenment, postmodernism, post-colonialism, identity and self, etc. can be traced to the contributions of the German tradition. Considering the importance of this theme, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata brings a programme of lectures on the following thinkers, namely, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Max Weber, Nietzsche, Freud, Husserl, Heidegger, Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Lukács, Popper, Gadamer, Wittgenstein, Arendt, Benjamin and Habermas. The first phase of the Programme (September, November, 2013; January, March, 2014) will cover four lectures on Kant, Hegel, Marx and Max Weber.
Each thinker would be discussed in two sessions, the duration being of two hours each. The sessions will be addressed by eminent resource persons, followed by interaction with the participants.
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Such wonderful lecture Professor. Thanks.


SO far this is the most understandable talk I have heard on Winky! Nice! I'm also impressed by the level of questions from audience and the fact that some of the questions were being asked in native language. Looking forward to watch the second session.


Captions, please. Sometimes it is hard to understand because of microphone distance.
Overall a really comprehensive lecture on TLP. It helps a lot to understand some key aspects of Wittgenstein's investigations.
